Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



“Walter please stop dragging me you’re hurting my arm!” I shouted at Walter, finally tugging my arm out of his tight grip. Walter looked back with a sort of panic in his eyes and started jogging away from me.

I jogged behind Walter, not knowing where we were going but having any breath to ask. We were nearing the streets of a not so great neighborhood. I caught up to Walter's side and pulled on his arm, making him slow down to a stop.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked in shallow breaths.He didn't look at me, he kept staring down the street.

"That dog we saw downtown, he's a stuck shifter, we have to spring him." he said and started jogging down the street again.

"Oh no no no!" I yelled as I sprinted to catch up with him, I grabbed his arm again and stopped him. "Walter you have to think this through some more! Where are we going to keep him? I can't have another dog in the house or Crystal will freak!" I said, not quite yelling, but pretty close.

"He'll be my dog," Walter said "we can just say that's how we met, by having the same type of dog."

"But where are we going to keep him?" I said more angrily. "Doesn't he have to stay close to his 'Master'?"

"I can’t be his master, you’re going to have to be his master, but don't worry, I'll figure this out, come on we don't have much time." He said and started sprinting down the street. I growled angrily and chased after him.

“No you don’t!” I screamed as I finally gained on him and tackled him to the ground. I pinned him as well as I could laying on his back. I pressed my forearm on his neck to force him to stop struggling. “Walter listen to me, we can’t just barge in and take him, we need time to plan this through.”

Walter threw me off his back and pinned me down, his nose inches away from mine. “We don’t have time for this Charlotte, he is in danger, that man is going to fight him in the pit!” Walter said angrily.

“What?” I said, suddenly calm and confused. Walter sighed and rolled off me, sitting on the sidewalk crossing his legs.

“That man you saw downtown was his master, he just got the shifter so that he could fight the shifter in an underground fighting ring. He doesn’t stand a chance fighting pit bulls, all they need to do is get on good bite and they will not let go until the shifter is dead. Please let me do this Charlotte.” Walter said, staring into my eyes. I shook my head and looked away.

“I don’t know Walter, I still think we need to plan this one through.” I said quietly. Walter grabbed my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes again.

“Please Charlotte, I’m begging you, I can’t let him die!” Walter said, panic flooding his eyes and words. My mind suddenly went blank as I stared into his eyes. One blue and one brown, it made him look inhuman. I sighed.

“Okay, lets get this over with.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay two chapters in one day :) Hope that makes up for the short chapter!

Comment please, I hate a silent reader ;)