We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands

Chapter Two; Waking Up To Banging At The Door

“Cassadee! Open the door!” I heard Ryan yell several times while he pounded his fist against my front door.

“Ryan, god dammit, it’s like six in the morning, I was sleeping.” I said as I pulled the door open groggily.

“I’m sorry Cass, but, we’re going on tour! With Fall Out Boy, and Paramore, the Academy Is…, So many awesome bands! I was too excited to wait!” He said hugging me so tightly I could barely breathe.

“I so happy for you, but you could have called, I would have answered, gotten dressed and ran over excitedly.” I said taking a breath finally.

“I’m sorry, but it’s not like I’ve never seen you in pajama’s before, besides you didn’t let me finish.” He said dragging me into the living room and sitting on the couch.

“We want you and Raine to come with us, and sell merch and stuff.’ He said with the biggest smile I had ever seen plastered across his face.

“Ryan, we have school.” I said knowing there was no way it would work out.

“Take E-school with Spencer, Brent and Brendon.” He said, the smile still growing.

“But, my mom, you know she will not go for it.” I said, trying not to crush his happiness.

“I’ll talk to her, you know she loves me.” He said proudly.

“Not since you and Spencer blew up that lawn mower in front of that prostitute’s house. She thinks you’re bad influences now.” I replied almost teasingly.

“Well then we’ll get Spencer’s dad, or sisters or something.” He said grasping at straws.

“I’m sure if Raine’s there it won’t be too bad. It just might take a little while to convince her.” I replied, letting myself get excited.

“Well you’ve got a little while, but you have to come. Just tell her it will give you tones of valuable life experience, you can’t get anywhere else.” He pleaded.

“I’ll do my best, I promise.” I replied hugging him happily.

“You have to! Not exceptions, I will not let the rest of us leave without you.” He replied in a jokingly stern tone.

“Okay, now I’m either going to eat or sleep, so what’s going on?” I asked with a yawn.

“No, you are going to go upstairs, get dressed, shower, whatever and come back and we’re going to Brendon’s for a party, with everyone. I’ll make you toast, now go.” He said shoving me towards the staircase.

“Thank god, my parents are out of town right now.” I thought with a loud sigh. If they had of been home they would have yelled at Ryan for ten minutes about how rude, and improper, it is for a person to bang on someone’s door early in the morning and then again for the thought of being around me in pajama’s, but also for the ludicrous idea of taking me around the country for god-knows how long, with a bunch of, ‘rock stars’.

I quickly had a shower, got dressed and straightened my hair, and put on a little eyeliner before heading back downstairs to find Ryan rummaging through the fridge, searching for orange juice was my best guess. Another thing my parents would yell at him for.

I walked, still only half-awake, into the kitchen and sat at the table as Ryan placed a glass next to the plate he had set there moments before.

“Thanks, Ry.” I replied as I took my vitamin with a mouthful of juice.

“I think I owe you, for the fact that it’s barely seven-thirty.” He said with a laugh and slight grin.

“Well if my parent’s let me go I’m sure I’ll have to get used to it on tour.” I replied taking a bite of my toast.

I ate quickly and then we went over to Ryan’s house so he could get ready for the impromptu party later that day, since he was still in pajamas himself.

By about one that afternoon Ryan, Spencer, Raine and I, along with their other band-mates Brent and Brendon, had gathered in Brendon’s living room to work our the details of the party later that evening.

“We have to play truth or dare!” Brendon insisted, for the ninth time.

“Yes Brendon, we agreed to that the first time you suggested it” I laughed shoving him playfully into Ryan.

“Yes!” He said excitedly, while shoving me back.

We spent the next few hours working out details and running to the grocery store. We were all still buzzing with excitement around six or so when a bunch of our friends started to arrive.
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Chapter two!
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