We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands

Chapter Eight; First Kisses and First Shows

After revealing a fair bit about himself, Ryan spun he bottle and it landed on me.

“Cass, truth or dare?” He asked partially in an attempt to get the attention off of him.

“Hmm, since this game started as a way to get to know each other, I’m going to pick truth.” I explained with a smile, predicting the type of question I would be asked.

“Have you ever kissed anyone?” He asked, almost nervously.

“Well, unlike you and Bren, I’ve dated a few people, so yes I have.” I replied teasingly as I glanced at Brendon, who looked just as uncomfortable as Ryan.

I spun the bottle with a fair bit of force, it landed on Brent.

“Turth or dare?” I asked with a smirk.

“Dare.“ he said, boredom clearly had hit him a while ago.

“Swap an item of clothing, with anybody playing.” In hopes he wouldn’t be dumb and asked for a girl’s shirt, knowing none of us would give ours up.

“Hey Spencer, trade sweaters.” He said looking to Spencer, who was sitting next to him.

“Fine, I’m wearing one of yours anyway.” He replied.

The game continued, smoothly, until, it was Ryan’s turn again. He picked dare which we could all tell was a bad idea since it was Pete who had gotten him. Before Pete had even said anything he turned bright red, which was unusual for him.

“Alright Ross, since you’re clearly one of the innocent on this tour I’ll go easy. Kiss Cassadee. It’s simple and you’ll be rid of this ‘never kissed a girl’ thing.” He said patting him on the back.

“Fine,” He sighed “Cass, get over here.”

“Nope, you have to kiss me, which means you also have to move.” I teased, it seemed liked teasing him and Brendon was something Raine and I did fairly often.

“You’re not making this easy.” He sighed again.

“I could make it harder Ryro.” I replied.

He thought for a second.

“You definitely could.” He said with a slight laugh.

He crawled over to me, since it was much faster than standing up and walking. Once we got to me, he pulled me to my feet as he stood up.

“If I’m kissing a girl in front of all of you, I’m doing it right.” He said sounding determined not to be as bad as Brendon.

“I always knew you were a hopeless romantic.” I smiled as he put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck instinctively.

He smile and said quietly to me.

“I’m new at this, go easy.” He has whispered in my ear, I could feel his heart beating like the ticking f a time bomb.

“I promise.” I smiled.

A moment later he kissed me. If we hadn’t of known I would have thought he was a more practiced kisser.

Nearly everybody around us erupted in a chorus of ‘Awe’. The both of us had turned pink.

“That wasn’t so hard.” I said to him with a smile and I went to sit back down.

The game continued for a few more hours, all of us just sitting around in the dimly lit parking lot between all of our buses.

Around midnight we were all forced onto our buses by the tour managers, since we were about to leave for the start of the tour.

We had all put our things away and personalized our bunks to feel more like home. Since we were all too excited to be tired we decided to watch some movies since we had nothing else to do and didn’t want to attempt video games our first night in a moving bus.

I was squished between Brendon and Spencer, and Raine was on Spencer’s other side. Ryan and Brent were in the lounge chairs on either side. Since none of us had the longest attention spans we ended up rambling on and on about the things we’d have to do in each city we stopped at.

By four or five in the morning we had all fallen asleep where we were. Me using Spencer as a Pillow and Brendon doing the same to me, of course, being utterly trapped by the two of them, but at least it was warm.

We woke up to the sound of Pete and Pat banging on the door around noon the next day. Time to get some food at a Denny’s before heading back out on the road.

After eating, we were all grossly full. We all slowly made our way back to our respective buses and at least the boys in Panic, Raine and I had all crawled into our bunks to sleep for the next four hours.

----The First Show

After helping the guys haul in their gear we started getting set up the booth so we could sell everything. There was us and a probably six other people with set ups of their own to sell for various bands, it was just the two of us on Panic, we also had Paramore since they were the two lesser known bands on the tour.

We had gotten everything set up in time to catch all the bands’ sound check. We cheered for Panic since we knew even if we could watch them tonight they would never hear us, and every time we got a chance we would yell stupid things to distract them.

Since we had to sell merch during the first band, Panic, and the last one, Fall Out Boy, we had managed to sneak away and get backstage to hang out with the boys after their set.

Of course we were pulled into the middle of one big sweaty group hug, as pay back for the things we were yelling at them earlier.

“You guys were awesome, how did the crowd react?” I asked sitting down next to Ryan since he was the least sweaty of all the guys.

“They were awesome, they didn’t really know us for the most part, but they seemed to love us.” Ryan said with a smile bigger than I had ever seen spread across his face.
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I'm sorry it took so long and it's way shorter than I anticipated, but it's long over due. Enjoy :D