Sequel: Unbelievable



It's almost midnight,I sit on the ground trying my hardest to breathe. I finally decide to give up. I've been at it all day. I was shaking with fear in Jason's arms. It was hot in the room but...I was so cold.

Then I thought to myself "Tomorrow is Angel's birthday...and the day that I will die. I won't be able to wish my little girl a Happy Birthday." I broke down and cried some more. Then I screamed "I can't.I just can't! I want to live but I can't breathe...I'm lifeless." He rubbed my back and said "Don't cry my love,You can't give up just yet. They won't be here until noon. Try harder and maybe you will come back."

I weaped some more and said in a shaky voice "What's going to happen to me when they pull the plug,like what do they do first?" He answered "First they will walk in and then the doctor will take some type of shot and he will stab it in your arm. You will feel a ton of pain. Then once you feel better for a second....They pull the plug on you."

I woke up and it was almost twelve o'clock. I saw the doctor enter in with a shot in his hand. Following him was Justin,Kylie and Angel. Angel was being held by Kylie. Then they were by my side.

I was terrified. I screamed "I am here! I am alive. I am not deaf." But they obviously heard nothing. Then the doctor said "OK you guys Say your goodbyes to Amy." They were all silent and pail. They looked sick. Not one word came from any of them. That meant they didn't want to say goodbye. They didn't want me to die.

Then Jason said "Now Amy! Now prepare yourself!" I tried to breathe. I screamed and tried so hard. Nothing was working. Then all of a sudden I saw the doctor in position,he was about to stab me with the shot. I screamed "No...Please!" But he did it. I was screaming in pain.

I then looked up from the ground and held my hand up and said "No!" The doctor was heading for the plug. He unplugged it. I felt my energy going low. I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe.

Then I felt a hand touch mine. Angel reached down and held my hand. I felt much powerful even though I was about to be dead. As I tried harder,I was annoyed by the loud beep sound that was out of control.

I tried much harder and then I was fading away. I screamed at Jason "What's happening! Am I dead?" He answered back "No. I think you tried so hard that you are coming back."

Then the loud ringing noise stopped and suddenly went to beep...beep...beep.
I did it! I actually survived. Then I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. My eyes hurt really bad. Probably because of being asleep for six months.

I noticed that all of them just stared at me. I stuttered when I said "Hap..Happy Angel. I am not going anywhere." Their mouths all dropped open and they never took their eyes off of me.
They wouldn't budge.
Then I managed to stay "Hey! Aren't you happy?" Then Justin said "Your...alive? How?"
Then I answered " I didn't want to be dead." They all came up to me and hugged me.
I got out of the hospital about a week later and I went to therapy every day so I can walk again.
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