Status: Complete

The Days Without You...

I've Lost It All

“Mi Dios!” Sofie’s voice broke through the sounds of Kandice’s cries. A tanned hand covered her mouth as she stared down at the younger girl.
“What is it?” Angel looked at Sofie worriedly.
Sofie pointed down at Kandice, who was now doubled over, Bobby trying to hold her up. Blood was beginning to soak the carpet underneath of Kandice.
Bobby looked down to see what Sofie was talking about and moved back instantly. “Holy shit, what’s wrong?!” He exclaimed.
Kandice looked down and instantly started to cry harder, “My baby!”
“BABY?!” Bobby and Angel yelled out in unison.
Angel didn’t take a second longer before he scooped up the girl in his arms and brought her out to his car. He set her gently in the backseat where Sofie had slid in. Bobby was already in the driver’s seat and waited for Angel to get in before he hit the gas and drove them expertly out of the driveway. The ride was silent except for Kandice’s cries and Sofie’s mummers of soothing words. Bobby, who had never really liked Sofie, couldn’t help but silently thank her.
When they arrived Angel carried her in, Bobby yelling loudly for help. A nurse instructed them to a room, having Angel lay her on the white bed before they were ushered out by doctors. Jerry arrived shortly after getting a frantic phone call from Sofie. They waited for nearly an hour before a doctor came to them.
“Are you here for Kandice?”
”Yes sir,” Bobby stood up.
“What is your relation to her?”
Bobby spoke without thinking, “She’s my sister in law.”
Angel shot him a pained look, remembering Jack.
The doctor nodded sadly, “Well, it seems Mrs. Mercer had a miscarriage. There was nothing we could do, the baby’s gone.”
The same thought ran through the mind of all 3 brothers.
Jack’s baby.
“You can go see her now, if you want.” With that the doctor walked away, off to tend to another sick patient.
They walked to the room the doctor had exited and walked in silently. Kandice laid curled into a ball on the hard bed, not able to shed anymore tears. Sofie pushed her way past the boys and ran to her, sitting beside her and trying to comfort her. Kandice threw her arms around Sofie’s waist and cried into her lap. Kandice reminded Bobby, Angel and Jerry of a younger Jack; sad and scared.
“I c-can’t go back!” Kandice’s words her muffled by Sofie’s body. “I c-can’t go back to our p-place. It’ll kill me.”
They didn’t need any further explanation, they knew what she meant. No one had opened Jack’s door since the day he died, it held too many memories they weren’t ready to face yet.
“I don’t know what to do without him,” Kandice cried.
Bobby stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on her back. “You’ll stay with us.”
Kandice’s tear stained face looked up at him, “What?”
“You’ll come live with us.” Angel explained, knowing exactly what was running through Bobby’s head; he had the same idea.
“Why would you do that? You don’t know me.”
Jerry gave her a sad smile, “You’re family now.”
”And we take care of our family.” Bobby’s strong words left no room for argument from Kandice.
Right now that is exactly what she needed; someone to take care of her. After losing both the man she loved and her baby in one day, she was in no condition to do this on her own. So she gave him a sad nod; no words were necessary.
This is what Jack would have wanted.

The steady beeping of a heart monitor sounded out in the nearly empty room. Only a single lone person was there, lying tucked away in the white sheets. A machine was hooked up to him, monitoring his brain activity, but only showing the same result each time. While the person was not a vegetable, they were still in a coma; no one knew when the John Doe would wake. His vitals were stable, his wounds healing; he was in perfect health.
Just waiting for him to wake up.
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