Don't Pay Attention

A Brand New Beginning

It had been a week since we moved to Utah. My mom and I had the house set up. She even had the little guest room into a music room for me. Since all of my music stuff was out of my bedroom, I had more space for everything else. My walls were dark red and all the accents in my room were, greay, black, white, and silver. I had a big black and white picture of me and Brogan hanging up on the wall. It was me and him standing on the dock, hand in hand with our foreheads together, smiling at each other. I had candles, and bamboo plants everywhere. I even had a couple beta fish. Mom came up to my bedroom. "Are you sure you want to go to school tomorrow, even if it is a friday?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Well, try and get some sleep Jasey Rae. I love you." she said. I turned off my lights and layed down. I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep, no matter how hard I tried.

It was six am when my alarm buzzed. I groaned and shut it off. I did my morning routine and got dressed. I was wearing the same outfit I wore the night I met Brogan. I pullled and my cow boy boots and went down stairs and told my mom goodbye. "Have a great first day honey!" she called out to me. I hopped in my car and drove to a Starbucks. I nedd the coffe. I ordered (a rather large one) and chugged it before I got to school. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth so I wouldn't have coffee breath. I found my student parking spot and stepped out of my car. Welcome to Buckington High. I siad to myself. I heard a few guys behind me whistle. "Nice car baby!" I heard one yell. I heard another one yell "Forget the car, I want her." I just kept on walking on my way.

I had to stop by the front office to get my schedule. "Let me call your first period teacher to come get you." the lady at the front desk said. I heard her pick up the phone and call Ms. Smith, Civics teacher. The first bell had long rung by now. A few minutes later, a really young, blonde lady came walking up to me. "Jasey Rae?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." I replied. "Oh good. I'm Ms. Smith. Lets go to my civics class." she said witha smile. When we arrived to her class, she told me to stand outside of her door so she could announce I was here. She said it would make a dramatic effect. "Class we have a new student." I heard her say. "C'mon on!" she yelled. I walked in and looked around the room. There, sitting in the middle of the classroom, was Brogan Kelby.
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The end!
Now the sequel
In like a week :)
Hope you loved it!
-Sarah Michelle