Until Tomorrow

As everything just falls apart

I breathed heavily as I arched my back and placed a tight grip on the edge of the bathroom counter, feeling his hot breath colliding with the thin layer of cold sweat that had formed on my neck.

“Fuck!” He groaned into my neck as continually and eagerly thrust his hips into mine. His one grip on my hip became tighter, ensuring that there would be bruises forming later on, while his other hand applied more pressure on my lower back, bringing me even closer to him.

Removing one of my hands from the counter, I laced my slender fingers through his messy hair, and tugged it with enough force to bring his face away from my neck and in front of me. He furrowed his eyebrows with confusion masking his face, as he slowed his actions slightly. His chocolate colored eyes were clouded with lust as he searched my face, and his thin lips pulled into a smirk.

Our mouths clashed together with full force, and immediately our tongues began a fight for dominance. His warm tongue circled around mine, and brushed the roof of my mouth, causing me to moan. He let out a muffled chuckle into the kiss, but continued to make it deeper if it was anymore possible. His hands began roaming my body as his resumed to pick up his pace. His hands slowly went up my sides, sending trails of shivers throughout my body and then eventually met with my breasts. He grabbed them with a firm hold as he began to massage them, sending me and my blissful feeling almost to the edge. Smirking into the kiss, he pulled away, his breathing just as uneven as mine.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, looking into my icy blue eyes. A smile emerged on my face, and without saying a word, I pushed my mouth against his in reply to his comment. I wanted him more than ever. Eventually, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips, moaning louder as he continued thrusting into me; harder and faster.

He pulled away from the kiss and attacked my neck and collar bone. I tossed my head back in pleasure as I removed an arm off his shoulders, placing it on the counter underneath me for support. I tighten my legs around him, wanting him- needing him to be deeper.

I moaned out as he hit the sensitive spot inside me. I felt his mouth form into a smirk on my skin, but his features changed as he bit his lip in concentration, wanting for me to be more than satisfied. He repeated his action again and again; each time he was going in just as hard, earning an even louder and sensual moan from me.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned through his clenched jaw, as he wrapped an arm tightly around my body, while the other was stretched towards the mirror behind me. He continuously slammed into me and each time, I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge; my inner muscles tightening around him.

"Fuck, Nicole. You feel so fucking good," he growled. At his words, my back arched in response, bringing his mouth back to mine, kissing him once more with everything I had, before pulling away to catch a much needed breath.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he chanted, as he got closer to his orgasm. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, feeling the intense tension that had accumulated in my lower stomach reaching its breaking point. I screamed him name as I reached my climax as he followed with his. He rode out our orgasms out as we were both panting heavily, trying to regain control of our breathing before he came to a full stop and slumped over me.

He placed his forehead against mine as he reached for my face and softly brushed my cheeks with his thumbs. I placed my arms around his toned body, letting my fingers draw random designs on his back.

"I love you,” I whispered. I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes. His face looked to be expressionless at first, and I didn't regard the sadness that it contained in them.

“I love you, too,” he whispered back a few seconds later, placing a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away from me.


After we had finished taking our showers and gotten ourselves fully dressed, I walked out onto Brian’s balcony and looked onto the ocean ahead with appreciation and admiration. The sun was setting, and the once blue sky had turned into a red-orange pinkish color all while the ocean glistened as the remains of the sun’s rays hit its surface.

“God, there’s nothing more beautiful than this,” I whispered to myself, leaning against the railing.

“Yeah, there is,” I heard Brian say, slipping his perfect, muscled arms around my waist, “there’s you.” He placed a kiss on my neck, instantly sending shivers throughout my whole body. I put my arms over his, leaning back into him.

“Come to the beach with me,” he whispered. Without any hesitation, I nodded in reply. He released his grip on my body and laced our fingers together as we made our way to the sandy shores of the beach.

He sat down on the warm sand and ushered me to sit in between his legs. Wrapping his perfect arms around me again, I leaned back into his chest. I beyond content with where I was and in his arms was where I always wanted to be.

We sat there for a few moments in silence, just watching as the sun began to gradually disappear beyond the horizon.

I could say with complete honesty that I really was beyond satisfied with life as it was right now. I was with the man that I love for almost 2 years now, and I had just graduated high school, and I was more than ready to go on to the next chapter of my life.

I’ve known Brian for almost my whole life. He was my neighbor growing up, and we have been best friends since we were in our diapers. I was seventeen, when Brian was twenty-one. But it was only until I reached my junior year of high school that I saw him as more than my best friend, and luckily enough he felt the same. At the beginning of my junior year, he asked me out and that’s what led us to where we are today. And a few days ago, he asked me to come with him and the rest of the guys in his band on tour coming up in 5 months, and I was more than happy to go along with them. Brian is a very talented man, as are the rest of his band mates, and it has always been his dream to become a huge rock star and there is nothing that I wouldn’t do to support him, and if that meant putting my own dreams on hold for him, then so be it. I was incredibly and irrevocably in love with him. Nothing was ever going to change that, and my life could not get any better.

“Nicole…,” he said in a low voice, breaking through my thoughts and the silence that had engulfed us.

“Yeah?” I mumbled, and immediately I felt his arms around me tighten.

“You know how much I love you, right?” He asked, placing a kiss on the back of my head. I smiled and nodded.

“And you know that you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me?” I nodded my head again.

Where is he going with this?

“And you know that I would never intentionally hurt you in anyway...”

What the hell?

“And that there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you…,” he let out a long sigh, and I could easily hear the sadness emitting from his voice. I remained in his arms, as my eye sight began to become blurry with every passing second.

“… But I- I think, I think that we should see other-”

He didn’t even need to finish his sentence for me to know where he was going with it. I sat there silently, keeping my hazy gaze on the scenery in front of me. I was hoping so bad that Brian was going to say he was joking and that he didn't mean it. I felt my body shake slightly, and my lips tremble as a small cry escaped my lips. Brian lean his head on my right shoulder, and kept his arms around me.

“I’m sorry, babe. I’m so, so sorry, Nicole,” he whispered repeatedly. I felt a wet drop run down the exposed area of my shoulder, telling me that he was crying. I shook my head slowly and shifted my body so I could stand up and get away from him, not so I could deal with the realization alone, but to just crying out from the pain I felt in me. But the hold that he had on my body was too strong.

“Brian, let me go,” I said in a quiet, shaky voice as I grabbed his arms around me to remove myself away from him.

“Don’t- don’t go yet, please,” he pleaded, tighten his grip on me further.

“Brian…,” I whispered, biting the bottom of my lip as tears were threatening to fall, but I held them back. I turned my head slightly towards him. “Let me go… please. Just let me go,” I pleaded, hurt and pain clearly evident in my voice.

I shifted my body again, yet his arms were still firmly around me. I pulled at his arms once again, this time tears we’re falling out. I managed to stand, but he too stood behind me. His arms hadn’t budged from where he put them. I hit his arms continuously as I cried, and finally managed to escape his grasp.

I ran from him. I could hear his voice call out to me, telling me to stop and to come back. I wanted to do just that, but I couldn’t. Because he said we were done. Because he said he wants to see other people. Because I knew that if I did, I'll only hurt myself even more because I know that things between him and I won’t ever be the same.

I went as far as my legs could take me. I didn’t know where I was going, but that didn’t matter because my eyes were blinded by the tears that wouldn’t stop flowing. I ended up falling down on my knees on the hard ground once I knew I was out of Brian’s sight. At this point, the tears were no where close to stopping. I hunched myself forward and covered my face with my hands as I cried out, my continuous stream of tears seeped through my fingers, dampening the dry pavement below me.

What just happened?