Sequel: Unbelievable


The Pain of Knowing The Truth

My eyes were wide and filled with blank confusion. I had many questions in my head. I had no memory at all. Those questions were Who was I and what happened. I hated it so much. I was freezing. A doctor was coming in the room. I shut my eyes and found the hallway once again. I remembered everything again.
I went into more memories. This one was when Amy was in 7Th grade. She was only 13. She had her natural hair color. It was dark brown and past her shoulders. She had silver blue eyes that shined in the light like diamonds. Her lips were red and her skin was pale. She was beautiful and had no pain on her face what so ever. Jason was in her math class. Amy had a big crush on him. The thing she didn't’t know was that he felt the same way for her. She gazed at him breathlessly with her diamond like eyes. Then she turned around quick and sighed. He looked at her with hopelessly romantic look on his face. He to had dark brown hair. He had ocean blue eyes that were irresistible. He was pale as well. He was handsome. Any girl would die to go out with him and the only person he loved was Amy. This one day Amy was at her locker. She closed it and some guy grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head against the locker so hard that she drew blood. He let her go and her body fell to the ground. She was unconscious. Somebody was running fast down the hall. It was Jason. He ran then fell to the ground right next to Amy’s side. He looked at her unconscious body. He touched her hand and said “Please wake up. Are you alright? Amy…?" Then she blinked her eyes opened and stared at the beautiful face that looked at her in worry. Jason helped her sit up and she reached to pick up her stuff and Jason said “Allow me to do that?” She said “Sure.” Then he grabbed her stuff and noticed Amy was crying. Jason took his hand and wiped the tears out of her eyes. He said “Your bleeding. Here let me help you.” He tore a sleeve off his shirt and held it against her head. She then said “Thanks.” He smiled and he wiped the hair out of her face and said “Amy…I have to tell you something. I love you. This may sound weird but I have loved you for a long time now. I was scared to tell you how I felt about you.” Amy smiled back and said “I can’t believe it! All this time I felt the same for you.” They gazed into each others eyes. Jason put his hand on her cheek. He pulled her in close. Then their faces met. Then their lips. It was so romantic and they looked right for each other. Then he got off his feet and picked up Amy. He twirled her round and round then he cradled her in his arms. He carried her all the way to the nurses office. That was the day Amy and Jason got together. I smiled at the memory. Then I faded away from that memory and went to another.This one was the day Jason died. Amy was alone in a hospital bed. She needed treatment. She refused any treatment. She wanted to wait until she could hear Jason to tell her that everything was going to be okay. The room across was where they worked on Jason. The sound of paddles and the sound of a heart monitor out of control startled Amy. She was crying. She wanted him to survive. But from the looks of it,Jason wasn't’t going to come back. Amy got up from the bed and walked weakly to the door. She fell but got back up and leaned against the door and watched the doctors try to save Jason. Once she heard them unplug the heart monitor…She thought that meant he was alive. She passed out in the hallway. The doctors swarmed around her and put her in her bed. They unplugged every machine because Jason was dead. She woke up and said “I need to see him. Please. He’s my fiancé. Were getting married in a week.” The doctor's stood there not saying a word to her. Then she said “He is alive. Isn't’t he?” Then the doctor said “I am so sorry sweetheart but Jason never got a heart beat. He’s dead.” Amy screamed. “No! Oh. Oh God! Jason! Baby,don’t leave me.” She was crying. Then the doctor stabbed a syringe into her arm and they gave her treatment. The next memory showed Amy once again. The sky was dark Grey and lighting bolts were covering the sky. It was pouring down rain. Amy was outside. On the edge of a cliff. She was wearing this gorgeous white strapless gown that was floor length. She wore white silk gloves and a bouquet of roses. Her Vail was white. Her face was wet with tears. Her mascara ran down her face. She didn't’t seem to care that she was destroying the dress in the rain. It was the day they were going to get married. It was the day of Jason’s funeral. She drove to the funeral. She wore a black version of her wedding dress. Everything was the same but all black. Even the Vail. The roses turned black. She walked down the aisle to the casket with the man she was going to marry that same day. She kissed the wedding ring on his finger and said “I’ll wear mine forever. I miss you Baby. Forever. I love you. Wait for me.” Then she kissed his forehead and cried some more. Jason’s parents tried to calm her down but nothing worked. She didn't’t remain calm. After the burial ceremony she went back to that cliff. Walking in the pouring down rain. This time she had a knife. She yelled weakly in a sad voice “Forever! You promised! Baby! I can’t live without you! I love you.” She held the knife to the sky and then started slitting her wrists. She fell to the ground. She was drenched by the rain and blood. She laid there crying for a long time. Then the next memory I saw Amy leave the house. It was a couple weeks ago. The day she was murdered. She was driving away and was kidnapped. She was in a dark room. She was tied up. She screamed. The guy held a golden gun but let her loose. He beat her to the ground and she stumbled and weakly got to her feet. He killed her. Amy breathed heavily and strong and her eyes that were once wide open with terror were now closing and as they closed a tear streamed down her face. I cried and screamed “No!” Then I watched him dump her in the water and blood was all over the water. I tried hard to breathe but I ended up suffocating. I fell to the ground and woke up from the coma. I needed to get out of there. I pulled all the machines off and drove home. I grabbed Angel from Justin. He was packing his things and moving out. He kissed me on the forehead and said “Good Bye.” I nodded and said the same. I kissed Angel on the forehead and said “It’s okay Baby,I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.” I walked into Amy’s room. Her bed unmade. I laid down on her bed with Angel. It was cold at first then it was warm. Amy must of saw that I was home. I cried some more. I hated the man who killed them. Now that Amy was murdered by the same man…it was my turn to bring revenge.
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Long chapter I know! LOl