You never told me love was going to be this hard

Trying to get him jealous *revised*

"Oh god Bethanie! What am I going to do? He won't even look at me!" I whispered to my best friend, I could tell her anything and I always did.

"Well I don't know! It's not my fault that the hottest and most popular guy in school doesn't like you!" She whisper yell while I trying to 'shh' her to silence. "Well come on! Why don't you go out with Frank?" She asked with distain, I sighed and looked over at him. He was cute, boyfriend material, but not love material.

"You know I won't because I love Gerard!" I whispered in fruststration.

"Oh my god! Frank's coming over here!" I watched as his slim form walked over to us, I groaned.

"What's wrong with you? The second hottess guy in school is walking over to our table! The outcast table!" She said in annoyance. She was about to scorn me some more but that's when Frank started to talk.

"Hey Ariel." he said smoothly, I smiled.

"Hey." I said back as I looked over at Bethanie.

"Um...I wanted to ask you something." He said with a shy smile, Bethanie gave me a look that said I have to talk to you!

I leaned over and she whispered, "If he's about to ask you out, which I know he is, say yes!"

I whispered back, "Why should I say yes?"

"Because," She said while looking like this was all so obvious. "Gerard's looking at you and I'm betting that if you go out with him," She shifted her gaze to Frank. "Gerard will get jealous and want to go out with you." She said with a satisfied smile, I smiled back it was perfect.

"Yes?" I asked him, urging him to go on.

"Well, I as wondering if you'd like to go out with me." He said it quickly and quietly.

I looked at him and said, "I'd love to go out with you Frank."