Sequel: Unbelievable


Waking up

I heard a loud beeping sound that kept going beep,beep,beep slowly. I open my eyes a little and it was a blurry sight. Then I opened my eyes wide and looked around. I notice that I was hooked up to like one million machines. I had a breathing tube up my nose. I found out the beeping noise. I was hooked up to a heart monitor. Then I saw Jason again smiling at me. I looked at him. "Am I ... Dead?" He gave me a weird stare. "No. You tried to find my murderer and he almost ended up killing you." "Is Kylie safe?" "Uhhh.... She is in a coma. I''m sorry. She may never come out of it." I looked at him I my eyes filled with tears. I cried.

I pulled off all the machines on me and walked out of the room. The doctor came in with a big needle. "Ms. Williams, If you don't get back into bed then we will have to give you this shot." I ran. "I'm fine!" I ran to my sister's room and saw a pale faced girl with blond hair that was stained by the blood. She lost alot of blood and her life was depending on the machine she was hooked up to. She looked painful. In a deep sleep. She almost looked dead.

I stroke her hair with my hand. I sobbed at the same time. Then I started to speak. "Kylie? Can you hear me? If you can then I want you to try with everything in your power to stay alive and wake up. I don't want to pull the plug nor will I ever but you have to make me one promise. Wake up."

I had the feeling that she heard me. I wonder if she was able to respond in her sleep because she always sleep talks. I put my hand in hers and said "I love you, I won't leave you here to die,But I do have to go home every night I have to pick up my baby from our neighbor's house. If you hear me say something in your sleep." I waited. I heard nothing. I grabbed my things and headed home. I picked up Angel. I hugged her and put her in her crib.

After about two hours, I brought Angel with me to visit. I prayed at Kylie's bedside for awhile and then I said every time I finished what I was going to say. "Moan if you hear me." Nothing still.

I sat down and thought if I should let her die. I didn't want her to go so I was willing to wait for her to gain consciousness.

About two weeks passed. I was leaving Kylie because I was ready to give up until I said "Well, It's been two weeks. I guess I have no choice but to pull the plug." I started to cry and I kissed her forehead and said sadly "Good Bye." Then as I was walking away I felt a hand grab me. It was Kylie's. "Kylie?"

"Don't let me die!" She cried. I went up to her and hugged her. "Open your eyes." She tried so hard. She finally did it! "Screw all these cords!" Kylie was ripping all the cords off of her. She standed up and hugged me. "Kylie the doctor said you can go home but you have stitches so you have to take it easy for awhile." I opened her car door and put Angel in her car seat and we drove home.