Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



Walter sniffed everything in his path as he slowly followed me to my room. I looked back at him and laughed. I haven't owned a dog before, but he was by far the weirdest dog ever. All I have seen him do is smell everything and he followed me everywhere, with slack on his leash.

I plopped his bed in the corner of my room and then sat on mine. Walter slowly came in through my open door, still sniffing everything.

His ears purked up and he sniffed the air and started to wag his tale. I laughed at him as he started exploring my room with great interest. I went over to my computer and started to play music.

"Hey Lot! I'm heading out for work, call your dad if you're having any troubles with the dog!" Crystal called from downstairs.

"OKAY, Bye!" I waited and listened for her to open and close the door. Walter and I looked at each other before I ran over to the window and watched her SUV pull out of the driveway and down the street.

I turned back to Walter and smiled. "You want to go for a run?"

He just continued to stand there and wag his tail. I took that as a yes. I shut my blinds and walked over to my dresser and pulled out my sports bra and shorts. I yanked my tanktop off over my head and pulled off my pants.

A cold wet nose on my butt made me jump and turn around. Walter panted and wagged his tail as I glared at him. I rolled my eyes and slipped on my sports bra and shorts, and carefully took my other bra off under my other one.

I waked down the stairs and grabbed Walter's leash and slipped on my running shoes. Walter totted down the stairs and sat next to the front door and stared at me while I finished tying my shoe lace.

I laughed at him and scratched under his collar while I clipped on his leash. He looked up at me intently and started wagging his tail.

I gripped his leash and opened the door. Sure enough, Walter tried to bolt out the door but gagged when his collar pulled him back. I rolled my eyes and tugged on his leash so that he was standing next to me.

"If you're going to run, you run with me." I said in a low voice, looking down on him. He let out a low, quiet growl but sat down as I locked up the house. I looked back him curiously. He really was a weird dog and it was very surprising that he stayed obedient and understood what I said.

I gave his leash a light tug and started to jog. He trotted along next to me, slack on his leash, and looked up at me ,toung hanging out of his mouth and his brown and blue eyes squinting happily.

"Hey Lottie, wait up!" someone called from behind me. Caj ran up to me, in his dirty work clothes brown curly hair bouncing. "I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" Caj asked placing his hands on his hips, his green eyes squinting with friendliness.

"Better than before, its weird how life can keep going when you feel like everything has stopped." I said looking down and gripping Walters leash tighter.

"Yeah, I know what you beautiful dog, I love his eyes, he yours?" Caj said kneeling down next to Walter and scratch behind his ear. Walter bared his teeth and growled, making Caj jump back.

"Sorry, I just got him today, he doesn't seem to like very many people to pet him." I told Caj, secretly kicking Walter in his side to make him stop.

Caj laughed "It's alright, I had better go though, John might dock my pay again if he finds that I'm "half assing" it again." Caj said, starting to back walk and waving. I laughed and waved back and started to jog again. Walter pranced along with me, looking proud of himself.

"I wouldn't be so proud if I were you. If you pull something like that again, Crystal is going to have you taken back." I whispered, looking at the sidewalk ahead of me. Walter trotted along with me as if he hadn't heard a word I said and I sighed. We ran for about another twenty minutes before we rounded back to my house in silence.

I unhooked Walter’s leash and walked up to my room. I kicked off my shoes and flopped on my bed, not even bothering to wipe my sweat off. Walter pranced in, seemingly unfasten by our jog and hopped up on my bed next to me. I thought about pushing him off to his own bed but decided against it. He laid down next to me and I started scratching his belly and I slowly drifted off to sleep.
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