We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands

Chapter Twelve; Dealing with Death

After the death of The Academy Is…’s merch tech Josy, no one was sure how to act, or what to say. The only thing we did know was that we were paranoid as hell, I don’t think anyone fully believed the Overdose theory that the paramedics gave us, but we wouldn’t know for sure for at least two months.

Sisky was still pretty torn up, they were really close, Adam had even gotten her the job.

She had been in charge of making sure money added up at the end of the night, that when they were running low on styles and sizes she was in charge of ordering them and making sure they got to the right place one the right day.

The Academy is…’s merch guy, Matt, had since been forced to take over her job, and I was sent to sell for them, while Raine sold for Panic, but we were a loud to switch so we could both get the chance to see both bands perform.

We had been forced to postpone the next three shows until the end of the tour so we could arrange a memorial and give everyone a bit more time to grieve.

All the other bands were being super supportive of The Academy Is, which they needed right now. A whole bunch of people that cared about them surrounding them, and helping them through it.

The only thing that bothered us was that they were so crowded by everyone else they couldn’t really hang with out with us. Also the boys in Panic were with them a lot so we were just kind of left to fend for ourselves.

It sucked for us, but it was bringing the rest of the people on tour with them all closer, which was a good thing considering we were all going to be on this tour a few months.

Raine and I were just lounging on Panic’s bus talking waiting for the rest of the boys to get dressed for the funeral. Of course we all looked underdressed seeing as we were on tour, and no one really thought to bring more formal attire.

The funeral was slightly awkward, because we had all traveled up to Chicago, conviently where the next show we were playing was, for the ceremony, but most of us hadn’t known her longer than the tour had been going.

After the service we all went to the venue to sound check and set up the merch booths before the crowds piled into the lobby.

The show went smoothly, and it was dedicated to Josy, in her memory.

By the time we all got back onto the buses we were exhausted from everything that had been going on.

Raine and I along with Panic were all sitting in the front lounge watching movies, and hanging out. I was comfortably squished on one of the couches with Ryan and Brendon; I was crammed into the corner so I had stretched my legs out over their laps. Raine was on the other couch with Spencer and Brent was on the chair thing.

We had a six am bus call for breakfast and then several hours of press to follow, well for the people in bands anyway. Brandon and the boys wanted to ruin our sleeping in bubble by deciding to drag us along with them for all their interviews.

So shortly after two we all stumbled tiredly into the bunk area and climbed into our beds before all of us pretty much fell asleep instantly.
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Sorry it's filler, Really suckish filler.
