Sequel: Unbelievable


Jason's Grave

I was all dressed in black. I was going to the cemetery to visit my love. I decided to bring my new born baby so she could see her father. I took out the stroller and we walked through the graveyard. Finally we stopped.

I looked at the gravestone. Kylie watched me. "I'll watch the baby." I knelt down in front of the gravestone. I felt the gravestone. I started to cry. "I haven't came here since you were buried.
I miss you. Our baby is beautiful. I brought you this letter. So you can read it."

I sat there for a long time. I didn't want him to die. I really wanted to see him again. I knew that was not possible. He is invisible. I can't see him anymore. I see his ghost but his body and life is invisible. Nobody can see him.

I remember after he died that I wanted to kill myself so much. I was scared to though. I wanted to find his murderer. He is still out there and he is probably watching me. He hasn't been caught yet.

I cried for awhile and then I walked up to Kylie and Angel. "OK,lets go. I can't take it." As I got into my car I noticed that someone was watching us and he was in a car behind us. He was behind us the whole ride home.

Then when I got home he disappeared. I was frightened because I knew who it was. I took Angel to the doctor later. She needed to go get a check up. "Kylie we will be right back we just need to go to the doctors." "OK I'll be here."

Kylie was home alone. She sat quietly watching TV. Someone knew I wasn't home.
So while Kylie was watching TV ,the guy was picking the lock to get inside. He burst open the door and Kylie turned around slowly. She screamed on the top of her lungs and he stabbed her in the stomach and he left her there to bleed. She tried to call someone on her cell but when she moved she felt a sharp pain.

Finally, She shut her eyes and was surrounded by darkness.