Sequel: Unbelievable



I was driving to the funeral home. It pouring down rain. Justin was meeting us up there. Angel was in the back seat. Angel said out loud "I want to see mommy. Where did mommy go?" I put the car to a halt and said "Baby,Mommy's not coming back." I started driving again. I heard the little one year old speak softly to her stuffed teddy bear. "Well,I guess mommy went away. I saw her Teddy. Mommy was in the air around me. She gave me a hug and told me she loved me and that everything was going to be okay." She was crying softly to herself as well. I started to cry to. I opened her door and walked out of the car with her in my arms. All I thought about was how I was going to survive without Amy protecting me?
I was in the funeral home. I was seated in the front row. Then the band played the saddest song that I had heard. I wanted it to stop. I wanted this to all go away. It wouldn't go away. Then I heard the minister say "Now we will listen to Chelsea Williams speech." I standed up and walked slowly up the little stairs. I walked behind the podium and started "Hello,I like to be called Kylie,So please call me that. If you don't know why I'm here then I must tell you how I know Amy. Amy is my Sister. I lived with her because my mom kicked her out because she got pregnant. I wanted to live with her so I went with her. I went with her because I was worrying about her. Amy was smoking and cutting her wrists. She quit smoking very easy.
She wanted to commit suicide so bad because the love of her life,Jason was murdered in front of her very own eyes. She did not give up. Jason loved her more then me and my parents did. We loved her alot to."I stopped for a minute because I finally noticed I was crying an awful lot. Then I walked off the podium and went next to the casket. I said weakly "But someone who had no heart at all Killed I miss Amy. She will lay in this coffin for forever and forever to come. I loved Amy,and I liked Jason. He was very special to her." Then I stopped again and cried so much that I had trouble speaking. Then I started
"But all I have left of Amy and Jason is Angel. I want to know who did this to her. He will get my revenge. All I have left to say is Big Sis,Amy I love you and I miss you and Farewell. Rest in peace. Thank you." I walked back to my seat. I noticed that almost everybody in here was crying. An hour later,we finally got out of our seats and walked out in the pouring rain. I was holding Angel in one arm and in the other hand I held a Black umbrella. We drove to the grave site and inside a coffin,I put a letter in Amy's hands and watched them close the casket and lock it up. My makeup was running down my face because of all my crying.
Everybody was leaving and apologizing to me. My parents even left and said "See you later Baby." I nodded and hugged them. Then Justin walked up to me and said "Give me Angel,I'll take her home. So you can leave when you are ready." I said weakly "Okay." Then I handed Angel to him. I was the last one there and I watched them bury Amy. They finally finished and they left. I still standed there. Then I walked up to the grave and did not seem to care that I got my black expensive shoes dirty and I tripped. I fell to the ground and hit my head on Amy's grave stone and I was covered in mud. I wanted to die. But...I could not die. I was waiting and waiting but nothing happened. Blood was gushing out of my head because I hit the Grave hard enough. I tried with all my strength to get up and leave the cemetery but I wouldn't move a pulse. I couldn't get up off the ground. I tried to scream. Nobody heard me. I was turning blue because the freezing rain was making me so cold. I felt my life fading away from me and I struggled to keep my eyes open. Then I heard a voice. "Kylie! Don't! You can do it. If you shut your eyes,there is a chance that you will never open them again. You will die! Keep trying. Angel needs you! She doesn't have me anymore." I knew the voice. It was an Angel. But not just an Angel. It was Amy. She was screaming at me to fight for survival.
I felt sick. I was paralyzed from head to toe. I knew what was wrong. I had Hypothermia. If you shut your eyes when you have this,you will die. Some people do survive but have very little chance.My body was shutting down. Then my eye vision was shutting down. I was seeing blurry. All I heard was echoing words. It was past memories like "Amy! You smoke! Don't do it Amy!" I heard more. It was all me yelling at Amy in the past then I heard an ear piercing scream that went on and on. Then I heard "Kylie! Please." It was all out of control. I was breathing heavily. Then that shut down to. It was like shutting of the lights or shutting down a computer. Then,I shut down completely. I heard Justin calling 911. He came back for me. I was on a stretcher. Then I heard a ringing noise that was out of control again. I was running to the light. Then right before I entered...I turned around and ran to the dark light. The ringing noise was the heart monitor. It stopped and went beep...beep...beep. I was asleep. I was to tired to think. Then I finally did understand what Amy felt. She felt invisible because nobody could feel or hear her pain. Now...She was invisible. Nothing was going to bring her back to me. Nothing.
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