Sequel: Unbelievable


The Bad Sight

I kept hovering around them. I was standing next to the ambulance. I watched Kylie hugging my dead body tightly where Justin kept trying to pull her off me. Every time he did try Kylie screamed "No! No!" Justin said in a sad shaky voice "Let go of her Kylie! Let go! Hugging her to death won't wake her up. She's not going to wake up this time. She's gone. She's gone! She's dead and nothing can bring her back to life. She's been dead for 2 days."Justin cried and just decided to hold onto me to. I felt really bad that I let go of everything. This time, I couldn't survive. He killed me for the last time. You only die once. The baby bump on me was gone. I looked like I was never pregnant.

I was crying as Jason held me in his arms and I said "I...I need to go back!" Jason kissed me and said "You can't go back sweetheart. I spent two years wishing that I can rise from the grave. It didn't work. Nothing will bring you back now.I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to watch them suffer. I watched you and my family suffer. I hated the feeling of watching the sad souls all around. I've been alone for two years and my ghost only watches over you to keep you safe. Amy I know how much you loved Kylie. The only person in this world I love is you. I just need you to be happy." I smiled and stopped crying "I did love Justin. I can let him go. But you...I could never let go because I loved you since the minute I met you. I could never be without you ever again. I love you and only you as well Jason. Nothing will ever change that. I love my family...but you,your everything to me...The air I breathe in...The ground I walk on...You are the sun that keeps me warm...You are my life though we both are lifeless. And Jason,Nothing is ever going to change that because of how much I love you. God Jason I love you more than anyone else in the world." He kissed me tenderly on the lips and smiled "I feel the same way my love."

"Oh Jason." He pressed his lips against mine once again. The saddest thing about watching them fall to pieces is that they finally pried Kylie off of me. A couple days have passed. They were at my funeral. Kylie wore a black hat with a little beaded black veil. With a black noodle strap gown with black satin gloves. She and my parents and Justin cried. Angel was to young to know what was going on. It was raining outside. It was pouring down hard. Everyone had a black umbrella and tear filled eyes. They all watch them put the casket down. Kylie was very depressed and she was crying the most. The worst part about that you never will come back.
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I really like this chapter. R.I.P Amy. This story isn't over yet. I don't want to end it. I just admitted that.