Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



He no longer had fur, it was replaced with tan skin and long blond hair on the top of his head and thin strands of blond hair covering his body. Large hands and feet had replaced his husky paws. and a human face had replaced his snout.

He closely examined himself as if it was the first time. He carefully touched his arms and shoulders and sighed under his breath, and then looked at me with excitement in his eyes.

That was when I screamed.

I bolted off of my floor, ran out my door and ran down the stairs. I reached for the door but strong arms pulled me back and held me tight. I bit, scratched and thrashed in his arms trying to free myself from his tight grasp, but he seemed unfazed by all of it.

“Would you please calm down, I’m not going to hurt you.” He said, sounding almost annoyed. I ignored him and continued struggling when I finally got a glimce at him, realizing that my captor was butt naked.

I started to scream again when he clamped his hand over my mouth and tilted my ear closer to his mouth. "If you don't shut up, I swear to god,..." he said, muscles in his face tensing up. Of coarse that shut up my muffled cries from under his hand. Where the hell was Crystal when you needed her? I was terrified.

"I'm going to let go of you, only if you find me some clothes to wear, and I'll try to explain everything to you." he said while looking up and down at his body, maybe just realizing that he was naked.

The gears started turning in my mind coming up with a plan as I nodded under his hand. He slowly let go of me and took a sigh of relief. I quickly walked up the stairs and back into my room and closed the door and locked it. I ran over to my phone and started to dial 911, only to have the phone yanked out of my hand and crushed in the hands of my human dog were thing.

"Don't test me woman." He said, dropping the remains of my phone to the ground and then grabbed my towel from the ground and wrapped it around his waist. My eyes bulged and my breath refused to come out of my lungs. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him out of out of fear and amazement. He sighed, frustrated, turning away from me and ran his long fingers through his hair.

"Something to wear?" he asked, his voice tense and annoyed. I stood up carefully and walked over to my closet, watching him with every step I took. I grabbed a bag of Martin's clothes and tossed it to him, taking deep breaths and slowly calming myself down. He motioned me to turn around and I turned to my covered window and sat on my bed.

I tried thinking about what had just happened. It all seemed so surreal but the thoughts of it being a dream vanished as I felt the adrenalin that was taking over my system.

“I think I have some explaining to do.” He said. I turned around shuttered when I saw him fully dressed, thinking of Martin.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I asked. He laughed under his breath.

"No, I would never be able to hurt someone, especially you." He said.

I relaxed a little and leaned back onto the wall next to my closet. "What are you?"

He sighed and quickly walked over to the window and looked out the closed shades. The irst morning light streamed threw the window lighting his face for the first time. Not only did I notice that his eyes had not changed, but that he was quite handsome, every thing from full lips to his high cheek bones. "What you probably know me as is a weredog, along the lines of a werewolf, but I have been called a shifter before." he said sitting down on my bed.

"Then what just happened a minute ago, and why were you in a dog shelter if you could just change back into a human." I asked, my voice shaking somewhat. He frowned.

"I would have if I could, but I can only change when I have enough energy or when I'm under moonlight. I kept myself inside too long, I didn't have enough energy to change back before they caught me, and the shelters didn't have windows for me to access moonlight. That run today and sitting in the moon light helped me out a lot, and I had to jump at the chance of shifting when I had the chance. So thank you." he said looking at the ceiling.

"Are you going to leave?" I asked, trying to hide the hopefulness that was in my voice.

"Can't. You named me." he said bluntly and turned to look at me, not particularly happy. Complete shock and horror washed over me as I slumped in my seat. "It was the only way I knew of to get out of there though, is if someone "adopted" me. You're cute, so I was nice to you and thought it would be nice if you took me home." Walter said, giving a shamed smile.

Anger and confusion replaced my shock. "So you're using me?" I exclaimed, standing up and glowered over him.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He said, looking up at me with cold eyes.

"Get out!" I screamed at him. Surprisingly he did, and rather quickly too, slamming my bedroom door behind him . I stood there dazed and looked over at the door.

"What just happened?"I asked myself quietly.

"I'll tell you if you let me back in again" Walter said muffled through the door. I walked over to the door and opened it, to find Walter standing directly in front of it.

"Thank you." He said, sneering and glaring at me all at the same time. He sat down on my bed again.

"Since you're my "master" now, I can't hurt you and I have to do everything you say, except leave you. I have to stay a certain distance from you or I shift into my opposite form that I'm in and I'm stuck like that until the next moon, until ...." He trailed off with frustration in his voice.

“Until what?" I asked, my voice showing anger and annoyance.

"Until I kill."
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Woop! I like this one much better than the original, hope you guys like it too
