Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



I sat in Jimmy John's waiting for Walter to get out of the bathroom. My legs wrapped around the bags that threatened to tip over and my hand was curled around a cup of icy cold lemonade.

"Isn't it a little cold out to be drinking lemonade?" Walter said sliding into the seat across from me, grabbing the cup from out of my hands and took huge gulps, chewing up the end of the straw at the same time.

"Are you kidding me?" I said slightly annoyed, kicking his shopping bags back towards him. He bent over and picked them up.

"So what now?" he asked, throwing away the now empty cup.

"I guess to the coffee shop." I said boredly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out back onto the sidewalk and started walking down the street. The sun was covered by a soft blanket of grey clouds, making the day even more dreary and boring. I wasn't looking towards the fact of having to "catch up" with old friends, since they always seemed to be at the good ol’ coffee shop. I didn't really feel like talking to anyone.

"Don't move." Walter said, his grip on my hand growing tighter. I looked up at him and looked across the street to where his stare was pointed too. A black and tan husky stood completely still, its owner pulling on its chain around his neck.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, noticing the people staring at us as they walked by. Walter's shoulders relaxed as the dog across the street finally let its owner drag him along.

"Just made a friend, come on lets go." Walter said, grabbing my arm continuing down the street.
♠ ♠ ♠
Grah sorry, its short and its been a while, I would love some comments!