Love In a Coffeeshop

I'll Meet You There

June 11th, 2007

Hurriedly I walked the outside of the coffee shop and passed the window as I glanced in. I couldn’t tell if Vienna was around because I didn’t see her in her usual corner window seat. As I swung the door open with my shoulder backpack on I speed walked over to my usual table. As I swerved around table after table I stopped at mine and saw her sitting there concentrating on her laptop.

“Can I sit here?” I asked as I held the back of the wooden chair. She looked at me with one of those precious smiles.

“Yeah, its your table anyway,” she shrugged and then looked back down at her laptop screen. Well this seemed to be going no where. Even I could tell. The two of us just sitting here doing our own thing? That wasn’t very interesting was it? I bit my lip lightly.

“So how was your day yesterday?” I questioned while opening my backpack and looking inside. The only things I had brought was my lyrics book and some pencils, pens, and sharpener. The items filled up the bag because the bag was pretty small, but even so with everything inside it made me feel like I was doing something.

“Oh, my day? It was pretty good. After I left I went into the park for awhile and met up with a friend,” she answered. I nodded and the conversation ceased.

“What about you?”
“Just recording some music.”
“Did you finish that song you were working on?” she smiled.
“Can I hear it tomorrow?”
“Maybe” she frowned.
“Well, why maybe?”
“You ask a lot of questions.”
“Well, why maybe???” she asked again.
“I can’t read your novel you can’t hear my music.”
“That’s not fair.”
“That’s not my fault sweetie.” I stated restating her exact words from yesterday. She just laughed and rolled her eyes.

“I like you. You’ve got a great personality like a character in a book,” she pointed out. I wasn’t sure that if I should take it as a complement, but I did as I smiled at her and shrugged. Then next thing I knew I noticed a coffee cup in front of me. How long had that been there? I hadn’t noticed it.
“Hey, is this mine?” I asked pointing to the hot cup of coffee looking just the way I took it.

“Yeah, I wasn’t sure when you were going to get here so I just ordered it for you,” she explained eyeing me as I took a sip. I tasted it then grabbed some sugar and added a packet.

“You know that I had put a packet in there already, right?” she laughed.

“I like my coffee a bit sweet,” I informed with a shy smile looking down at the coffee.

“Aw, your just so cute!” she exclaimed as I looked up at her and then away blushing. I needed to find my courage and stop acting like this! I turned my head to look at her again and looked right in her eyes. She was so pretty that I caught myself starting to stare like my old ways.

“So, you want to listen to my song and I want to read your novel. Can we make a compromise?” I started.

She gave me a thoughtful look and then said, “Yeah, I guess.”

“How about you let me read three chapters and then you can listen to the whole song?” I suggested.

“Let me think about it, ok?” she replied. Then just a few minutes later I said, “You done thinking?”

“Fine, but you can read chapter one and two only,” she said and I smiled.

“Thank you!” I shouted as I reached for her computer, but she pulled it away, “Hey!”

“You get it tomorrow when I get the song,” she stated sticking her tongue out.

“That seems fair,” I sighed then took out my lyrics book finally. I took out a pencil as well and started jotting down some words that I felt at the moment.

June 11th, 2007

When I looked up at the clock I saw the time and was surprised. Usually by this time I was half way home from this place. However today it seemed like we were staying longer then usual.

“Ok, so I was thinking, me, you, park, tomorrow!” Vienna suddenly exclaimed slamming her laptop closed while startling me.

“I don’t know I’m kind of busy tomorrow,” I quickly replied. I bit the inside of my lip hard at such a stupid move. No? Why did I say that?

“Aw, come on, for me? Please?” she persisted giving me these eyes that I couldn’t resist to say no to.

“Alright I’ll meet you by the gates on the west side of the park,” I stated as I nonchalantly got up grabbing my shoulder backpack. I then turned my back to her and walked away. As I existed I tried not to glance back and leave the effect I was going for. What it was I wasn’t sure, but she had done it to me yesterday. However, I couldn’t help but quickly look and noticed she was still watching me and then suddenly flipped open the laptop, started to type fiercely, and then closed it again.

I wanted to know what she was writing quite badly. It seemed at times she was waiting for my answer to a question before she continued to type and then pay more attention to me. That was just being polite though, but I couldn’t help but take notice. I couldn’t help but take notice in almost everything. I wondered what she took notice in me.

I actually looked forward to coming to the old coffee shop now not to do my own thing and occasionally glance at Vienna, but for a bit of a different one now. Vienna wasn’t like normal girls. There was something to her that just seemed to fit with me. When I say that I mean she fits with me like my friends with me, personality wise and just like me in a way.

Its like everyday was a new adventure to me when I stepped through those doors. Just as new when I step into that bar or club or where ever to play my music for whoever came. Matter of fact now that I’m thinking about it in a few months I was going to be going on an actual tour
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Wo! Chapter 3! :D Im so happy I have 6 subscribers already. You people are so nice! (So why don't you drop me a comment huh? xD)
IF you see the name Jersey or Jasey then I'm sorry I MEAN VIENNA. (I changed names a lot)

Oh and I'd like to know if you have noticed what all the chapter titles have in commen. (Come on this is an easy one! haha)

I <3 Comments!!! :D