We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands

Chapter Nine; Backstage

I flopped down in one of the seats backstage after the bone-crushing group hug.

"So, who's up next?" I asked our boys.

"Paramore," Brent replied monotonously, biting his nails.

"Gee Brent, you're so boring," I droned, rolling my eyes.

"I'm tired," he muttered coldly.

"Then go to bed." Spencer said.

"Yeah, probably should. Sorry for sounding nasty Raine," he apologised.

"No problem." I smiled. He got up and went out the back to where the tourbuses were and closed the door lightly.

I chortled quietly, dropping my head on Brendon's shoulder, prodding his side.

"What?" he asked as he glanced down at me, raising his eyebrows.

"Did you enjoy the show? I know I did," I added smirking.

"Actually I'd never felt more nervous in my whole life."

"Awe, poor Brendon bear!" I teased with a wide grin. I slipped my arms around his waist and he hugged back, his arm round my right shoulder.

"Awe, poor Raine Roberts." He repeated changing the name, planting a huge wet kiss to my cheek.

"Ew!" I cringed, wiping it with the back of my hand. Cass rolled her eyes.

"Well, in about twenty minutes Hayley will come out in a much better state than you lumps."

"Just 'cause you girls -"

"Don't even finish that sentence Brendon Boyd Urie!" I exclaimed, pushing him over and clambering on top of him. I drew the pillow from behind me forward and into his face multiple times.

"Ow! Raine!"


The next thing I knew was that I was now on the floor, and someone - or multiple persons - were tickling me. I squirmed, writhing far enough and giggling loud enough to catch the attention of a singing Hayley Williams. She looked towards me and the boys pinning me down, and a grin etched over her features. I could hear her talking to the crowd, but I couldn't quite make enough sense to hear exactly what she was saying over the noise of a distant echo of laughter and the closer-to-home giggling. I squeaked again, continuing to thrash about under the grasps of my best friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this chapter is quite a filler, but it's soon to get a lot better.
Enjoy, and please leave feedback!

- Cassie