Status: Yeah, just tell me what you think!



We crouched behind the crates in someones backyard, the trees almost pressed against our backs. We must have run about seven miles to finally reach this place, but we both still held our breath in shock at the scene in front of us.

There must have been twenty, no, thirty dogs on chains scattered around the yard, some of them muts, some of them purebreds, most of them pit bulls, all of them scarred up. Most of them were lurching at the ends of there chains, snarling and snapping at the dog next to them, who was either cowering behind a crate or snapping back at them.

"There." Walter said, pointing at a red crate next to the house. There sat the husky that we saw downtown, sitting quietly, looking strait at us.

"He knows we're here?" I asked, looking over at Walter confused.

"I can smell his sent from over here so it's not a surprise that he can smell us too." He said, not breaking eye contact from the other shifter.

"How are we going to do this?" I asked. Walter looked over at me and smiled.

"Watch." he said, then sprinted in a low crouch across the yard. I almost shouted out at him when all the dogs in the yard lurched their chains towards him, all of them now looking at him with blood thirsty eyes.

They knew what he was.

As soon as Walter reached the husky, lights flicked on in the house. Walter looked across the yard over at me and motioned me to stay down. I crouched lower against the crates, but kept a view of the house and the yard. Walter hid behind the red crate and disappeared from my site. Just in time too, the back door of the house loudly creaked open and a sleazy looking guy stepped out onto the porch.

All the dogs became silent and tail went between their legs, ears pressed flat to their skull. The guy nodded. Fear clenched my throat as he started walking towards the red crate where the black and tan husky was. He stroked the dogs head lovingly and smiled down at him. A snarl came to the dogs lips and the man frowned. The mans hand that had stroked the dogs head a second before curled into a white fist and he raised it up slowly.

Walter jumped on the man knocking him down and hit him across the face. Dazed, the man laid still on the grown, while the husky and Walter sprinted towards me.


I froze, I couldn't get myself too run. I watched the back door slam open and three more guys came out, one more sleazy than the other. I stood up and started back peddling, keeping an eye on our new enemy's.

One of them made eye contact with me, and the world seemed to go silent.


Walter grabbed me by the shoulder and twisted me around. "Run." he said coldly. Reality snapped back in and I started to sprint. Adrenalin rushed through me, making me able to keep pace with the two shifters running at full speed. The roar of an engine made me look over my shoulder. A motorcycle.

"The woods!" Walter shouted, making a 90 degree turn at full speed and disappeared into the harsh growth. The shifter and I skidded on the ground and turned towards the woods.

Twigs and thorns scrapped against my face, but I couldn't feel a thing. Walter grabbed my foot, making me fall to the ground, and the shifter laid down next to me. We listened to the motorcycle shoot by along the dirt road and slowly fade into the distance. I let out the breath that I had been holding and looked at Walter in relief.

"We are not doing that again." I said, with a slight smile on my face. The shifter next to me sneezed and looked up at me. I let out a short laugh before getting up.

"Come on, lets go back downtown and get your clothes." I said to Walter.

"Yeah." he said.
♠ ♠ ♠
gahhhhh almost caught up to where it was before. Please tell me if you think the chapter is confusing, I can't tell when I read it.

I HATE A SILENT READER! So please comment or tell me if you subscribe or not!

**Sorry for the re-post, someone sent me a message saying that it was unreadable home this is better!