Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

Another Lesson In Love

Jersey Girl,

You have me drooling. Fried chicken and mashed potatoes sound really good! The food here is…. Well let’s just say when I get out and eat some real food I will probably go into shock. Or eat so much I get fat. Haha, guess I better keep up with my work outs.
As far as I know I’ll be out December 15; my birthday. Best birthday present EVER. We will defiantly have to meet! You should come to Vegas after I get out. Remind me to give you Nason (my best friend)’s address before I leave this hell hole. Or send me your phone number and I’ll call you after I get out and get a phone again and we can talk. I can’t wait to hear your voice.

Wow Jersey, you are having some shitty luck. You’re ex is a fucking retard, I can tell you that. We haven’t been talking (writing?) for that long and I can already tell you that you are a way better girl than some chick with a shitty boob job. Personally I think watermelon sized boobs are over rated. They’d be in the way of everything! Try to kiss the girl and you’d have to lean over her boobs. Not worth it.

So, Nasty (aka Nason) came to visit me today. He showed me some of the art that fans did. It’s fucking crazy. These kids are really good! Some of them look just like me, if not better! (I’m scared Jersey, they may try to steal my place in the band O_O) One girl even made this Sims (it’s a computer game evidently) of me. I don’t even want to imagine the dirty things that my sim self does…. I probably have like 60 sim babies.

I got this letter in today that really got to me too. It was from this girl who thanked me for my lyrics. Nothing abnormal there, lots of people do. But she said that The Day I Left the Womb helped her a lot. Not because her mother left her, but because her cousins’ mother did. Evidently she had left when they were babies and she (the girl) has been helping raise them by being the older sister/mother figure in their life since then, And then when they were like 5 she kidnapped them on Christmas eve. How crazy is that? Well anyway she said that now she knows that when they are old enough she can play that song for them and they’ll know they aren’t alone in the world. That the same thing happened to me (sorta) and I’m still okay.

I can honestly say it’s fans like her who make me happy to be out there, writing and singing. It makes me feel like I’m doing something good, you know? I like that I’m helping kids with problems, making their shitty day better, or just plain giving them eargasms with my lyrics and voice. I just hope I can live up to their expectations.

Eat some pizza for me!


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*cough cough* .... I was the person who made the Ronnie Sim. BUT HE DOES NOT HAVE 60 SIM BABIES!

He has like 4....

Plus, Nasty really liked the Ronnie sim :)