Love In a Coffeeshop

Rainbow Veins

June 14th, 2007

That following day I sat at my regular seat at the coffee shop in a daze. I was replaying the perfect events that had taken place last night and just couldn’t help but smile. Something I thought that could be the impossible was seeming to be turning into the possible. Vienna was such a sweet exotic person yet such a mystery. There was so much going on up in her head that she was unpredictable.

I glanced up at the clock. I had gotten lost in my own thoughts for about fifteen minutes without realizing that Vienna had not yet shown up at her usual time. I was actually excited to talk to her some more ever since yesterday. There was so much to her and so much to know about her that I just was anxious to learn and share more with her.

I stretched in my chair as I heard the bell on the front door open. I lazily looked over to the door to see Vienna entering with some other guy. I stopped mid stretch and watched as she led him over to where she use to sit before she had started talking to me. Her private little table and chairs by the window. Her own little island that she had now brought someone onto. Someone that wasn’t me.

Maybe last night wasn’t good enough for her? She wanted a better man? One that didn’t have sleeping problems or was shy or whatever else was wrong with me. Nah, that couldn’t be, he was more likely just a friend going out to coffee with her. Maybe they were old friends and catching up? All I know is that she hadn’t even glanced my way ever since she stepped foot into the shop. Almost like she hadn’t noticed me.

No, I was acting like a fool, I was overreacting. See? See what a stupid kiss on the cheek can do to a guy like me? Nothing good, I know. So pushing all of that nonsense that went on in my head on a daily basis I got up. Not so very confidently I walked over to their table not able to hear what was being said since they had noticed me.

“Uh, hey Vienna,” I greeted with a small smile.

“Oh, Adam,” she gave a smidge of a smile, “hi.”

I was stuck. At such a dead end greeting what was I to say? I didn’t have to wonder about that before Vienna said, “Adam I can’t hang with you today this is, um, a publisher.”

“Oh,” I exclaimed, “I didn’t realize.”

“That’s fine,” she laughed with a wide smile finally shining through.

“I’ll see you tomorrow I guess, I have to get going early today anyway, I want to record a new song,” I paused finishing my conversation with her and turned to the publisher, “You should really publish this girls book. I’ve only read a few chapters but she’s been working really hard on it every day.”

“Well I’m considering it,” he shrugged and with that I nodded and went back over to my table.

See? Overreaction. He was a publisher. I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself. Grabbing my stuff I headed out for the door. I had to meet up with my good friend Matt at his apartment. Matt, geez, I was such a nut around him.

June 14th, 2007
“So what did the publisher say?” I asked taking a sip from my coffee while looking at my lyrics notebook.

“Hm?” she said tilting her head to her side as she looked at me, still standing.

“The guy that was here with you the other day,” I stated waiting for her to remember.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, “Oh, him! Yes, yes he’s going to publish me!”

“That’s wonderful,” I smiled getting up and embracing her into a hug. She hugged me back with as just as much strength I was putting into it. When I felt I should stop hugging her after a few seconds I let go and sat back down.

The rest of the day continued as followed, coffee, conversation, goodbye. It was just a usual day at the coffee shop. Nothing exciting nothing dramatic. Though I was starting to loosen up with Vienna and was more of myself with her. Chatty, funny, a tad loud. I think she enjoyed my sudden change in personality. A side that she had never seen.

As I sat there alone once again I thought about Vienna’s novel. She had told me that it would be released just one month after she was finished with it. Her novel so far was half way done. It would only be in time that it would finally be completed. Day’s go fast, months go by faster.
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Ok I know this is short! Don't yell at me! And I know it took a long time to write this, but I was.... not motivated. Especally since i lost 2 subscribers :\ real motivation killer.
But the story must go on and I will no longer care. :)
Ah and another reason as to why its so short is because I liked the last sentance as a way to end this chapter hehe.

-Jagked (Sam)
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