Status: In The works an update should happen soon.

No! I Won't Fall for Him! (I Hope Not...)

Chapter 4

I woke up with two big strong arms wrapped around me. At first I wasn’t sure why, but then I realized it was Jordan. I had stayed over last night. I was still in my bra and underwear, so I knew there was no sex. But I’m sure I would’ve remembered having sex. I lifted my head and I was met by Jordan’s lips.

“Good morning ,Lana” He said.

“Good morning ,Staal” I said.

“Already with the cute little nickname.” He said.

I just smiled and pecked his lips. I knew we shouldn’t be doing this, that it was a big mistake. He would break my heart and I’d never be able to move on. I shouldn’t be falling for this guy, yet I am. I’m falling hard and I only met him two weeks ago! I know this is a big mistake...

“You know we shouldn’t be kissing. We aren’t serious we’re just in like with each other.” I said.

“I know, it’s just hard to resist you. We will be serious soon, won’t we?” He asked with hope in his voice.

 “Oh shut it. We’ll see what happens.” I said


“Ok. I will do everything to show you I’m the man you want to go serious with.” he said.


I let out a small giggle!


“Get dressed and come down in five-ten minutes. Not before and not later!” He said.

“Alright!” I said with a small smile


He gave me a kiss before he got out of bed and went downstairs.

I did as he said and stayed in bed for a little until I felt my eyes start closing again. I got dressed and made my way down the stairs. I immediately noticed a smell filled the room. It was a very pleasant - and I felt my stomach start to growl. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jordan cooking. He was making breakfast. So much breakfast that it could feed a small army.


“Jordan, what are you doing?” I asked.


“Making breakfast. Just something special for the special girl I’m with.” He said.


I don’t know what he was trying to do, but whatever it was it was working.


“Jordan you didn’t have to.” I said.


“Oh I know that. But I wanted to. It was the least I could do for you.” He said.


“Jordan I didn’t do anything for you. We just kissed on a dare.” I said. I know it may have sounded like it was nothing, but, I think we both know it was defiantly something. Or at least be something. I've got to pit a stop to it before it actually turns into anything.


We ate the amazing breakfast together. He made this huge breakfast; eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausages, hash browns, toast, cinnamon rolls and ham. Jordan was one hell of a cook. I never ate food this good in my life before.


“Jordan this amazing! But, I think you made a little too much food.” I said.



“Well I eat a lot and aren’t you going to eat more?” He asked



“Maybe just a little bit. I don’t want to be a pig” I said



“I wouldn’t think you were a pig anyway. I made it so we can eat. And besides I like my girls to have a little appetite you know.” He said with a giant smile spread across his face.


Did he just call me his girl? I doubt he actually did. I’m sure I was just hearing things.


“Oh really? Mr. Staal likes girls with big appetites? I guess you really do learn something everyday.” I said


“That one hurt. What do you say Lana, why not spend the day with me?” He asked


“Don’t you have practice?” I asked


“Oh no. Not today. We get the day off. So you want to go out?” He said


“Oh, just the 2 of us?” I asked.


“Yeah. I guess if you feel odd we could ask Sid and Harper to come along.” He said with a hint of defeat in his voice.


“No. Actually, it would be fun just me and you. Besides, Sid and Harper are probably having sex right now anyway. I think that’s all they do when he has days off.” I said



“ Yeah probably, I’d hate to disturb that.” He said.


“I’ve had a bad phone experience and so have you. We’re on the same page on that one.” I said


“Alright. Let’s go make the best of today.” He said.


With that we were out of the house.



“Jordan I had a great time tonight we should do this again sometime.” I said


“You know. That’s the classic date line.” He said.


“Well, it wasn’t a…I wasn’t…I mean it…couldn’t, we…not…aren’t” He silenced me with a very powerful yet soft kiss.


“Lana, I’ll see you tomorrow ok.” He said.

“Ok Jordan I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said and gave him a peck and walked to my door.



 It’s been two months since Jordan and I have been hanging out. We weren’t a couple or anything - we just talked, laughed, and snuck small kisses when no one was looking. The thing is, I was now ready to be in a serious relationship with him. We had known each other for two months and two weeks. And I was in love with him. I knew it was a fast discovery, but I just know it’s right. I just hope he’s ready to be serious with me now.


Today was the day I was going to tell him. Today was the big game before they were going on a week road trip. So if I didn’t tell him today, I’d have to wait a week and I wouldn’t be able to do that. I thought it would be nice to go surprise him before the game. Tell him how I want to be his girlfriend and that I’m in love with him. It might get him excited for the game and hey! Maybe he’ll scored a few goals and not just in the game. What am I saying? !




 These 2 months that I’ve spent with Lana have been amazing. We weren’t in a serious relationship yet. But today I was going to tell her. Whenever I saw her, before or after the game, I’d finally tell her. You know I want to have a serious relationship. She’s the girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Ok, so yeah, I’ve only known her for two months but it is what it is. Ok so maybe we’ll take things slow and won’t rush into things. Yes I do mean sex. I wouldn’t pressure her to sleep with me if she wasn’t ready. I’d wait even if I had to wait a year. I’d wait. That’s how much I love her.


I just got out of the dressing room and there was someone coming down the hall way and looking at me. At first thought that maybe it was Lana but then I realized it was Oksana. I didn’t think anything of it I figured she was coming to see Geno like usual.


“Hi Jordan.” She said.


 “Hey. Geno’s inside he’ll be out in a minute.” I said.


“Oh I’m not here to see Geno” She said with an evil look on her face.

“Then who?” I asked.



“Me?” I questioned.


“Yes you. I’ve kind of always had a crush on you. Jordan, you’re so much better then Geno” She said.


 I didn’t like where this was going.


 “Umm Oksana. I have to go find Lana” I said. It wasn’t a lie though.


“What do you see in her?” She asked.


“She has everything I look for in a girl.” I said.

“Don’t I have everything?” She asked flaunting her breasts.


“No you have big boobs and blonde hair.” I said


“Well isn’t that what you want. Not fat, ugly , stupid and not blonde and she doesn’t have a very big chest.” She said.

“NO! Lana is none of those things you just said. She’s nice, gorgeous, sweet, loving and she’s everything you aren’t. Slutty and ditzy.” I said.


“ Oh come on. You can’t resist me. You’ll be knocking at my door when Lana doesn’t want you. Do you understand you’re too good for her?” She said.


“Look. I have to go. I thought you loved Geno?” I said

“No. I’d go with you, but he makes more money. Come on you want me too.” She said licking her lips. I wanted to slap her.


“Just stop! Please! I don’t want you! Look Geno’s my friend and I’d never do this to him. Even if you weren’t with him I wouldn’t want you. Do you understand? I love Lana.”


She didn’t say anything - she just pressed her lips to mine. This kiss was absolutely horrible. I still don’t understand why Geno is with her. I know it can’t be because of her kissing. I didn’t want to kiss back but, me being the idiot I am, I found myself kissing back. She then pulled away and took my face in her hands and just looked at me. There, I saw right before me was Lana. She had such a look in her eyes. It was a look of disappointment and sorrow.


* Lana*

 I was making my way down the hall. The security guards knew me so they let me through with no problem. I was going to tell him that I was in love with him. It was now or never, I had to tell him before it was too late. But I guess I already waited to long. There he was kissing a girl. I didn’t know who she was until she broke the kiss. It was Oksana. So not only was he kissing a girl, it was a girl with a boyfriend.


What happened to him wanting to have a serious relationship with me? So all those kisses and him telling me I was pretty were all lies? Was it all just so I’d sleep with him and then he’d leave me like the rest of them? I knew I shouldn’t of fallen for him. But I did and I knew it would be heart break. And it is. I was stupid to make myself fall for Jordan. Why did I think he could change? Maybe I was just too naïve to see the real Jordan.


I wanted to say something but I wasn’t sure so I decided not to. I don’t know if he saw me or not and frankly I don’t care either. He hurt me so much right now. I never thought he would.

I thought he actually cared about me. To think I was going to sleep with him 2 days ago. But he stopped me. He told me I had to be ready he said he wouldn’t take advantage of me. I guess that was a lie. Everything he’s told me is a lie.


I ran back up to see Harper I had tears in my eyes.


“Lana what’s wrong?” She asked.


“Um Jordan was kissing Oksana.” I said.


“No. Jordan wasn’t kissing her. No. she was kissing him.” She said.


“Harper please don’t defend him. He broke my heart.” I said.


“Look. I’m sure he wouldn’t kiss her. He finds her disgusting and it’s Geno’s girlfriend. He wouldn’t do that to him. Come on Lana. He loves you.” She said.


“No he doesn’t. ok big deal…he’s Jordan Staal.” I said.


“So? Lana, do you understand? Sid knows things that you don’t and I shouldn’t know. I won’t tell you because it would be wrong. But when I say he loves you have to believe me.” that was the last thing she said before the game started.

I have to say even though that happened I was enjoying the game quite a bit. When Jordan went on the ice he looked right at me. How? I had really good seats. When your best friend is going to be Sidney Crosby’s wife you get good seats. He gave me a look as if to say 'I know you’re mad but I’m sorry.' Jordan wasn’t himself out there. He wasn’t playing like usual. He was doing ok, but not great like before. Like after we kissed he played amazing and now. Nothing.




It was now the start of the 3rd period and I didn’t get a chance to talk to or even see Jordan. I really wanted him to pour his heart out during this game. It was the last game before the road trip and last game I’d get to see him live. Because, no matter how much it hurt seeing him kiss another girl, I was still in love him. I still had to tell him whether or not he felt the same way as I did. I couldn’t hold back what I was feeling any longer. I know he would tell me he didn’t care or feel the same way and didn’t want to go serious. But, I have to tell him and if I don’t I might regret it. I still don’t get what Harper means though. Sid knows things not even she’s suppose to know? Yet she knows but won’t tell me, then I have to believe her when she says he loves me. Huh? She really confuses me.



I was playing really badly in today’s game. If you haven’t figured out why it’s because of what happened previously. I was hoping I’d get to talk to her sometime before the game was over so I could explain myself. I can’t believe that this was happening to us. I wanted to be with Lana forever and now because of the bitch of Oksana I don’t know if that can happen. All I needed was to hear 'I love you too, Jordan' and I’d be playing fine again. Now I know I’ll never hear those words. I wanted to tell her now and I was going to ask her to come on the road trip with us. Since Harper was coming I thought it would’ve been nice. You know, having my girlfriend on the road trip with me even though she doesn’t go for my team.


I skated by her before the 3rd period started and she shot me a small smile and she blushed. That was a good sign right? That’s all it took - I was playing like me again. All I knew is that I had to score a goal for her, I’d do whatever I had to but I had to score a goal for Lana.


Jordan was on a breakaway down center ice with his brother, Marc, hot on his tail. He finally reached the net and took a shot. The shot of his life, literally. Jordan shot the puck so hard and he scored - it went top right corner. The crowd went wild Jordan scored - it pushed the score to 7-2 for the Pens. Marc was so close to stopping him, but he just didn’t make it in time. The minute the goal went in Sean Avery had this look on his face. Jordan was skating over to his teammates but he never made it. Before he even skated a quarter of the way, he was slammed into the boards and went head first onto the glass causing his helmet to fly off. All that was heard was a large gasp. There was a smile on Sean’s face, as Jordan laid there motionless. Sean skated up beside him and the blade of his skate cut Jordan’s neck. The ice was now covered in blood. The doctors ran onto the ice and put him on the stretcher immediately. Jordan was then taken down into the locker room with Sidney walking behind them.

The look on Marc’s face was indescribable. He was so full of rage he skated up to Sean and punched him in the face. Sean tried to punch back but Marc held him on the ground and started yelling.


“Oh come like you wanted him to score.” Sean Said.

“Well it’s obvious I didn’t want him to score. I tried to stop him.” Marc said.

“Then why are you so mad at me? That little shit got what he deserved.”

“Why!? WHY!? Because! DUDE! IT’S MY BROTHER!” Marc yelled loudly.

“Brother and brother all goes away in a game right?” Sean asked still down on the ground.

“Yeah. But not when you make him f****** unconscious. You b****** Marc said.



When Jordan scored the goal I was so happy for him. He finally was back to himself and he scored a goal! This was great, this was the Jordan that always had to be. The Jordan they were going to need on the road trip. The road trip I wouldn’t be on and I’d be all alone here. Harper was getting to go on this one with Sid.

Then the unthinkable happened, Jordan got hit and he was unconscious. I always hated Sean Avery, but this just made it go overboard. I get he was mad they were down by 5 with Jordan’s goal. But Jordan didn’t move, not at all. No matter what happened before I just hoped he was ok.


All I remember was scoring the goal and I was going to go over and smile to Lana telling her that was for her. And now I’m here on a stretcher with a bunch of people around me. I can’t make out except for Sidney and Harper. She really never leaves his side.

“Oh thank God Jordan you’re awake.” Harper said.

“Yeah. What happened?” I asked her.
“They’ll explain later. They’re taking you to the hospital.” She said.
“No they’re not!” I yelled.
“Jordan, are you normal? You can die. You’re losing way too much blood.” Sidney said.
“I won’t go. Even if I die I don’t care.” I said.
“Jordan what do you mean?” Sid and Harper asked.
“I’d rather die then go to the hospital without Lana by my side. I won’t leave until you go and get her.” I said.
No matter how badly hurt. I was in so much pain and almost threw up when I saw the blood everywhere - my blood. I wasn’t going to go unless she was here holding my hand. I need to tell her and she has to be with me.

“Ok.” Harper said.
“Baby are you crazy! If he doesn’t leave now he might not make it.” Sidney said.
“No. Baby you have to understand. He wants Lana and you don’t know what happened and he won’t leave. So, I’m going to get her.” She said.
“Ok. Just hurry.” Sid said.
“I will.” Harper said and gave him a small kiss.
* Lana*

I was sitting all alone because Sid immediately came to get Harper. It’s like he can’t do anything without his little girl by his side. Sometimes I think Harper is tougher then him. All of a sudden, I saw Harper walking up to me.

“Harper what’s going on with Jordan?” I asked.

“He’s bleeding and they want to take him to the hospital but he’s refusing.” She said.

“Why would he refuse?” I asked.

“He wants you by his side or he won’t leave” She said.

“Why doesn’t he just Oksana?” I said annoyed.

“Lana. Now is not that time. Please don’t do this. He didn’t ask for her he asked for you. He loves you. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. He wants you there. He won’t leave until you’re there by his side. Please don’t do this. He said he’d rather die then go to the hospital without you by his side.” She said.

“He really said that?” I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.

“Yes he really said that. Now come on.” I just nodded and she grabbed my hand and took me downstairs.
* Jordan*

“Sid where are they?” I asked.

“Don’t worry they’ll come. You’ll be fine.” Sid said.

“Ok. I want to make it, but I just couldn’t leave without her. You know I’m in love with her Sid. In love with her. And if I never see her again will you please tell her I love her. Just do that for me. Tell her I love her more then anything in the world. Tell her what happened when she saw me. It meant nothing. Tell her, that she’s my world and I’ll be waiting for her.”

“Jordan, no. I won’t tell her. Why? Because you’ll get the chance to. Because you’re going to make it and they’ll be here soon. I promise.” Sid said.

Not even a minute later they walked through the doors. She walked over to me with a worried looking her eyes.

“Lana” I said and everything went black.