Love In a Coffeeshop

The Bird and the Worm

June 12th, 2007

It was a beautiful day out. The summer breeze lightly brushing my skin. As I waited I watched a dog and its owner playing Frisbee happily. It was a very calming feeling that washed over me which, I thought, would be very helpful when Vienna showed up. Scratching my head and looking up at the sky I wondered how I came to be here waiting for Mrs. Nameless, Vienna. When I looked back up the side walk I saw her coming toward me.

For one of the first times I took notice in what she was wearing instead of her pretty face. She wore a black and white light flannel with a white tank top and blue jeans. She saw me standing here with a foolish smile on my face and she enthusiastically waved at me. Shyly I waved back and only then did I realize she had brought someone along with her. There was a dog on a blue leash.

“Hey Adam,” she greeted, “Isn’t it kind of strange to see each other out side of the coffee shop?”
“Yeah, I guess,” I said then continued pointing to the dog, “So who’s this?”

“Oh this isn’t my dog,” she chuckled.

“Aw, you’re a thief I knew it was too good to be true.” I joked.

“No! It’s my sisters dog. She was persistent that this was a date and wanted it to be like one of those sappy love stories with the dogs,” Vienna explained laughing, “And what do you mean by too good to be true?”

“Well, all the pretty girls, there is usually something wrong with them,” I stated, “So what’s wrong with you?”

She laughed with such a soft voice as she said, "There's nothing wrong with me!"

"Oh come on, there has got to be something" I protested.

"Um, well there is this thing that I'm doing and I'm afraid I'm going to regret it," she paused, "No, I know I'm going to regret it."

"What did you do?" I asked seriously as we started to stroll down a dirt path.

Vienna didn't tell me, but she told me she would tell me in time. I could understand that. After all, I did just recently get acquainted with her. However, as we walked past citizens and critters there was a calming talk between the two of us.

After a few minutes of this we stopped at a worn out green bench. It looked at if it was ready to collapse, but Vienna chose to sit there regardless. We rested and continued to talk.

"So do you have the song?" she asked leaning back and patting the bench to invite the dog, a Shiba Inu, up.

"The son-" I cut myself off, "Yeah I do"

I pulled out a the white CD in a clear jewel case and handed it to her when she said, "I thought maybe you put it on your Ipod."

"Ipod? I don't have one of those, but I do have a CD Player," I replied and then held up the yellow CD Player. I guess she hadn't noticed it in my hand this whole time. I pulled my head phones from around my neck and gently placed them on her head. I then took the CD back from her and placed it into the Player and pressed the play button.

I knew the song was about three minutes long and those three minutes sure were long. However, I'd have to wait longer because I put a little something extra on the CD as well. I had written another song, but wasn't planning on putting it on any of my EPs or singing it. I was saving this song for an album where it would fit. I had the perfect name for it too.

I started writing it yesterday and just couldn't stop. After that day hanging out with Vienna in the coffee shop I had inspiration like no other.

"They were really good," she exclaimed, "I especially liked the second one."

"That one I named The Bird and the Worm" I informed.

"It was very pretty," she sighed, "When did you write that one?"

"Yesterday and I recorded it last night" I replied.

"You did that all of yesterday?" she gasped, but with a smile on her face like I was unbelievable or something.

"Practically when I got home I experimented with sounds and continued the lyrics," I explained, "Then I went to a gig and then I recorded it."

"That's crazy!" she laughed, "What made you write it?"

"Well, I'll tell you when your ready," I joked with a smirk.

"Oh come on!" she shouted and gave me a smirk back, "Is it a girl?"

"Hey how about I read those chapters now?" I stated changing the subject.

"Its so a girl," she giggled rolling her eyes and pulling her laptop case on her lap. It was a nice case. I thought it had been a purse at first glance. I waited just moments as she opened, turned it on, and pulled up her story. I instantly grabbed for it wanting to read what it contained very much.

"You can only read chapters one through three, ok?" she stated reluctantly handing the laptop over.

"Of course." I assured as I started to read what was presented on the screen.

After about ten or twenty minutes of reading, commenting, and listening to Vienna talking to the dog I finished reading. I handed the laptop over with a smile. The story was pretty good so far. It was about a girl named Carrie and a boy named Aaron who met at a coffee shop. The boy Aaron seemed to carry my burden of feelings as well when it came to this beautiful girl sitting along side me. I wonder where she is going to take this because it seems so awfully familiar to my situation. It must be a coincidence though and she must continue to write it because if she doesn’t then I might just slap her.

Slapping girls, let alone anything abusive, isn’t right but in this case I think it would be appropriate. I, after all, really want to read the rest of the story after its been written.

“So what did you think?” she asked nervously.

“I liked it very much,” I smiled, “I understand what Aaron is going through.”

“Really?” she said choking out a fake laugh.

“Yeah why do you sound so surprised?”

“It’s just,” she paused, “I don’t think it’s very good.”

“Aw don’t say that I would definitely consider reading this when its done and published.” I reassured.

“Oh,” she mumbled then said louder, “Well thank you very much Adam!”

“No problem,” I said, “Now, when are you going to be finished?”

“Maybe if you let me hear more songs you can read more chapters,” Vienna giggled.

“That’s a done deal,” I accepted with a handshake. The rest of the day went by in a blur. After we had exchanged the story and song we went on a walk with her sisters dog. We also stopped at a vendors hot dog stand for lunch.

June 12th, 2007

“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” I shrugged as we stood in front of the entrance from which we had come.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure I’ll be there,” she smiled, “See you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” I sighed scratching the back of my head. Next thing I knew she smiled even wider and hugged me and rushed off waving her hand with her laptop bag under it. I could feel my face grow warm. Not with a blush, but warm from happiness.

Women have hugged me, don’t get me wrong, but this was Vienna. That hug made me so hopeful, hopeful for things that could and couldn’t happen. I’m an optimistic person, but dealing with these feelings is hard what to believe. For all I knew she could just never want me the way I secretly wanted her.

Thinking hard I slowly took my own stroll alone in the park. It was a beautiful day out after all so why not take full advantage of it before tonight when I had a gig.
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I just felt like putting a picture of Adam below when I realized I should put the one of him reading from a laptop! He's not on a bench with a girl but who cares. Look. Its Adam! haha. I hope you liked this chapter and sorry that I hadn't updated. I was taking full advantage of my vacation xD

-Jagked (Sam)
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