We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands

Chapter Four; Arguing With Parents and Falling Asleep on Spencer

I woke up the next morning with a feeling of dread, I knew my parents would be home and I knew it would lead to a fight the moment I brought up the tour. I got dressed and showered before reluctantly going downstairs to find my parents sitting at the table, their usual blank and bored expressions plastered on their faces like painted on masks.

“Mom, Dad, I need to ask you something.” I said sitting down across from them nervously.

“Yes dear?” I my mom said with a sigh.

“I know you’re going to start freaking out the moment I say this but just hear me out, and let me finish, please?” I said trying to keep from shaking.

“If you know we are going to be upset, then why bother asking?” My father said politely.

“Because it’s something that’s important to me.” I replied.

My father and I could both tell my mother was about to say something that wouldn’t be a good addition to the conversation, so he cut her off.

“We will listen to what you have to say, and then all three of us will discuss it after wards.” He said looking from my mother to me.

“Well, as you know Spencer and Ryan are in a band, and they just got signed to Fueled By Ramen slash Decaydance. They got their first chance to do a real tour with major bands and they want Raine and I to come with them, we would be selling merchandise and helping them with their gear and stuff. It would be a great chance to get work and life experience and it would be a great once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus since we’re one of the youngest groups and their like the newest band so we’ll have the most supervision. Raine and I will also be taking on-line classes so we can finish high school and not have to worry about it.” I explained calmly.

“Well, your mother and I will-”My dad started before being cut off.

“No, absolutely not, I’m not letting my teenager daughter go on tour with a bunch of rowdy rock stars and let her get knocked up and drugged out.” She said sternly.

“Jane, I think it would be a great opportunity for her, she’s mature enough to know how to handle herself well enough to make sure things like that don’t happen.” My father said calmly.

“Mark, I don’t want her going.” My mother insisted.

“I think it’s two against one.” My dad countered.

“Mom, I’ll email you weekly and call as often as I can. I promise.” I insisted.

“I still do not want you going.” She insisted.

“Jane, I think it would benefit her in the long run, she’s got school covered, I don’t see the harm.” My dad insisted rubbing the small of her back gently.

“But what if your grades start to slip?” She said turning to me.

“Well Spencer and Raine both have to come back home if that happens so, I’ll do the same thing. I’ll get them to send you weekly updates on how I’m doing; and if they slip below seventy for more then two weeks I promise I’ll come straight home.” I insisted.

“See Honey, she’s got this all figured out for herself, she’s clearly responsible enough to take care of herself on the road for a few months.” My father said, still keeping his voice relatively calm.

“A few months?” My mom shrieked, “No, no way, if it was a few weeks than maybe but not months.” She yelled slamming her hand down onto the kitchen table.

“Mom, it’s a North-American tour, it’s not going to take more than a few weeks, and we think it’ll be like three months I’ve was at boarding school longer.” I replied.

“Yes but that was to teach you manners and responsibility. This is so you can party and do indecent things with those boys without anyone knowing or caring.” My mother snapped bitterly.

“Mom you know exactly what happened at that school, and you know nothing even close to that will happen. I won’t let it.” I snapped back.

“Don’t talk to me in that tone young lady.” She snapped.

“Now look, the both of you, we’re not going to discuss that, I think in light of everything she should go, have fun and let this be a new ‘first away from home’ experience, have her start fresh.” My dad explained calmly to my mom.

“Why should my opinion matter in any of this, you’re just going to force me to say yes.” She said venom lacing her words.

“Mom, you know I love you, but I think it would be better for all of us in the long run. I’ll get more positive experiences and I’ll learn money management since I’ll be selling merchandise and helping Spencer with band management.” I paused to take a breath,
“Then I’ll also get away from high school, which I think we all know is a good thing. We’ll get all our classes and I’ll be helping out my friends. All of these things are things you want me to do, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to do that without you right there.” I said barely breathing.

“You know what, fine. Go I don’t care.” She said getting up and leaving for work.

“Dad, What are we going to have to do?” I sighed knowing she’d be mad for weeks.

“Nothing we can do Cassadee, just don’t bring it up again until you’re about to leave.” He replied getting up himself to leave for work.

Almost as if they knew moments later Spencer, Raine and Ryan were knocking at the front door. I slowly walked over to silence the knocking.

“Hey Guys.” I said letting them in.

“How’d it go?” Raine asked hugging me.

“Mom’s really pissed off, but dad’s okay with it. So it looks like I’m going.” I said with a tired sigh.

“You don’t sound very excited.” Ryan said flopping down on the couch next to me.

“At the moment I’m just tired, I woke up early, after barely sleeping last night, so I could talk to them before work. Plus yelling wears me out, you guys know that.” I said resting my head on Spencer’s shoulder like I usually did.

“But you get to come too, so you’ll be excited tomorrow.” Spencer said poking me lightly in the side.

“Exactly.” I said with a yawn.

“You guys wanna watch a movie?” Raine asked looking through the collection under the TV.

“Why? It’s nice out.” Ryan asked confused.

“Because that way Cass can get like two hours of sleep and then we can actually do something.” Raine said looking to me, fighting to keep my eyes open.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” I yawned again.

Raine spent a few minutes looking for a movie before putting it in the player. I fell asleep on still using Spencer as my pillow a few minutes later.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter four
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