Love In a Coffeeshop

Dear Vienna

June 10th, 2007

After Nameless had finished up whatever intriguing thing she was working on she closed the laptop with a smile. She looked at me and rested the palm of her hands under her chin. I tried not to look back down at my journal, but I couldn’t hold her gaze like she could for me. I started sketching some doodle in the corner of the page.

“Hey, what’s your name?” she asked with the sweetest smile ever. I looked up at her and couldn’t help but smile myself.

“Adam,” I replied as she nodded, “What about you?”

“Vienna Newman,” she happily answered. Vienna. Vienna. So that was her name. It was quite different and pretty. She wasn’t what I was starting to think she was like the day before. Yesterday I had thought maybe she was a rude person, but here she was and she was so generous. Vienna seemed as I had expected.

“That’s a pretty name,” I found myself complimenting. I looked away as I said it, but I still had said it.

“Thanks!” she exclaimed, her lips forming another outstanding smile. Being able to see her like this up close, it was so different, because I could see the small brown specks in her green eyes. Her long brown hair was down, but seemed to naturally curl on the ends.

Conversation seemed to be dead. How was I suppose to get her to like me if we couldn’t even talk to each other? Getting her to like me. That couldn’t happen, but I could still dream in my head couldn’t I? As I seemed to be zoning out Vienna started talking to me again.

“So what do you do? Job wise,” she quizzically asked.

“I work at Kmart occasionally, but I do a lot of gigs at bars often,” I said not telling her that we were starting to get some recognition. Owl City, my project which some of my friends help me with, had gotten at least six million hits for a song we had released on our Myspace.

“That is so cool. Way cooler then what I do,” she sighed then continued, “I work at this other coffee shop around the corner, but at the moment I’m writing a novel.”

“A novel? What’s the title?” I smiled. Talking to her seemed to be easier then I had thought. She didn’t mind talking to me and she seemed to enjoy some company for once.

“Well, I think that I want to call it Love In a Coffee Shop so I come here for inspiration.” I explained, “That’s why I’ve been coming here often, but Its also nice and relaxing here,” she looked around pleasantly.

“You think what I do is cool? I think that it would incredible to actually write a novel and have it published,” I huffed and then questioned, “Could I read some of it?”

“Well I only have the first few chapters, but I don’t want anyone to read them just yet, sorry,” she mumbled with a shrug. I told her that that was okay and we became quiet again. She opened her laptop again and continued on her writing. Our coffee’s were ready so when she hadn’t heard I got up to go get them myself. When I got over to the counter Robby was behind it still with that look on his face.

“So today your sitting with her, huh?” Robby commented and I sighed.

“She asked me so of course I said yes,” I replied with a shrug and took the two coffees from his hand.

“Good luck,” he said as I turned and walked back to my seat. I handed her, her coffee which she thanked me for doing and went right back to work. Though it was like every other day, it wasn’t. This time she sat before me and I got a closer look at her. She knew my name and a bit about me. This was a work in progress.

“What are you thinking?” Vienna suddenly asked me not taking her eyes off her laptop screen, but letting her fingers rest on the keyboard. What was I thinking? I was thinking about how the girl I love is sitting right in front of me, noticing me, and talking to me. I couldn’t tell her that though.

“Just . . . Just some things,” I muttered continuing my doodle in the corner of the page.

“Like what?” she persisted.

“Uh, just about what to write next for this song,” I lied averting her on looking eyes. I was really terrible at lying to people. So horrible that often I was caught trying to lie. Lying in general was just not my thing, I hated it. When I looked into her eyes after I had finished my sentence I could tell that she knew I wasn’t telling the truth.

“Is that a little white lie I hear?” she teased and I quickly looked away again surly giving myself away. I wished that she wasn’t so persistent on what I was thinking. I also wondered why she wanted to know what I was thinking.

“Well, why do you want to know?” I stubbornly said as I felt my face grow warm. As I was hoping she didn’t notice my slight blush she said, “I’m just curious.”

“If you must know I’m just thinking about the whole day so far,” I finally answered. It was neither a lie or the full truth, but it was getting the point across. She believed me as she nodded and started typing again. I sighed and rested my hand on my chin watching her. She was actually really interesting.

“What are you thinking about?” I questioned. It was only right that I asked the same question since she had asked me.

“That’s private,” she giggled as I furrowed my brows.

“But that’s not fair,” I protested, “I answered for you.”

“Yeah, but you had a chance not to tell me,” she told me with a tiny smile forming at the corners of her mouth.

“You were just being too persistent though!” I exclaimed with a big smile. She was a tricky one.

“That’s not my fault sweetie,” she laughed going back to her laptop. I let out a sigh that made her laugh again. Inside I was beaming brightly. I was surprised a ray of sun wasn’t bursting from my chest or face or where ever a beam of light would burst from. I didn’t know that in just one day my life could dramatically change like this. Every second it seemed I was falling more and more hard over her from the first word she had spoken to me to the last giggle.


“Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow or somethin,” Vienna suddenly said starting to pack up as I looked up from my writing, “Bye Adam.”

“Goodbye,” I waved and next thing I knew she was up and to the door already. I relaxed in my seat and whispered, “Wow.”

After a month or two of not noticing me who knew delivering coffee would get her to see me, let alone sit down and talk with me. In conclusion she was quite a unique, odd, spunky, person. In a very good way though. I wonder how things will go tomorrow because maybe this was just a thank you for the coffee delivery yesterday kind of thing. However, I wouldn’t know that answer until tomorrow of course.
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Oh this is cool. I got 5 subscribers already! Whether you know who Adam Young is or not its not in important key in the story. I think even if you didnt know who he was you could read this. The only thing you would need to know is that he's in Owl City. :D haha.

Jagked (Sam)
Comments I <3
(I felt like changin it up a bit ;D)