Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

To All Of The Wrongs We Made Right.

"Oh my fuckin- Jersey come here please!" Ronnie called from the kitchen.

I laughed, popping my head into the kitchen. Ronnie stood frowning, holding a jar of applesauce in one hand, and a spoon in the other. His plain black shirt was covered with applesauce. I stepped into the kitchen, placing my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

"Yes Ronald?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him.

He jabbed his thumb over at Scarlet who sat on the counter with a mischievous grin on her rosy lips. "Feed her while I wash up?" Ronnie asked, glancing down at his shirt in disgust.

I nodded, "Hurry up, we're going to watch Mulan with her."

Ronnie trudged away, mumbling stuff like 'sticky' and 'evil' under his breath. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the jar of applesauce and the spoon. "Isn't uncle Ronnie a dumbie?" I asked Scarlet poking her cheek.

She giggled cutely while nodding her head. I handed her the jar, "Obviously uncle Ronnie doesn't know that..." I raised my voice so that Ronnie could hear me from the bathroom. "YOU'RE A BIG GIRL THAT KNOWS HOW TO FEED YOURSELF."

"Fuck!" I heard Ronnie shout from the bathroom. I could hear his footsteps clearly as he stomped his way back into the kitchen.

"You mean she could feed herself?!" He asked, throwing his arms in the air.

I nodded, my eyes slowly trailing down to Ronnie's bare chest. I blinked a few times, thinking of ways to play off me staring at his abs. There was no excuse, let's be truthful; I wanted to lick his abs.

"Ronnie...go put a shirt on." I commanded him, picking Scarlet off the counter.

Ronnie scoffed, "You know you want this."

I shook my head, carrying Scarlet to the couch. I popped 'Mulan' into the dvd player, and hurriedly flicked the lights off.

I plopped down on the couch, bringing Scarlet onto my lap. Ronnie joined us a couple of minutes later, wearing a plain bright red shirt.

"So what're we watching?" Ronnie asked, propping his feet on the coffee table.

"SHH!" Scarlet shushed him, glaring at him menacingly.

Ronnie scoffed, "Oh an Asian looking girl, we are definitely watching Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon."

I gasped, and elbowed his ribs. "Watch it Radke. Mulan's my favorite movie."

Ronnie fell silent and watched the movie with Scarlet and I. Halfway through my eyes drifted towards Ronnie where they stayed. He was so perfect, sweet, funny, and drop dead gorgeous.

He looked at me and started smirking, "Wacha looking at?"

"You, duh!" I laughed, earning a loud 'Shush' from Scarlet.

"My bad, my bad." I mumbled, gesturing towards the back porch.

Ronnie nodded, getting up and exiting through the glass doors. I placed Scarlet on the empty seat beside me, "Jersey's going to talk to Ronnie alright?"

Scarlet nodded, giving me full permission to blow her off. I followed Ronnie outside, he was seated on a lawn chair blowing out the smoke he had trapped in his mouth. I sat down on the seat beside him, staring at him intently. I tried to read his facial expression, and eventually his soft stare turned into something familiar.

I kept quiet the whole time Ronnie smoked his cigarette, I needed a second to myself, to analyze what I would say to him. He snubbed the cigarette butt on the concrete, an focused his full undivided attention on me. His lips went from a thin line to a small smile. "What're you thinking about?" He asked, placing his head on his enclosed fist as a mode of support.

I shrugged, "Noting specifically."

Ronnie cocked an eyebrow at me, and reached forward to grab a lock of my hair. I laughed softly, "Can't wait until New Years!" I said. Ronnie's smile dropped, my statement only reminded him of our limited time together. Once again we both fell silent, lost in the train-wreck that is our minds. Finally, I was able to read Ronnie's facial expression clearly, it depicted of fear and uncertainty, and that's when I whispered four comforting words to him.

"And this is possible."
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for taking so long, don't hate me :|
updates from me will come more frequent.
& Who else loves A Skylit Drive?
btw this chapter title came from lyrics of Eris and Dysnomia ;D