Status: Is starting Chapter 3.

Reaper am I

Reaper am I: Chapter 3

Scarlets feet quickly hopped up the wooden stairs up to her bedroom. The wall where the hand rail was, were lined up with portraits of her for every year of elementary and highschool. There was still one empty, it was ment for her graduation photo. Taking another bite of the pizza she passed a small table with a vase filled with roses and tulips, and a picture of her deceast sister, Annie. A petite young girl who looked a lot like Scarlet, only with happier, brighter green eyes. Her hair was always a mess but was somehow kept neat in the loose bun she kept it in. She had a couple of teeth missing in the front and freckles across her nose and rosey cheeks. Scarlet still remembered the time Annie brought the picture to her. Still remembering the words.
" Thank you for doing my hair Scarlet!" In the same cheerful tone and then running off to go show her mom.
In the corner of her lip was a small smile. But then shook the happy memory away and touched one of the fowers. The soft pink silk like petal crumbled into ashes, right before Scarlets eyes. Startled; Scarlet scowled at the window, seeing the dull translucent figure of herself. As if she was reminded of what she did to Annie.
Then stormed off to her room and slammed the door. She leaned on the door frame and looked around her room.

The walls were painted a solid red colour with posters of bands she liked. Books were scattered around the floor, and piled up high where her bed was. Her bed wasn’t made and the grey comforter was twisted off to the side, almost falling off to the clutter. She had an old wooden dresser with all of her makeup and a small television with a VHS and CD system, on top were some old Disney movies and broken CD cases. Placing the pizza on the clutter, she fell onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. She ran her fingers through her hair numerous times, until it felt greasy. She put her hand on her stomach and lied there in complete silence. It was like she was sleeping, but with her eyes open.
Just when she was about to take a nap. The phone rang its high pitch sound and nearly made Scarlet jump about three feet. It rang a couple more times-each time making Scarlet's face squint- and then finally she got up and opened her door.
"GET THE PHONE MOM!" She shouted to her and then shut the door with a loud bang.

She walked over to her CD player and turned it on, making the system go to radio. It played a hard core rock song which was just the thing she needed. To let all of her worries drown in loud noises. Once the song was done and all they were doing was advertising stuff, she scanned her movies; she slipped out beauty and the beast. Pushing it into the little VHS, Scarlet got herself comfy on her mattress and wrapped herself in the comforter and leaned on the head of the bed she pressed play and began to watch.

* * * *

During the middle of the movie, Scarlets eyelids began to droop, rolling over she grabbed the remote and stopped it. She shut her eyes and started to breath slowly letting exaustion take over her body.
Her mind started to swril up memories of her past.
" Annie....Annie...Where are you going? Annie." She mumbled unconsiously. Thats when it began.

A small girl in a white gown was standing on a hill, her face was covered with her hair that was sticking on her face. Tears poured down the pale cheeks. Her slender hand moved the hair out of the way and tied it in a messy bun like she usually did. The ten year old pudgy faced girl that she used to know and love was now torn and scarred, and looked incredibly old. She lifted up her right hand and showed Scarlet the dammage she had done. A charcoled hand mark was sealed onto her forearm. Thats what she did to her. A single touch of the hand made her suffer death. The turned away and started running. Scarlet stared in fear. A sudden burst of energy flowed through her. She started to walk a fast pace, then when she was loosing sight of Annie. She started running. Stumbling over the uneven ground she noticed that Annie stopped and lifted her hands up. The ground all around her started to disolve and fly through the air. Annie glided towards her sister, Flames fell from the sky. Scarlet quivered in what was about to happen next. Looking down, There was nothing to step on. The small area she was standing on was the only thing that was keeping her up. The rocks and fire started to swirl around her like a big carousel. And there stood Annie, right infront of her. She grabbed a piece of her hair and started to twist it. Scarlets eyes watched in fear as her deceast sister stood there. Giving her a look so disturbed it made her fall to her knees and cried.
" Im sorry Annie! Please.. Why do you haunt me?" She said between sobs.
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At school writing this lawl. And Im going to continue this when Im out of writers block XD