We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands

Chapter Seven; Meeting William Beckett, and A Game of Truth or Dare

The second the members of The Academy Is... set foot on our tourbus, there was a loud shriek and an underlying sense of undying excitement at being sat next to one of my biggest idols.

Cass sat on his other side, and Hayley Williams of Paramore next to her.

Brendon, Ryan, Spencer and Brent sat forming a corner to me, while the rest of Paramore were by Hayley, Sisky, The Butcher and Tom of The Academy Is... around from them, and Fall Out Boy finished the circle off.

We had all agreed, with very little persuasion all round, to play Truth or Dare as a way of getting to know each other. Hayley went first for spinning the bottle, and grinned darkly when it landed on Sisky.

"Truth or dare?"


"Have you ever..." Hayley looked pensive for a moment. "...had sex?" A shrug passed over her shoulders before a giggle erupted from my lips and she smirked.

"Yes." Sisky raised an eyebrow at the two of us.

"My turn." Sisky declared, pulling at the bottle. He spun in and it landed on William. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth. Mainly because I don't trust dares set by you or The Butcher."

"What?!" The Butcher yelled.

William quirked his eyebrows. "Remember the time you dared me to kiss Tom? Yeah, that's when all the gay rumours started circulating about our band."

The Butcher looked down guiltily.

William nodded victoriously, a grin on his face.

"Okay. What is your favourite command word?" Sisky questioned.

"I don't do that stuff, you know that Sisky."

"Worth a try?" Sisky shrugged, looking at me.

I nodded excitedly, still not believing that all of these famous people were talking to me and Cass, treating us as if we'd been friends for years.

"My turn," William said, before spinning the bottle in an aggressive manner. The bottle landed facing Brendon.

"Dare," he shouted before William could even pose the question.

"I dare you to...kiss...Raine."

I brought my palm into contact with my forehead at that point. Brendon squeaked. William smirked.

"What?" Brendon whispered, still in shock.

"Are you a coward?"


I looked up again. "Then come on! Be a man and fulfill your challenge!" I propped myself up on my knees. I'd done this before, kissing boys, at a holiday camp my parents had sent me to.

Brendon gulped, before making his way over to me.

I pursed my lips and waited, when Brendon's pressed against mine nervously, too wet and too dry at the same time. I could tell instantly that he had never kissed a girl before. I kissed back once, however, trailing my tongue over his lower lip in a teasing way, before pulling away. Brendon sat back down, shooting me a silencing look.

I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe you, Bren."

Cass, Hayley, and everyone else soon looked between me and Brendon.

"Raine-" Brendon started in a menacing tone. I continued to reveal his secret.

"Brendon here, has never kissed a girl before," I announced. Everyone looked gobsmacked.

"How do you know that?" Ryan questioned curiously, watching me closely.

"I've kissed people before. There's a knack to it. Brendon had no idea what he was doing."

The game soon began again. After a while, it landed on Ryan.

"Truth or dare?"


"Seeing as this is more the sexual kind of truth or dare, when was your first encounter with a girl?"

Ryan shrugged. "There was that girl in primary school. She was pretty, but she moved away."

"Oh, come on Ross," Patrick blurted out, "is that the best you can do?"

Ryan glared at Patrick, and Pete folded over at the stomach, laughing manically.

"Shut up, Stump."

Patrick raised an eyebrow. "Does that mean you're a virgin as well?"

Ryan dropped his head, his cheeks flushing bright red.

"Christ Ross! I did not expect that from you!" I hollered across the circle. Beside me, I could see William subtly covering his right ear with his hand; all the while making it look like he as merely leaning his head on his hand. He stole a glance ad me from the corner of his eye.

"You're actually really loud, you know?" he said.

"I've been told that," I flashed him a goofy grin. He laughed softly. I turned back to Ryan. "Are you two serious? Neither of you have kissed girls before?"

Brendon shook his head whilst Ryan scowled at the floor of the tourbus.

"You really are our babies!" I exclaimed, crossing the circle to them and wriggled my way between the two boys. I wrapped one arm around each of them.

"And besides, how do you know how to tell if someone has experience in kissing?" Ryan asked me.

"Well, uh, do you remember when Mum and Dad sent me to that camp? Yeah, well, I had a few encounters there."

"But you were only ten, going on eleven."

I shrugged, rolling my eyes. "Not that it matters. And now, it's Ryan's turn to spin!"
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Next chapter's up. I hope you guys enjoy it.