Sequel: Unbelievable


Wrong Turn

Me and Kylie went paint shopping once we left our parents house. We bought Purple paint and pink paint. We even got a deep red for our living room. We wanted our apartment to be full of essence. We got to work painting and while we got painting Kylie and I had our own little paint fight. At least we weren't wearing good clothes. In the end we were laughing and believe it or not I was feeling happy. Kylie and I were now best friends once again and I even stopped cussing a bit. Me and Kylie were tired and decided to lay down. "Amy, Thank you for asking me to move in. I'm glad to see you happy like before. I haven't seen you this happy for a long time." Then I was looking at her and I said "Well I guess I have to stop my act and make some changes. I'm so sorry for acting the way I did, I really didn't mean it."

"It's OK Amy, You were going to through a very rough time, I understand that very well. I knew you would come back but I just didn't know when. I guess today is the day when you decided to come back."

I hugged her now. " I love you Kylie. Don't ever forget that." I got up and grabbed my coat and keys. "Kylie I have to go to work will you be OK here all by yourself?" "Don't worry about it I'll be here when you get back."

Then I got up and started to go to work. Once I got out of work I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I got in my car until somebody was sitting there already. I screamed and the guy raised his voice. "If you scream, I will kill you! Now do as I say!"

I did what he said but then I accidentally screamed. He took his knife and stabbed me in the stomach and the first thing that came to my mind was if he hurt the baby. He got out of the car. I dialed 911 and told them what happened. Then while I waited I called my sister. She ran to my location and came when she saw me get put onto the stretcher. She held my hand on the way to the hospital. "I am in alot of pain Kylie." She looked at me more and said "I think the baby is strong maybe it will live."

I was raped. My depression came all back but I didn't treat Kylie wrong this time. The doctor told me that my baby will be just fine. They sent me home after giving me stitches and I was OK but I was upset about what just happened. That night I entered Kylie's room and I said "Hey are you awake?" "Yes" "Can I sleep in here with you I am scared right now." Kylie scooted over and said "Of coarse you can I don't blame you for being scared. It's OK to be scared you were raped today. Who wouldn't be scared?" I climbed in bed and said "Thank you. I love sis, I really appreciate it. Good Night." She smiled. "Good Night Amy, I love you to."