Daddy's Little Girl


I nibble on my lip, holding the guitar case in my hand, I place it on my bed and open it. I take out my acoustic and sit on the bed silently.

"Are you going to play?" Athena giggles from the frame of my door.

I look up at her with a small smile. I nod slowly and motion for her to sit beside me on my bed. I grab a paper from my dresser quickly and place a pic between my teeth. I unfold the wrinkled paper and read it over thoughtfully.

"Sorry.. okay" I laugh, shaking my head and turning to Athena

"It's alright" she giggles.

I strum my guitar quickly and clear my throat.

I met a man of 2 feet tall,
This man was quite ambitious,
In a world that is so vicious to us all,
I said 'hi' as he replied,
He said 'Listen to these words
that I have lived by my whole life'

You're only as tall
as your heart will let you be
And you're only as small
as the world will make you seem
When the going gets rough,
And you feel like you may fall,
Just look on the bright side you're

Roughly six feet tall

I finish the first part of my story with a chuckle and look at Athena.

"See, that is him" I smile, and point to the small man in the doodle.

She just stared blankly at me. She blinks and then her eyes go to the little man. I bite my lip.

"I'm sorry if it sucked I'm not that go-"

"Oh My GAWD. That was.... breathless.... amazing! How do you come up with these stories... songs.... and your voice! It was... angelic! You could be famous! Oh my god! I LOVED it" she grins and hugs me tightly.

I sit there, akwardly in her arms. She pulls away blushing.

"I'm sorry" she murmurs.

"n-no it's alright just not that used to having girls MY age hugging me... so would you like to hear the rest?" I chuckle.

"Well duh, start singing boy!" she laughs and flicks my forhead.

"Okay, Okay calm down" I chuckle and put the paper beside me and start to strum again.

I met a man of 12 feet tall,
He towered like a giant
In a world that was defiant of his height
I said 'hi' as he replied
He said 'listen to these words
That i have dreaded my whole life'

Your only as tall
as your heart will let you be
And your only as small
as the world will make you seem
When the going gets rough
and you feel like you may fall
Just look on the brightside

Your Roughly Six Feet Tall'

I smile and look back at the smiling Athena.

"DADDY! Me too! Me too Daddy!" I hear a loud shout, thumps of feet are heard and the door opens.

My daughter grins and runs to me, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Hunny, okay.... sit here and I'll sing the last part okay?" I laugh and place her between Athena and I.

I clear my throat once and finish the song...

I am a man of six feet tall
Just looking for some answers
In a world that answers
None of them at all

I'll say 'Hi' But not reply
To the Letters that you write
because I found some
Piece of mind

Cause I'm only as tall
as my heart will let me be
and I'm only as small
as the world will make me seem

And when the going gets rough
and I feel like I may fall
I'll look on the bright side...

I'm Roughly Six Feet Tall

I finish with a long strum of my guitar....

Janessa giggles and claps her hands, then wrapping her short arms around my body.

"Pretty! Pretty! Pretty!" she giggles into my side.

"Thanks Janess, You're pretty" I laugh and hug her back.

"She's rihgt you know, that song was pretty... what was the inspiration?" Athena grins.

"Life... you know" I smirk at her and put the guitar away...

The arms leave my body and the feet run out of my room, giggles are heard down the hallway.

"She's cute...." Athena laughs.

"Yes, very much like her mother" I chuckle and close the guitar case with a sigh.

I lift it and put it in my closet carefuly, I turn to Athena with a sad smile.

"Was she pretty?" She murmurs, drawing designs on the blanket of my bed.

"Beautiful.. Bright blue eyes, just like her.... blunt and really giggly" I chuckle, thinking of Sarah.

Silence filled the room for five minutes.

"So she's not your sister" Athena looks at me with caring eyes.

"Noo.... she's my daughter.... how ?" I frown at her.

"She could be your sister.... but you'd have to be twins... she obviously has your hair.. you can hear your laugh in hers.. and her face structure is like yours, but more feminine" Athena smiles.

"Ooh.... you're not going to tell anyone will you?" I ask biting my lip.

"No, oh god no. It's not my secret to tell, it's yours.... but I'm just really curious" she giggles.

"Ahh.... here comes the questions"I chuckle and sit on the bed beside her.

"How old are you?" she smirks.

"16... yes i had sex at 14... love my virginity with her mom at 13, she's 2 years older then me" I roll my eyes with a laugh.

"Ooh. Okay... where is she now?" she asks.

"Anywhere she want's to be... I just don't know" I sigh.

"Ooh...." she mumbles quietly.

"Yeah, you want some ice cream?" I grin, changing the subject.

"Way to change a subject Mr.Cameron... but yes I do" she giggles.

I get off the bed and lend a hand to her with a smirk.

"May I escort you to the kitchen Miss. Athena?" I say with a random fake accent.

"Indeed to may, Misure Cameron" She says with the same fake accent and hooks her arm in my waiting one.

"Byee see you tommorrow!" I smile and wave at Athena as she leaves the house.

The door closes and I hear a whistle.

"She's a keeper, did you see her body Cam? She's hot... oh my god. I love her already.. she's really nice, funny, smart and exactly like me" Jenna grins and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Psh. You only like her because she flicked ice cream in my face" I laugh and shrug off her arm, getting a cup of Pepsi.

"That is A reason.. but seriously..." Jenna smiles and jumps on the counter.

"But seriously I'm not looking for a relation ship" I chuckle, digging in the fridge for food.

"Weirdo.. I seen you eyeing her..! LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! Anutie Jenna knows. Anyways.. not like all the girls around here are't going to pounce you. Seriously this town is SO deserate for a boyfriend, it is nuts" Jenna shakes her head.

"That is why you came here? All the desperate girls?" I smirkat her and sink my teeth into a piece of watermelon.;

"SHUT UP you dick! That was ONE time... it was YOUR fault you had to be a brat and sneak into the tree house! Haha... that watermelon was on the floor" Jenna smirks.

I spit out the mushy food and Jenna laughs.

"Kidding, I wouldn't do thaty to watermelon" she smriks at me and leave the room..


I got to stop falling for that....
♠ ♠ ♠
Song is

[ The Bright Side - NeverShoutNever! ]

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C a l e i g h C a n n i b a l x3