Daddy's Little Girl


"Come on baby" I smile at my daughter and unbuckle her from her car seat.

I pick her up and carry her to the front porch of the house. I put her down and knock on the door.

"CAMERON! JANESSA!" Jenna screams and hugs Janessa and I tightly.

I laugh and hug her back.

"look at you! Wow, did daddy do your hair?" Jenna asks.

She giggles and nods.

"Daddy do hair!" she grins at me and hugs my leg.

"Janessa, do you remember Auntie Jenna?" I smile down at her.

She just stares at my sister, shaking her head.

"Well this is Aunt Jenna" I smile and pick her up.

They grin at each other and she leaps into Jenna's arms with that cute little smile. I jog down the stairs and back into the car to get the bags, with a smile I close the trunk.

I see my daughters dark locks bouncing when she runs to me, grinning, her tiny white teeth showing very well. I chuckle and she jumps up and down, following me into the house.

"You're going to love it here! It's beautiful! It's green! ... Theres alot of girls on the block" she murmurs the last part under her breath.

I frown at her and place my stuff on the floor.

"Oh you mean your girlfriends?" I smrik.

"HEY! I was 16 and curious! It was just ONE kiss!" she shakes her head.

"Yeah, and she was just the ONE girl" I mutter.

"Daaaaddy. I peed" my daughter giggles.


"Daycare?! No! She's not going to daycare! She's been with me and mom for TWO years, no way in hell in she going in day care" I frown.

"Shes two Cameron. She will live through it, and do you want her going into school with no firends?!" Jenna frowns.

"Fine! But I have to go. I love you" I smile and hug my daughter tightly.

She kisses my lips quickly and her tiny arms wrap around my neck.

"Bye daddy" she smile.

"Bye baby. Have fun with Auntie Jenna" I smile and kiss her plump cheek.


I sigh loudly, 16 year old with a two year old daughter. Definatly not something to go around high school on your first day.

I get out of my Black Rabbit. I know, so Jacob Black right? Suck it up bitch. I got it before he even made it.

I put on my shades and grab my back pack from the passenger seat. Everyone stares at me, I shrug it off and smoothly walk into the school

I walk up to the front office and smile at the plump lady behind the desk. She smiles.

"Cameron Collins i assume?" she smiles.

"Yupp" I smile.

"Okaty, locker number, schedual, and have a nice day" she grins.

"Thank you" I nod politely and walk down the hall way, of stares.

From everyone, teachers, frshmean, seniors and mostly girls.

"New Kid!" I hear a shout from infront of me.

I look up from my feet and see a couple of big guys, football jocks.

"I'd rather be called Cameron thank you" I say in a soft tone.

"Well I'm calling you new kid" one guy smirks.

"Than I'm going to call you Jackass. It's settled, nice meeting you" I smile and wave at him.

He grabs my shirt. He glares at me.

"What, you just suddenly walk into the school and decide to own it?" he sneers.

"No, I just walked into this school and decided that I didn't want to get pushed around or get into fights. You're not helping me, look at this position" I smile.

He frowns. I grab his wrist and grip it tightly. His wrist goes weak and I rip my shirt from his hands, everyone just stares at me.

"Thanks Jackass" I smirk and walk away, leaving him and his friends in shock.

"So, you're the one who stood up to Rick" a girl runs her hand down my arm before my second class.

"Urr yeah. Can you not do that?" I ask her with a soft smile and take her hand with mine.

I put it down and turn back to the teacherless classroom.

"What?!" she asks with a shocked face.

"I don't like it when people do that" I tell her with a soft tone.

"Fine" she frowns and walks to a different seat.

I chuckle and shake my head slowly, I grab my book and start doodling.

"Pssst. Your doodles look like my brothers" I hear a whisper from my right.

I lean in to my right.

"Pssst. I'm drawing what my little sister likes me to draw" I whisper back and turn my head, lookig at the pretty girl with big brown eyes.

"Really? She likes you to draw Giants, and little Trolls, butterflies and a little dude?" she smiles at me and takes the paper in her hands.

"No, she likes the story behind them all" I smile and take the paper back gently.

"Okay this is drama! So we are going to do some comfortable excercises today, hense the new student, Cameron" she says, her baby blue eyes land on me.

I smile softly and wave. She smiles and sits on her desk.

"Okay, move all the desks to the wall , but take your chairs and sit in a circle" she smiles.

I push my desk to the side and grab my chair, lifting it and sitting in a empty space. The girl who saw my doodles sits beside me. While another girl sits on the other side.

"Okay, this is called ;Have You ever? Okay. So I'm going to ask a question, and if you have, then you move to the chair on your right. If you haven't you stay seated" she smiles at us.

"But people are going to sit on us?" I girl asks.

"Thats the point... So first question... have you ever gotten drunk?" she smiles.

Everyone moves... except me. So the girl sits on my lap and everyone looks at me with shock. I never have to time to go out a party, Janessa is the only person on my mind.

"Have you ever had a girl force you down and put make up on you?" she giggles.

I laugh and move to the right. Some other guys did to. I sit on my own chair, my myself this time.

"Okayy.. have you ever smoked?" she asks.

I move to the right, most people do. I'm sitting on the girl from my doodles. She laughs and bounces her leg.

"What would you like little boy?" she giggles.

"For Santa to die a slow and painful death" I grin.

"You mean!" she giggles.

"No, I'm just a non-beliver" I smile.

"Okay... have you ever been dumped?" she asks looking at everyone.

I move to the right, along with the girl I sit on.

"I'm Athena" she grins.

"Cameron" I nod and smile.

"Have you ever eaten play dough?" the teacher asks.

I move, Athena stays.

"What colour?" she asks me.

"Green of course" I whisper.

"Have you ever taking over 100 pictures of yourself in a day?"

Athena sits on me. I laugh.

"Have you ever done drugs?" the teacher questions.

I moved slowly. Only about 6 people moved, including me.

"Have you ever lost someone you love?" she asks the class.

I move. I look down sadly, Jenna and my dad's the only one left.


"Hello Mr.Cameron" Athena smiles at me and sits beside me, outside.

"Hello Miss. Athena, how are you?" I smile softly ay her and take a bite of my apple.

"Nothing, eating lunch" she grins and takes a bite of her sandwhich.

"Eww. Ham" I scrunch up my nose with a smile.

"You don't lke ham!?" she says, eyes wide.

"Nope, proud veggie-tarian" I grin.

"wow. I'd have no life if I was a vegitarian" she giggles.

"You don't really notice the differnence after a year" I shrug.

"A year? I wouldn't last a week" she giggles.

"No commet" I smirk and put a grape into my mouth.

"Soo... about your doodle, you never really did tell me the story" she smiles.

She brings a folded paper from her pocket, my doodles. I laugh and look at them.

"It's my song, illastrated" I chuckle.

"You Mr.Cameron, suck at drawing" she laughs.

"I do indeed. But my little g-sister, Janessa loves to hear the small stories, so I make them into songs" I smile, thinking about my little girl.

"Janessa, what a sweet name, you're going to have to show me her sometime" she smiles.

"I like you. You don't knwo me that much, already making plans" I grin.

"So, is that a yes?" she giggles.

"Its a for sure" I chuckle.

"How old is she?" she asks curiously.

"Two, shes going to be three on my birthday" I grin.

"Awe! Thats cute, I want my brother to have the same brithday as me" she grins.

"Yeah, shes cute" I smile, looking at the doodles.

"See this little man right here, she said shes happy, and the big man, hes really greedy. But this dude right here, is me" i smile.

"That does look like you" she giggles.

"I know' I chuckle.

"So are you going to tell me the story, or what?" she smiles.

"I'll tell you it after school it you want, I don't like to ... talk about my stories in pulic, let alone sing them, if you want you could come see Janessa too" I smile.

"Well yeah! Just wait for me outside okay?" she grins when the bell rings.

"Okay" I smile and bite my apple.

She waves and walks away,.


"HEY RETARD WITH THE SHADES!" I hear a loud shout infront of me.

I roll my eyes and look up at the car, window rolled down. Jenna grins.

"Get in your daughter's been missing you" She smiles.

"I'm waiting for someone" I smile and lean against to car, putting my head through the window.

"DAddy!" Janessa grins from the back seat.

"Shhh Shhh. Janess. People are around remember?" I say with a sad face.

"Oh! Sowwy!" she giggles and puts a finger to her lips.

"Soo is she cute?" Jenna asks me.

"Of course my daughter is cute!" I frown at my sister.

"I mean the girl you're waiting for Dummy" Jenna laughs and pushes my head.

"She's pretty. And funny. But seriously Jenna, I didn't come down here for anything like that. Don't get your hopes up, just friends okay. I told her about my 'sister' and she wants to see her. And she wants to hear a song" I grin.

"You suck doorknob. Anyways, you have your car, now get out of my window! See you at home!" She grins.

"Bye sweety" I blow Janessa a kiss.

She giggles and blows me one.

"Byee" and the car leaves.

"Hey! there you are!" I hear a giggle.

I turn and see Athena.

"Here I am, come on, my car's right there" I laugh.


"You totally copied Jacob Black" she laughs.

"Jacob Black could hit an electric fence for all I care, I got the car first" I smile.

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes and we walk into the house.

"BOO!" Janessa shouts and jumps out from behind ther door.

"Ahh!" I laugh and hug her.

"Daddy I miss you!" she grins and hugs me.

"Daddy?" Athena asks.

"Oh! No, she gets confused with boys and all. She calls random guys Daddy" Jenna saves.

"Oooh. Wheres her real dad?" Athena asks.

"Me and my sister Jenna watch her, our mom passed away not to long ago and our dad uh dosen't really know about her" I say and bite my lip.

"Ooh. I'm sorry" she sighs.

"PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY!" Janessa grins at Jenna.

"What do ya know! We'll just leave you two alone" Jenna smirks and grabs Janessa.

She just leaves , into Janessa's room to play with her dolls.

"Sorry. She's been trying to hook me up with anygirl I talk to, for two years" I shake my head.

"Psh. It's alright, now... I've been dying for that story" she grins.
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Please! :)

C a l e i g h C a n n i b a l x3