Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

Drown the City.

Foshizz, I was trying to come up with the pyhsics and calculations to create a time machine, unfortunately I failed pyhsics and math.
Everything does happen for reason, that's why when life shoves us to the ground, when we get back up we're stronger and smarter than before.
I think your sweet, and everyone else can shove it.
I know my friends are super sexy, and they always have my back.
I wish I could send you a package of friend chicken, and mashed potatoes with gravy,
but by the time they'd get there they'd be cold and icky!
So when do you get out?
I thought it would be spectacular if we could meet and shit.
Okay so I've had the worst week ever, and if you don't mind i'm going to tell you, just to help make myself feel better.
So Monday, everything was fine I was driving to work, then my car got a flat.
No big deal?
Then on Tuesday, some little demon broke my two front windows on my house.
Wednesday, I found my boyfriend, well no ex boyfriend
making out with some slut whose boobs were bigger than watermelons.
Thursday i drove 3 hours to go see The Devil Wears Prada,
then I found out they had canceled their show.
Finally Friday my dog ran away D:
and I'm still searching for her,if you happen to see a small Yorkie wearing a black collar with studs, let me know.
Wait. Forget it.
But my week really sucked, and I'm hoping that nothing happens today,
I plan on ordering pizza and watching Mulan.

Can't wait to hear back from you.

Love, Jersey.

P.S Feel free to give me one anytime.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mulan's my favorite movie :D