Status: Slowly but surely

Learn to fight

Green eyes

I pulled open the door and as I made my way to the teacher in the front desk to give him my pass I felt a billion eyes turn to me.

And this is the part of the pressure…

All of their faces said the same thing, first curiosity and a second later after registering the black shirt, skinny jeans and snickers they all turned away seeing that I was nothing interesting to them.

I took a deep breath as I made my way to an empty desk in the back, all the way there I felt as if something was burning on my back, seating down and facing front I was met with the most amazing green eyes I’ve ever seen, even though they were see through I couldn’t figured out anything by looking at them; he looked peaceful while looking at me and didn’t seemed phased by the fact that I had caught him staring, he was concentrated in something I couldn’t see…

But as I sat there not paying attention to my first class all I could think about was how much he looked like me…

Fine on the surface…

I quickly made myself move on from that thought, I couldn’t let myself break here in the middle of a classroom; I couldn’t let myself break at all…

And as quickly as that sudden strength came; it went.

As I sat there looking down a single tear ran down my face hitting the desk. Nobody noticed as they all looked to the teacher in the front. Quickly I whipped away my tear stained cheek.

The last bell rang signalling we were free to go and I made my way out as quietly and quickly as I could; But before I got to the front doors I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around with a slight glare seeing that I was almost out, almost…

As I turned I was met with those big green eyes, but they were darkened by something I didn’t catch and even though I didn’t knew anything about them or the guy to whom they belonged it made my own eyes darken for a reason I was yet to discover.

Hi my name’s Zack – He said with a friendly smile taking out his hand for me to shake.

I took his hand in mine and was surprised by the warmness of his touch; it was a nice change given the unusual wet weather and finally some kind of welcoming in change of the coldness of the thousands of odd stares I had received through the entire day.

Nice too meet you, I’m Alessa but please just call me Lessa – I said shaking his hand and smiling shyly.

He smiled while letting go of my hand and walked me to the doors; I was about to walk the other way when he stopped me.

Where you going? – He said with questioning eyes.


I mean why you heading that way? My car’s the other way – He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Was I supposed to know you were driving me home? - I asked while laughing.
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Hi ^^ thanks for reading you lovely people and please comment I wanna know if I should keep writing this, if you think is good? bad? whatever you think just let me know.

Love <3