Sequel: Unbelievable


Lost & Found

I was standing with Jason all alone. I just couldn't accept the fact that the life that I once lived was now gone forever. I didn't even live long enough to see the day I was going to turn 20. I guess I wasn't meant to live a long everlasting life. But the thing that hurts the most is that my family thinks that I walked out on them. I don't think they will handle my death well when I'm not accepting it myself.
I can't accept the fact that I don't want to say goodbye to my life. When I put my hand where my heart was...I did not feel one pound from my dead body. Tears were streaming down my pail face. Jason hugged me more and wipe the tears out of my drenched eyes. I watched down as the police went to the lake. They were there for a cook out. They were swimming.
Then one of the police officers was swimming with his eyes open under water. He saw a stone cold pail white body with her eyes sealed shut. He grabbed her. He carried her out of the water. All of them stared at him in complete horror. He placed her gently on the sand and put his head on her chest. He was checking for a heart beat. He looked up and noticed that everyone swarmed around him.

He nodded and said "She's gone. Long gone. This looks like the girl that was reported missing two days ago. Show me the picture of the girl." One of the officers pulled out a picture and an id card. The girls name was Amy. It was me they found. I didn't look alive anymore. I looked completely lifeless. Like a stuffed dummy.

The officer held the picture close to my face. "Yep,that's definitely her. That's too bad...She was very pretty. I say she was killed about two days ago. She was shot in the chest and thrown in the lake to make sure she wouldn't survive. She's been dead for two days.
This will be very hard to break the news to her family."

They called the paramedics and lifted me on a stretcher and strapped me in and put a blue blanket over my body.

The sirens were making me dizzy because I knew where they were taking me. They were taking me to my house. To break the news to Kylie and Justin.
They parked in the driveway as Kylie and Justin ran outside as they heard the sirens. They looked so worried. The officer ran out of the ambulance as Kylie said immediately "Did you find her? Is she okay?" The police didn't say anything. He just looked at her with sad eyes and didn't say one word. Kylie broke down and yelled "Answer me! Dammit! That's my sister in that ambulance!" He looked at her more and put his hand on her shoulder. Kylie was trying to get around him and she kept yelling "Amy! Amy! If you can hear me! Answer me!" Then she finally got away from the officer and ran right in front of a stretcher with a blanket covering my dead body. She screamed in horror "No! No! No! AMY!" Then she slowly tore the blanket off with her shaky hands. A pail dead body was what she stared at for a long moment. She covered her mouth with her hand and said "Oh,Oh God! Amy? Don't die on me! Don't!" The police officer put his hand on her and said "It's to late...I found her in the lake today. She was shot in the chest and thrown in a lake. She's been dead for two days. I'm so sorry,but she's gone."
Justin was right next to Kylie and he had his arms around her. His face was in complete shock. He wouldn't move an inch until he finally put his head on my chest and said "Amy? I love you." He was crying an awful lot and he wasn't taking it well either. I turned and faced Jason who kissed me for a moment and laid in bed with me as my arms were wrapped around him as I cried on his chest. Of coarse he let me cry on him as he stroked my hair.
I knew now that they knew that I wasn't ever coming back. They knew that I was totally lifeless and dead. I hated the feeling of my life being gone forever. Even though I was still in love with Jason. I loved him more then Justin and I loved them both. Even though I was in a beautiful place called heaven...I felt like I was in hell.
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Long but sad chapter!