Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



I looked down at the long line of kennels of barking dogs. It wreaked of urine and feaces. As I walked down the center, the barking became frantic and desperate and dogs of all shapes and sizes clawed at their kennel doors. I looked back at Crystal nervously only to find that she was talking on the phone behind the safety of the glass.

I looked back down the hall and noticed there was one kennel that wasn't shaking or rattling. I slowly walked to it and looked inside. There sat a large bundled mass of fur on the cement, food and water untouched. I grabbed the clipboard that was on the door and looked it over.

Gender: Male
Name: Sparky
Breed: Husky
Appearance: Light brown markings with white undertone. Blue and Brown eyes.
Age: 2-5
Description: Quiet and calm. Does not like cats, other dogs or children. Likes to run. Tempered but controllable. Healthy.

I smiled. I looked back at Crystal, but she was still on her phone. I looked around before I quickly let myself into the kennel. Ears popped out of the mass of fur and soon a head followed and looked at me. His eyes pierced right through me as our eyes locked together.

I slowly walked towards him and sat down a few feet away from him. "Whats up?" I asked. He cocked his head at me and stood up. and slowly walked towards me. I held out my hand and he sniffed it twice before he licked it and came closer and started to lick my face and neck. I laughed as I scratched his ears and neck.

"HEY! What are you doing in there? You aren't supposed to be in there without supervision!" Someone yelled from outside of the kennel. We both stopped and looked out at the volunteer. I laughed at him and stood up. I looked down at Sparky and smiled.

"Well, I'll be seeing you later, ready to get out of this hell hoe?" I said to him. His tale wagged, making his whole body move. I laughed again and stepped out of the kennel and took his clipboard and followed the volunteer back to the main office.

"Well that was fast!" Crystal said snapping her phone shut. I smiled.

"I don't need to look anymore, hes perfect." I said handing her the clipboard.

"Well alright, now we just need to buy all of his things." Crystal said, heading over to the front desk and handing them the clipboard.

I made my way over to the small shop and grabbed a cart. A big dog bed, two bags of food, chewy bones. I pushed the cart back to the front desk and stood next to Crystal.

"Well I got everything worked out, all you have to do is name him and we can take him home." She said handing me a pen and a new clipboard. My eyebrow crumpled together as I tried to think, and then smiled.

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm resubmitting the story, with all new edits and a new plot, since the last one was way to fast pace and the chapters were way to short, so here you go, hope you like this updated one, I'll try to submit a chapter daily :)
