Status: Slowly but surely

Learn to fight


I woke up to the beeping of my alarm clock, my body felt heavy as I lift myself from the bed and to the shower, the water ran hot down my cold skin washing away the tiredness, it was relaxing, soothing, and exactly what I needed at the moment, clear my head.

I was determined to move on, I knew it was too soon and I was too broken but I would pull myself up again even when my trust was something I was never going to give to anyone else again. .

The light of the dawn brought a new promise within, just as the sun I would be able to get through the dark clouds; even if it took a little longer…

I took my notebook from the counter top of the kitchen as I made my way out of the house with my book bag hanging from my left shoulder. The walk to school was uneventful, and for that I was glad, I needed that time to practise the smile I was supposed to wear on my first day of my new school.

After all that had happened my mom decided that we needed to move, just to clear the air that had become so thick it was literally hard to breath, I knew her intentions weren’t bad, she was a good mother and I loved her, but moving wasn’t the wisest idea for in order to “clear the air” I would have to leave my friends too and with the things as they were I needed them, more than I needed air…

But here I am still breathing and in front of the big duel grey building that would be my prison for the next year till I graduated.

Looking at it I realize that in just one year I would be done, in one year I’d turn eighteen and win my ticket to freedom, just one more year…

I smiled to myself…

It felt so strange to genuinely smile, that I surprised myself and had to put my hand to my mouth to actually believe it. I had become so hallow…

I shook my head to myself making my way to the principal’s whose name I had yet to learn and taking a deep breath I opened the door and stepped in.

The man waiting at the other side wasn’t the creepy old man I was expecting, I mean he did was old but his gray hair only accentuated the kindness of his features, his also gray eyes were anything but cold and he had a fatherly vive that I could tell was very useful in his position. That was definitely one of the things that got him to principal.

I got out of the principals office at a slow pace, my heart was beating fast as I got closer to the door of the classroom; it’s not that I really care what people think, is the way you seem to shrink beneath the pressure of their judging eyes.

Here goes nothing…
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Hello ^^ this is my second chapter of the day wujuuu :p and to the one who commented thank you again you really made my day XD
