Love In a Coffeeshop

Cave In

July 16th, 2007

After talking to Vienna for only a short amount of time I made my way over to Matt’s house. I could always turn to him when I needed help or advice. He had been in a few relationships, which didn’t end the greatest, but still he had experience. Something that I just didn’t seem to have yet. And even though I already knew what I was going to learn from Matt today I still wanted to discuss this with him. Man to man. Mano y mano. Guy talk about gorgeous girls and how to capture their hearts.

When I arrived at Matt’s loft he came to the door with a pineapple in his arms. He smiled at me and said, “Great timing I just bought this neat pineapple!”

“Great lets cut into that sucker,” I replied as I stepped through the door into his place. I closed the door behind me and followed Matt into his kitchen. He pulled out a sharp gleaming knife cutting the top right off. The juices flowed out and I put my finger in the little pool forming and smashed it around the counter top.

“Do you have to do that to my counter?” Matt asked with a sigh.

“Woops sorry I wasn’t thinking,” I shrugged and pulled my hand away as Matt started cutting away.

“So what’s up man? You seem like you came here with a story,” Matt said eating a piece of yellow pineapple. He motioned for me to sit at his little round table with three chairs. So I did and Matt brought the pineapple pieces over and we started eating them.

“Come on go on I wanna hear!” Matt pushed swatting a piece of fruit I was about to eat.

“Ok, fine,” I grunted and then continued, “You know Vienna right?”

“Of course we talked all about her some time and I gave you some advice on how to get her.” he smiled with a wink.

“Yeah I’m still not doing what you wanted me to do especially now.” I started rolling my eyes.

“Ah, ok, so what happened?”
“I don’t think we’re going to be friends let alone together anymore.”
“Aw Adam what did you do to the poor girl?”

“What did I do? What did I do to her?” I angrily asked furrowing my brow.

“Whoa, whoa, that bad?” Matt asked, “What happened?”

“Well she used me,” I paused, “as a fictional character in her new novel she was writing all the while we were hanging out. Try reading the book Matt and you’ll be reading everything I was telling you over the past month or two.”

“Adam, I’m sorry man.” Matt sighed patting my shoulder.

“Yeah she wants to talk about it more tomorrow but I told her I might or might not be at the coffee shop. I just don’t really want to talk about it with her. I’m afraid I’ll find out more stuff I don’t even want to know about.” I explained rubbing my eyes and yawning. I think that sleep was catching up to me again. I knew that coffee would only last so long.

“Well I think that you should go talk to her tomorrow. I mean its better to get it over with then drag this thing out. I mean I’m sure she’s just as stressed about it as you are. Heck when you talk to her it could either turn out worse or a little better you know?” Matt said, “So in the end everything will play out the way it should.”

“Yeah,” I shrugged, “But I need some more sleep to think logically here.”

“Your insomnia doesn’t help buddy,” Matt laughed.

“Especially last night when I got around zero amount of sleep,” I stated.

“How are you living right now? I would be passed out on the floor by now!” Matt exclaimed.

I shrugged and laughed with him and soon it was time for me to head home, after a little more conversation, and take a nice long nap. Sleeping on it would help better my decision. In the end though I was going to go along with Matt’s suggestion because I knew it was right. And like I had figured before I came out with the message Matt was going to end up giving me. I knew that whatever happened, happened and it was all for a reason.

When I made my way home strangely I ran into that guy that Vienna was with while making her book (Her publisher). And when I say I ran into him I mean I literally ran into him. I said I was sorry and then as I was about to walk away he started talking to me.

“Hey, I know what Vienna did to you and I’m also sorry,” he stated looking at me with a sorry face, but it didn’t read that he really was.

“It doesn’t matter right? Made a good story for you to publish and we’ll work things out I guess,” I sighed scratching my temple.

“Publish . . . . ?” he said questioningly.

“Yeah, you are Vienna’s publisher aren’t you?” I asked worried now.

“Oh, no, I’m actually Vienna’s boyfriend.” he stated with a grin.

“Her boyfriend” I said and my heart sunk like defeated battle ship. Caved in like a crumbling building. Now my head was really fuzzy and I desperately needed that nap.
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Alright. Writing hasn't been on my mind for awhile. I think this story is taking its toll on me and I'm kinda tired of writing it. I don't know really, but I do know that I will continue to write until this is finished! :D (Also I realize this isn't very long and I am very unhappy about that.

So what did you think about this?
And I'm actually not very sure I got Matt's personality very well at all cuz hell I've only see a picture of him. xD

-Jagked (Sam)
