Love In a Coffeeshop

Early Birdie

June 9th, 2007

As I nibbled at my pastry, which I had forgotten what it was called, I quickly glanced up. There she was in the same spot, everyday. She seemed as sweet as this strawberry delight I was eating. As fierce as a hard blowing wind. As beautiful as the goddess of beauty. No she was the goddess of beauty. There were so many words that I could probably describe her as, but the only thing that I did not have, was her name.

Everyday she sat by the window in the corner, occasionally glancing out. The table could only hold two and never did I see a second person occupy the seat. She was often on her laptop doing something and concentrating deeply about whatever. Her brown hair falling in her face where her glasses were so close to the brim of her nose I thought that they would fall off.

I sounded like a stalker, but I really wasn’t. I came to this coffee shop before she started to show up. Everyday I had come for coffee and sweets for about an hour or two, maybe even working on some song lyrics. However, now I was in a new kind of rut, a kind that lead me to accidentally catch myself staring from time to time at that nameless girl. So caught up that sometimes I just never heard my number bring called by an employee.

“Number thirty-four?” the guy at the counter, Robby, questioned once more. I rose in my seat quickly while tearing my supposedly quick glance from the girl. Walking over to the counter shyly hoping that no one was staring at me from how slow I had been. I greeted Robby. We knew each other to an extent due to my perfect attendance to the coffee shop.

“Sorry I didn’t hear you,” I mumbled as he handed me two coffees. I grabbed only one, looking at the other quite confused.

“The other ones for the girl,” he answered noticing my look as he nodded toward Ms. Nameless. I blinked a few times until it really clicked with me.

“Oh, no, I couldn’t. I really can’t,” I insisted shaking my head.

“Come on Adam you stare at her practically until she leaves!” Robby exclaimed going over a little more then a whisper now.

“Fine,” I grumbled and snatched the coffee from his hand and sighed at his grinning face. Why were people so cruel?

My heart pounded in my ears as I neared her table. Never once did I get close to her. I sat only one row over and three seats down from where she stayed all the time. I wanted her to notice me, but then again I didn’t want her to notice me. Especially like this. I passed another table. Only one more to go. Damn me and my shyness.

“Um, h-here,” I stuttered as I placed her coffee cup beside her working fingers on the keyboard. I paused for a moment after she had said nothing. I bit my lip and then turned, fairly disappointed that I had gone unnoticed.

“Excuse me!” she hollered after I had taken a few steps. I turned around nervously. I hoped I didn’t look as nervous as I felt. I walked over to her and took a deep breath getting ready to hear that voice I rarely got to hear.

“Yes?” I asked looking down at her laptop keyboard where her fingers were rested.

“You forgot the whip cream,” she complained holding the coffee cup up to me with the top off, showing me.

“Oh, I don’t work here, but I’ll give it to Robby behind the counter.” I replied as I grabbed it from her hand. My fingers lightly brushed her palm and I couldn’t help but smile. Though I had only felt it just for a measly two seconds her skin felt like silk.

Without saying anything else I hurried off to the counter to tell Robby to add some whip cream. As I got there he was waiting in the same spot with that same grin on his face. He was watching the whole time. Heck I was sure he planed this out and didn’t put that cream on top of her coffee on purpose.

“Your cunning. Now put some cream on here.” I sighed handing him the cup. He grabbed it without a word and quickly added what was missing of this girls perfect coffee. Robby handed it back and I ripped it from his hand giving him a look. All he did was laugh and shake his head at my childish attitude. Carefully holding the coffee with no lid and poring over whipped cream I gently placed it down beside the girls laptop again.

“Thank you and sorry if I may have sounded rude to you before,” she said to me, “I didn’t know you didn’t work here. I just assu-”

“That’s fine your mistake,” I okayed cutting her off. She then huffed and went back to what she was doing on her computer. I then turned and went back to my normal seat and sat in the brown wooden chair. I didn’t look at the girl because I could have sworn I saw her looking at me a few times and I didn’t want her to notice I looked at her often. Instead I pretended to be preoccupied with the candle in the center of the tiny rectangular table.

Just fifteen minutes later she stood, collected her belongings, and left the shop. As she passed she didn’t even look at me. Was my angel really that rude? Maybe she wasn’t like I expected her to be. Maybe she just wasn’t a nice person at all. My high expectations of her diminished quickly, but I still had hope that maybe she was a nice person. Although, I would never really know because I don’t talk to her and she doesn’t talk to me. In reality we are really just two ordinary people who just so happened to be in the same coffee shop at the same time.

On that note I too got up and left the shop feeling a bit different. I could easily walk to my home from the shop so I did. It was a beautiful day out. White fluffy clouds covered the sky which was a various shade of blue. In town everyone just seemed to be happy or it might have just been me. I felt light and elated all of a sudden. Maybe it was the strawberry pastry I had eaten that I still could not place the name to. Or maybe it was just because I was hit by Cupid’s arrow.

June 10th, 2007

In place again at this convent coffee shop Ms. Nameless wasn’t in her spot. I couldn’t help but think that maybe it was my fault, but I knew that wasn’t the case. Nameless didn’t have to come everyday and I understood that. So knowing that it was going to be one of those days I pulled out a spiral notebook that I had placed under my chair when I had gotten here.

I started writing some random song that I could put on an EP I was working on currently. We were in Seattle, my one and only true home, so I wanted to write a song that involved it. A lot of people knew me surprisingly so I did some gigs around Seattle most of the time. Even though I wasn’t as famous as some other stars out there it made me feel good. People always showed up and I always appreciated it.

Hello Seattle?” someone said beside me. I knew that voice. I seldom heard it, but I knew it. I looked up and saw Nameless standing beside the table looking down at me with a sweet smile pasted to her pink lips.

“Yeah it’s a song I’m writing,” I informed and she nodded with a grin.

“Hey, could I sit here?” she asked pointing to the empty chair across from me. I nodded quickly, but not quick enough to make me look desperate. She thanked me and sat down making the floor creak from the chair. I couldn’t help but watch as she pulled out her laptop from a bag she had slung around the back of her chair. Then she stood up, but not before she asked me what kind of coffee I would like.

“Oh, I ordered mine already,” I mumbled with a shrug and she just shrugged herself and walked off. After just a few moments she returned with two pastries in each hand. She placed them down in the middle of us both as I moved the center candle.

“Go ahead, pick, strawberry or lemon?” she smiled scooting them both toward me as she took a seat. I grabbed the strawberry one and instantly started eating it.

“Thanks, but you didn’t have to do that,” I thanked as I put the pastry down and resumed writing as she started to type on her computer.

“It’s no problem,” she mumbled now concentrated on her own work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, well heres the first chapter of that Adam Young story I was talking about. Now I know he seems real love struck in this first chapter, but that calms down. Its just merly to show you how he feels .... hopefully not in a creepy way. haha.

Jagked (Sam)
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