Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



I stretched before I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. Moonlight streamed through the cracks of my blinds, reflecting on my grey walls. I looked around and found that Walter was still in my bed sleeping softly. I looked at my clock. 3:42am. I sighed and got out of bed, knowing that I wouldn't be able to go to sleep again.

I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower, still feeling grimmy from my run. As I scrubbed shampoo into my hair as thoughts of Martin ran through my head.

Things aren't the same without him. His smell had already faded from his room, which had been cleaned up by Crystal long ago, and having no one to talk to that could understand me was a lonely feeling.

Martin had gone missing about six moths ago with a group of friends during a camp out in the woods. There were no signs of struggle or panic, they just disappeared. It wasn’t the first that people had gone missing the the forest behind town, it had been happening for years in the exact same way. And when you went missing like that, you never were found.

I sighed as I got out of my shower, dried off and got dressed in another white tank and skinny jeans. Soft whimpers came from my room as I quickly walked back into my room. I rushed over to my bed and froze, horrified of the scene in front of me.

Walter's fur bubbled and rippled and his eyes bulged out as he squirmed in pain. I dropped to the floor next to him and clung to him around his neck and shut my eyes. I didn't know what to do other than that, knowing that calling a vet would be useless and 911 wasn't an option for animal care.

I could feel his fur ripple under me and his head thrashed against mine. His breathing became raspy. I let go and backed away when I started hearing bones snap.

He looked different. his legs now longer and most of his hair had disappeared. His shoulders were broad and his snout mostly gone. My screams caught in my throat as he continued to change. And then I realized it.

He was becoming human.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please! I might post another chapter tonight if I get some feedback :)