Tea Time



buh-bum buh-bum
buh-bum buh-bum
buh-bum buh-bum

buh-bum buh-bum buh-bum
buh-bum buh-bum buh-bum
buh-bum buh-bum buh-bum

The only sound in the wretched silence was the pounding of my heart.

Slow, at first, and then rapidly gaining speed. I was psyching myself out.

I was alone, which I absolutely hated to be, and my power had gone out. No power equals no phones.

Without a phone, I couldn't call my parents to let them know there was a power outage, or to make them come get me.

Again... I was alone.

I had my iPod Touch for a little while, and it kept me fairly entertained, until it, too, went out.

I sat in my living room, candles sending dim, flickering light over everything, causing weird, eerie shadows.

I took deep breaths, trying to push the news report of the night out of my mind. I would not do this to myself.

"This is News Channel 8 with a Breaking News Report at 9:23 p.m. Please, do not panic, but DO be safe. Tonight, a crazed madman by the name of Daryll Elliot has escaped from the local New Horizons Mental Health Asylum. Listen carefully-- He is dangerous. I repeat, he is indeed dangerous. If it isn't neccessary, do not leave your homes. Stay inside, lock your doors, and keep away from the windows. We will bring you more information the moment we receive it. Please, stay tuned."

I was being silly. I was at least ten miles away from where the man had escaped. There was absolutely no way he could make it anywhere near my neighborhood. Knowing that made me feel a little bit better.

I blew out the candles and snuggled in on the couch, intending to go to sleep. If I went to sleep, I wouldn't have to deal with the power being off, and tomorrow would come sooner, which meant my parents would be home.

Sleep didn't take long to find me.


I sat straight up, wide awake, and looked around. What the hell was that noise? It was darker than shit, and I couldn't see anything.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out. I felt absurd. Of course no one was--

"Gosh, you're just so pretty," A soft, male voice said.

I promptly screamed.

"Shhh, Carin, it's okay. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm your friend," the voice continued.

"Wh-who are you?! What do you want?!"

The voice laughed.

"I'm quite sure you've heard of me. My name is Daryll. I'm here to play. Will you play with me?"

"WHAT?! No, I won't play with you! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Carin, Carin, Carin. That's naughty talk. I have no tolerance for naughty! Say you're sorry."

I picked up my flashlight and flicked it on, pointing it in the direction the voice had come from.

A tall, slender, 30-something blonde man was slowly, ever-so-slowly walking toward me. Something glinted in his hand.

"I-I'm sorry. Please, just leave me alone. I won't let anyone know you came here, I swear."

"Oh, but alas, I'm terribly sorry. It's too late for that. We're just starting to have fun!"

"Please, please don't hurt me. I'll do anything. Just don't hurt me."

"Well... I cannot guarantee that, girlie, but... Ah, I will try."

3 Hours Later

I was inescapably bound to a kitchen chair, in my frilliest dress, my hands tied tightly behind me.

I was terrified, my mind reeling, zooming through the possibilities of the way this could end.

"More tea, Mrs. Peabody?" Daryll asked.

I just stared at him, not answering.

"What do you say, Mrs. Peabody?" he growled.

"Yes, please. Thank you. That would be delightful."

"Now that's better. Drink up!"

He reached across the table and put my mother's best china cup to my lips, splashing its contents all over me.

"Oh, dear! Dear me. Look what you've done to your lovely dress."

He came around the table and blotted it with a napkin.

"Oh, this just won't do, now will it? Come now, we simply must get you out of that dress."

He began to undo the buttons, and I freaked.


Daryll gasped loudly.

"What did you say?! Was that naughty talk?! I SAID NO NAUGHTY!!!!"

He picked up the chair I was tied to and threw me across the room with remarkable ease. I slammed into my mom's china cabinet, smashing my head into something extremely hard and sharp. Warm liquid began pouring down my face immediately.

As I lay on the ground, whimpering, Daryll walked over to me.

"Oh dear. Dear, dear, dear me. Your head is broken!"

He nudged me with his foot, and I screamed out in pain.

"Why is it that all of my playthings end up breaking? Well, you won't do at all anymore. Not at all. Goodbye, Mrs. Peabody."

I watched in somewhat relief as the deranged man sauntered out of my house.

I lay there for hours, going in and out of consciousness, and noticed the sun was rapidly rising.

'Finally, some light,' I thought.

I closed my eyes for the last time.
♠ ♠ ♠

So. Original fiction, ehh? Be honest, please. How was it?

AND the genre I did? Did I do well for it?

Comments, por favor. Gracia. :]]