Sequel: Unbelievable


The Memories that Vanished

I had to remember to breathe deeply in and out for every second that had passed. I was in a coma unable to wake up. I knew I had the ability to wake up but I knew that once I did wake up then I would have to face everyone and everything around me. Amy was now in the air that surrounded me and it suffocates me by sucking me into this deep dark hell hole that I wanted to call earth. I wanted to be dead. I want to die but my life won't leave yet and it bugs me. Since I was in a coma I was in this deep dark hallway watching my half dead body and watching everyone who comes in to visit. I sunk to the floor and held my knees as I put my head down. I was so alone. I was freezing to. I closed my eyes and dreamed.

It was all a blur. It was winter. Amy was outside with Jason and was kissing him. They looked so happy together. I haven't seen Amy this happy since the day before he was murdered. They were holding hands and rocking them back and forth. They were snapping photos of each other and kept smiling and laughing. I wanted the memories to go away. Then that memory faded away and then it was summer. I realized what day it was. It was the last day Amy would ever be happy like this. The day before Jason was taken away from her. They were at a beach. It was sunset. It was a beautiful sunset and In the light of the sun,Amy's engagement ring shined in the light. It was beautiful. They were holding hands and running along the sea shore. Amy had a black and white checkered bikini on and over it was a white loose tank top. Jason wore black swim trunks and his six pack abs shined in the sunset light. Then Jason picked up Amy and spun her around. Then kissed her. Then they both fell in the sand and laughed. They sat up and sat close. He held her tight in his arms and she laid her head on his shoulder. They held hands and didn't ever let go. Amy's hair was gracefully curled down. Her hair was a dark brown. She never dyed her hair until Jason died. He had dark brown hair to. He had amazing Blue eyes. Amy's eyes was almost Grey but they were beautiful as well. I never seen anyone so happy in my life. Then I listened to Amy and Jason talked. Amy smiled and said "Jason...I can't imagine what my life would be like without you.I Love you to much. I would die if I didn't have you anymore. Promise me one thing." He wiped the hair out of her face and noticed she was crying. "Why are you crying my love?" Amy laughed and said "I am not sad...I'm happy. Very happy." He smiled and laughed to. He wiped the tears out of her eyes and said softly and sweetly "Amy, What do you want me to promise?" She looked deep into his beautiful irresistible blue eyes and said "Promise me that you will never leave me and we will always be together forever." Jason kissed her and smiled and answered "Forever. I promise you babe. I love you and so I will always love you for all of eternity. Don't forget that." She hugged him and tackled him. She was on top of him and kissing him for along time. Then it turned to night. They were looking at the stars and Amy asked "Jason? Do you think we were destined to be together?" He looked at her and said "Yes and you are as pretty as each and every single one of them stars in this sky." They snuggled under the moonlight. Then that memory faded away and then I was in this room. I watched as both Amy and Jason were terrified. I knew what was going on. I was seeing all of Amy's memories. I wasn't even there for these memories. This one was the day after the romantic time at the beach. The day Amy was scarred for life. She was hurt badly. She struggled to get up off the floor. She crawled as blood drenched her. She was only one month pregnant with Angel. She didn't hurt Angel that day. She finally got to her feet and was close to Jason. Who looked at her and said "Forever Babe! Don't worry everything is fine." He wasn't hurt. She looked glad for that he was untouched until she heard The murderer load his gun. She turned to look at the guy and watch him aim the gun to Jason head. Then she looked at Jason. He looked at her with pain in his eyes. Then the man pulled the trigger and Amy let out a chalk board screech scream of "No!" It kept echoing as I saw the horror. The bullet smashed Jason right onto his forehead and killed him. Blood was all over and it was full of disgust. Amy was crying. She was beaten to death. She then passed out cold once the guy hit her with a gun. She gained consciousness and called 911. She was on a stretcher but would not let go of her dead fiance. She cried on his chest. She was crying blood. All over the shirt. It was a crazy sight and I saw myself watching worried at my sister on the stretcher. It was me over two years ago. I hated this memory. I understood now how it must of felt to watch someone you love get killed. I saw what Amy was stuck to remember forever. The worst memory of her life was this one. I shut my eyes for a long moment then I was back in the hospital bed. I opened my eyes so very fast.
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I liked this chapter alot!