Sequel: Unbelievable


Don't Die Amy!

I wake up in the middle of the night all alone. My family finally decided to go home. It was dark and cold. Then I see the guy who almost killed me. I said weakly "No,please,don't. Don't kill me. I want to try to live."

He gave me a sign of rejection as he pulled the plug. I was suffocating and I had no air to breathe in. Then I said out loud to myself "Keep alive! Breathe Amy Breathe!" I kept saying it over and over until I finally shut my eyes and all I heard was an annoying beep. Again I felt myself struggling to survive and then I was in the hospital hall. Wearing a hospital gown and I was running. I was running to this pretty bright light as I kept hearing the soft whisper of "Breathe,Amy,Breathe. Breathe Amy...Breathe."

Then I heard a familiar voice. It was Jason screaming "Don't Die Amy! I know you can't breathe and that you have no choice but Breathe Dammit Breathe or else you will die!" I screamed back "I can't! I am trying with all my might! I just can't!" I was crying at the same time as I slump to the ground and Jason sat next to me and encouraged me. "Amy,I love you. I'm sorry,but I think your time is up now."

Then I heard Justin trying to revive me. "Dammit! Amy don't do this!" My plug was back in but I felt no life inside me. I guess he was right. I was dead. Then Jason said "Think of this baby. The baby will die if you don't try harder to survive." I tried much harder as I felt much pain from screaming and trying to bring myself back to life. I tried so hard. But nothing worked. Then all of a sudden the beeping noise had stop and my heart was back in its beating limit.

Then I smiled. "I guess I'm alive. Wait! Why won't I wake up?" Jason gave me a sad look and said "Your in a coma, sweetheart." I screamed and cried and threw myself in Jason's arms.

Jason stood there and said "Babe,If they can't fix you then you will end up dead."

About six months of hanging out with Jason,I was in love with him and him only again. I didn't care that I was practically lifeless. If I felt no pain,then I was happy. Then one day,I overheard Justin talking to the doctor. The doctor said "I'm sorry to say this but she is fully healed but she cannot breathe on her own and she is in a deep coma. Only her skull is still in bad shape. I'm so sorry but we must pull the plug on her." I didn't like what I heard. I screamed and cried "No! They,They can't! They just couldn't...Kill me. I don't want to go! I am so scared! I must find a way to breathe again!" Jason then looked at me and said "Wait. Lets hear what Justin says about it." So I listened. Justin said "Fine." I cried some more. "Their gonna kill me tomorrow!" Jason wrapped his arms around me. "I will try and help you breathe,baby."

Frightened by death before my own eyes,I had to find away to communicate or breathe.
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