Love In a Coffeeshop

This is the Future

A month later

July 14th, 2007

“Adam Young,” Vienna shouted emphasizing the last word, “Your Adam Young!”

It took me a few moments to realize that she was saying my own name. My full name. I had never told her my full name. How did she know? Did she look me up finally? My heart pounded furiously in my chest at the realization that maybe I should have told her. Maybe she wouldn’t be looking at me the way she was now.

Her eyes crinkled with little specks of green in her hazel eyes, the brown was shining through even more today. Vienna’s lips formed a straight line and her posture told me she was upset. Her hands were still placed down on the table after she had slammed them there. She still stared into my eyes waiting for a reply that I wasn’t sure I was going to give her.

“Yes,” I slowly started after thinking it was best to end this staring contest, “That’s my name I thought we established that.”

“Shut up! You didn’t tell me your last name was Young,” she growled. I knew it wouldn’t be good to keep this from her. I just couldn’t understand how she could be madder then what I had expected ever from her.

“Alright, well, I can start over if you’d like,” I cleared my throat, “I’m Adam Young-” she cut me off.

“or also known as Owl City,” she sighed taking a seat and placing her forehead in her palm and elbow on the table.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, if that’s what you were looking for,” I mumbled.

“No, I’m sorry. I was caught off guard,” she sighed, “I just knew that singer at the bar on my birthday was familiar. Not to mention I just wish you told me.”

“So you finally put two and two together?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t have made the connection. I just simply looked up Owl City on myspace and saw a picture of you,” she replied, “I finally just looked it up after telling myself numerous times to look up Owl City.”

“Why did you want to look it up?” I asked even though I’m sure the answer was obvious.

“Well first of all, like I said, he looked familiar, and it was you, second is that you were so good.” she answered with a small smile toying with her lips to stay.

“Honestly I didn’t want to tell you,” I suddenly said.

“What were you afraid that I’d use you or something?” I nodded, “Yeah I can see people wanting to do that since I noticed on your page your getting pretty popular, but Adam I would never do that to you. I would never use you that way.”

I nodded again with a cheerfully bright smile. Finally glad to get that off my chest and not having to keep that secret from her. It was a dumb secret, but I did it to selfishly protect myself. After the past month had gone by I was able to keep it from her even when we went on another date and some strolls in the park. We knew too much about each other and I wasn’t even sure what to call the both of us. I was frightened to call her my girlfriend because maybe she just didn’t see it that way. So I always referred to her as my best friend, my coffee shop buddy.

After a few minutes I noticed that Vienna was staring at me with a sweet smile. I stared back looking at her flowing brown hair that she kept swatting back with the flick of her hand. I looked down feeling suddenly self conscious. So I got up holding up a finger indicating to hold on. Quickly I strolled over to Robby ordering two Danishes. I needed something to do if she was going to stare at me like that. Plus I had Danishes on my mind ever since I was starting to write another song called Strawberry Avalanche.

When I came back I placed a pastry in front of Vienna and we continued to stare. That is until finally she started to laugh.

“I can’t stare any longer. I wanted to tell you something, I was just waiting for you to say something about my constant staring,” she giggled.

“Oh, woops, It didn’t bother me actually,” I said letting out a huff of a laugh.

“Odd,” she mumbled to her self then said louder, “I’ve finished my story finally!”

“Really? When?” I asked.

“Yesterday night, I woke up out of no where and just had this perfect idea and I couldn’t stop until it was finally finished,” she explained.

“Oh no I hope your not becoming an insomniac too,” I laughed as she did as well.

“I don’t think so!” she shouted.

From that point on it had set us off. We were off talking. Our lips and voice forming words and sentences and laughter that wouldn’t stop. We told of new and old adventures that we had been keeping to ourselves until the right moment. At times like these I was so glad I had become her friend and so glad that she now knew a big part of me.

It still seemed as if she wanted to tell me something though from time to time. Like she was having a hard time putting the words together. Vienna would get this frustrated look while seeming to think real hard. Like she was having an inner conflict with herself or something. It was cute, but always had me wondering.

About two hours later Vienna finally stood up, said goodbye to me, and left. I looked at the time and noticed it was about twelve in the afternoon. I stretched and got up myself, but went over to where Robby stood looking very bored.

“Hey Rob what’s up?” I asked leaning on the counter.

“Nothing, Its just been so quiet here the last few days the only conversation that’s good eavesdropping on is yours and Vienna’s.” he yawned.

“What?!” I shouted, “Aw come on that is just not right Rob!”

“What can I say, it gets boring here sometimes,” he laughed while I sighed, “You know you still owe me.”

“Yeah, I know I do, I’m just waiting for you to bring it up,” I said.

“Well that time has come my friend,” Rob smiled mischievously.

“uh oh, I don’t like that look,” I stated looking at him worried.

“Oh don’t be too worried all I want you to do is tell Vienna how you really feel,” he simply explained with a shrug.

“Excuse me?” I mumbled a bit shocked.

“Well I mean I’m sure she knows that you have some feelings for her, but come on, tell her you lover her, tell her that that song you wrote was about her.” he urged.

“Why waste that on something to do for me when I would have practically done anything for you?” I asked, “Unless it was illegal . . . Then I wouldn’t have done it.”

“Look, at this point in time there’s nothing that I need or think that I need. I never ask of favors so I’m using this on you. Your real good to me Adam and you need something a little extra in your life.” Rob stated crossing his arms.

“Yes mother,” I joked as he rolled his eyes and threw me something. I caught it in my hands and looked at it. It was a small pin. I inspected it some more and saw that it had a cute small Owl with a mini red heart over where a heart should be. Then above it in blue cursive lettering it said Owl City.

“Where did you get this?” I asked staring at the little pin. It was so . . . Weird. Well the pin wasn’t weird, but I felt weird. Was this my first item with my band name? It was strange looking at something that seemed to represent me and my music. Especially for the first time. I loved this little pin though.

“My wife made it a few days ago,” Rob said, “I was looking for something in my pocket and remembered that I had it on me.”

“It’s really cool,” I stated rubbing the top of it with my thumb finger.

“Well you can keep it,” he yawned.

“Really?” I smiled looking back down at the cute little brown and auburn owl.

“Yeah I’ve been meaning to give it to you,” he explained, “She really loves your songs so she just made the thing out of no where and wanted me to give it to you.”

“Tell her I said thanks a bunch and that I really like it,” I smiled as I carefully put it into my pocket.

“I’ll be sure to give her the message,” he nodded.

July 15th, 2007

I sat alone in the coffee shop once again. Vienna I saw had her publisher with her again today at her table and chairs by the window. I just minded my own business this time and messed around on my laptop. That pin got me thinking a lot yesterday so I was on Adobe publisher trying to learn how to use it since it had been on my computer for some time now. I wanted to make a cool design for myself and see how it turned out.

However, it was getting late and I had to be at Matt’s house soon to go over some things with him. So I turned my laptop off and put it in my bag. As I got up I glanced at Vienna’s table and noticed she wasn’t there. I also noticed something that made me smile. It was hard copies of Vienna’s book. They weren’t paperback or hard cover it looked more like a manuscript, but really it was just copies of the story printed.

I took a stroll over toward where the publisher sat looking at one of them. I then proceeded to ask, “Hey, do you think I could take a copy of that? Vienna only let me read about three chapters.”

“Oh yeah, of course, I’ll be sure to let her know too that you have one just in case she want’s it back,” he replied handing me a copy.

“Thanks!” I thanked and I took it from his grasp. I said goodbye and was on my way out the door looking at the cover of the book. After I returned from Matt’s I was going to sit down on my recliner by the window at home, grab some Nestlé’s Chocolate Milk, and read it comfortably.
♠ ♠ ♠
hah! Told you I would update faster this time! :D
And I love you guys so much! I got my subscribers back plus 1! You guys are the best ever.
I really love all your support so much. It makes me feel good ^-^

-Jagked (Sam)
I <3 Comments! :D
