Sequel: Unbelievable



I sleep for a nice solid two hours then I wake up because I feel a ache in my head. A broken skull won't help. The doctors says that I may never be able to do anything ever again. I might even die.

They had a heart monitor on me and an IV and they had a breathing machine on me. I couldn't breathe on my own anymore. When they found me, I was dead. I would be better off dead because the pain hurts too much.

I got visitors. "Baby,We brought you Angel. How you feeling?" "I feel like I am going to die. Is my baby OK?" Kylie looked at me stunned. "I doubt it! You almost died." The doctors did an ultra sound. It was still alive and was in perfectly good health.

I kissed Justin for a long moment then I passed out in his arms. I also broke my ribs,wrist,and my neck. I was in pain. I felt that nobody can help me. Justin tucked me in under the covers and slept with me. Angel,who was walking to my room carried a teddy bear. She never walked this much before. Then Justin helped her into bed.

She placed teddy down. "Feel better Mommy." Then the three of us curled in bed together. The empty bed next to me was the bed Kylie slept in.

She was crying in her sleep about me dying.
I was feeling my self slip away. Then once everyone fell asleep they heard a huge beep sound. Justin woke up yelling "Oh shit! Doctor I need a doctor ! My wife's heart stopped!"
They worked on me for awhile. I woke up magically and opened my eyes wondering what just happened. I really wanted to die. I kept slipping away and coming back but it wasn't working for me anymore. I was about to let go. Until I noticed all my loved ones were suffering because I was dying.

I let a tear fall down my face as I weaped and cried to Justin. "Justin,I want to die. Really bad but I don't want to hurt you guys at all." He was asleep again so he didn't hear me. I couldn't die. I had to try to live even though I couldn't help but almost die.

I would put them through alot. That also led me to Jason. I loved him more than anyone else in the world. He's dead. I would be with him to.

I couldn't choose. Then hours later I almost died again.
I decided I was going to live no matter how much it hurt.
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Sorry I had to finish it so late that one day I was so exhausted.