Sequel: Unbelievable


The Future Vanished.

I woke up all alone in a dark cold room. Then I realized exactly where I was. I was locked up in a old dungeon. I walked around the room confused. Was I dead? No,No I couldn't be. I knew I was alive. I tripped and fell and hit my head on the concrete. Then I was staring and I saw another vision. It was me. I was being tricked by Kevin.

Then I noticed who I saw get killed from my visions before. I saw myself tied up in a torture house. Trying to scream through the duck tape. Then Kevin ripped it off and looked me dead in the eyes. He had a gun. I screamed "No!". Nobody heard me. Then I heard a gun fire. He shot me and killed me. I shuttered out of the vision frightened.

I saw Jason once again. He looked at me sadly and said "Amy. Nothing will bring you back if he shoots you. He has the golden gun. Whoever gets shot by it....dies." I let a scream out and Jason said "I'm so sorry Amy. So very truly sorry. You will be with me. Forever. I promise,I will marry you once you die to." I nodded and heard a door open.

It was Kevin. He faced me and hit me on the head with a gun. My world went black.

I woke up in the room I saw in a vision. I tried to scream. I couldn't even let one out because I was so scared.

I couldn't open my eyes. I sealed them tight. I wanted this to all be over so I can go on with my sad and pathetic life.

Then I saw the door open when I finally decided to open my eyes. I tried to scream. Kevin ripped off the duck tape. I screamed in pain. Then I begged "Please! Please! Don't kill me Kevin!" He shook his head and let out a laugh and said "I love hearing the sound of tortured souls!" I was hyperventilating and tried to say "No! What have I ever done to you?" But all I got out was "Pl..No.."

Then I let out an ear piercing scream of "No!" Then he pulled out his golden gun. He loaded it and said "Any last words Amy?" I nodded and said "I'm coming Jason!"
Then Kevin laughed and said "Goodbye Amy."

He pulled the trigger. He shot me right in the heart. I fell to the ground. Blood was all over the floor. I took my very last breathe as I slowly shut my eyes. Then before you knew it...I was dead.
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This is not the end. Not yet but you'll see next chapter.