Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



I woke up to the sound of whimpering and scratching on my door. I sat up and leaned on my arms, still tired and dazed. Flashes of memories came back to me from last night, making me slightly sick to my stomach.

“Killl?” I asked, becoming worried of my loved ones. Walter sighed for the billionth time that night.

“Nothing for you to worry about, I shouldn’t have said anything.” he said. The adrenaline finally left my system and I was left with a bundle of confused, angry and very frustrated emotions.

“Get out.” I said quietly. Walter turned to me confused.


“GET OUT!” I screamed as hormone filled tears flooded down my face. Walter was out of my room like white lightning, the door silently closed behind him.

I crawled out of bed and went over to my door. I opened it half expecting Walter standing two inches away from the door like before, but I found him as a dog, sitting in front of the door scratching one paw up against it. His clothes were in a pile next to him, neatly folded.

I sighed and motioned him in. He nodded and picked up his clothes in his mouth and walked over to my closet. I closed my door and turned around to face him but he growled at me, so I stayed still. I heard him shift, he whimpered softly as his bones snapped into place.

"How did you do that? I thought you could only shift like you did last time." I said facing the door. Walter sighed and I could hear him put on his clothes.

"No, it was only like that because of my lack of energy, but when you kicked me out last night I sat in the moon light in the kitchen." He said. "You can turn around now."

I turned around. Walter was standing with his hands in his pockets and looking down at the floor. He pulled out one hand and scratched behind his head.

"Lottie, I need to talk to you about something." Walter said.

"Don't call me Lottie. Only my close friends and family call me Lottie." I said my voice monotone.

"What am I supposed to call you, master?" he said as he sat down on my bed. I pulled out my desk chair and sat across from him.


"Alright Charlotte, I need to tell you the reason why I'm here and how you're going to help me." he said with a slight smile on his face.

"I don't know about helping, but go ahead and tell." I said leaning back in my chair and looking out of my half shut blinds.

"I started traveling here about a year ago, to this area of woods that you have here, because there has been word of a pack of shifters changing people who enter their territory. That is illegal in our world. I was able to hunt down some of the pack before I got caught about six months ago, and the night before I got caught I heard of a hunt that was going to happen the next day. They're growing at a rapid rate, and they're starting to come out." Walter said.

The gears in my mind started to turn as I realized what had happened. Martin must have been changed.

"How can I help?" I asked, zoned out into the fibers of my white carpet. Walter's face lit up with surprise.

"Wait what? I thought that, well, that you wouldn't..." He trailed off in shock, then he saw my current daze. "What are your reasons?" he asked, his gaze becoming intense, almost scary.

"I just thought that if we're stuck together, that we might as well get along and help each other out." I said, snapping out of my daze and pulling a fake smile. I was good at that now a days.

I don't know why I didn't tell him about Martin and the others, but I knew that if I was going to find him, I had to stick around with Walter.

“Alright then, we’re going to have to come up with a plan then.”
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Here is chapter 5! Comment please!