A Not So Merry Christmas Story

Chapter Nine

3 years ago; Washington, D.C.

“Okay Camille, I need you to give me your fingers and we’re going to take your prints.” Bernard said from the other side of the desk.

I ran each of my fingers over the ink and onto the paper, “I know how this works Bernard we’ve been through this a million times.” I said offering him a smile. He rolled his eyes at me and went to filling out paper work as I sat down in his office and turned on the TV. “Can I have some change for the vending machine?” I asked.

He dug around in his pocket, his expressing making me want to giggle. There was something about Bernard I was starting to find more attractive every time I saw him, I mean he wasn’t that old he was only 24. “Here you go.” I smiled at him and walked down to the break room to get some candy. I walked back to the office looking around at all the furnishings and smiling. I’d spent more time in FBI headquarters then many people ever get to.

I plopped back down onto the couch that was situated in Bernard’s office. The TV was showing coverage of some criminal thing. It didn’t interest me till I heard the names. “Today is the day that James and Pearl Milton will be executed. I’m standing out side the correctional facility that has housed the couple for the past year. In a few minutes we will they will be escorted into the execution chamber. Their boy Alexander is the one of the few sitting in the viewing section. They were convicted last year of….” I didn’t hear the rest. My head was spinning.

The granola that I’d gotten out of the vending machine was working it’s way back up from my stomach. “Bernard, I think I’m going to be sick.” I said running out of his office and down to the girls bathroom. It all came up quickly. I still couldn’t believe that Alexander’s parents, that had been so loyal and nice to my family was being committed of murder and running an organized crime syndicate. It made me sick to realize that my father was the one that had ratted them out, he was the reason they were going to die today.

Bernard rushed in after me earning quite a few harsh words from women unaware of the situation. “What’s wrong Camille?” He asked gathering my hair and pulling it away from my face. I pulled away from the toilet and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

“I still can’t believe what’s going on Bernard. I don’t want to be part of this any more.” I said feeling tears sting the bark of my eyes.

“That’s what we’re working on. When your father gets off of work and shows up then we can get you two new names and new histories. You can go live in a new town with new people. Camille we’re so close to getting you and your father out of this.” He said helping me to my feet. On the way back to his office he stopped and got me a water bottle out of the fridge in the break room.

My father was waiting in the office when we got there. “Hey cupcake.” He said hugging me. “Can you believe that after today we get to be free of this whole mess?” He smiled at me. It was the beginning of the army uniforms I would become accustomed to, it was the beginning of starting over. I watched Bernard take his prints but I couldn’t help but block out the soft sound of the TV in the background.

“Their boy has no other family and will be put into the system. Alexander hasn’t been available to give a comment on the outcome of his parents trial or their execution….” There was that horrid word again.

“And starting now you are Jasmine and Robert Sinclair. Welcome to the FBI building can I help you?” Bernard asked pretending he didn’t know us.

“Will we get to see you again?” I asked looking up at him.

“Maybe I will come visit you on occasion. I can be your awesome cousin from out of town.” He joked.

My father laughed, and I couldn’t help but giggle a little. It was over. It was all down hill from here, all easy. And I couldn’t wait.
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Today's Question: I wrote rather short poems and lived as a shut in for most of my life. Who am I?