Status: In The works an update should happen soon.

No! I Won't Fall for Him! (I Hope Not...)

Chapter 6

Jordan gets released from the hospital today and I can’t wait to take him back home. Sidney called yesterday while Jordan was asleep and said he wanted to throw a welcome home party for Jordan. I couldn’t refuse, it was the best thing ever! They told me to keep quiet about it because they wanted it to be a surprise. I had to leave the hospital for a little to let Sid and Harper and everyone else in my house. Luckily my house was big enough to hold all those people. I knew Jordan would love this surprise.

I figured that I'd leave while Jordan was asleep. I'd be out and back before he ever realized I was gone.
“Lana?” Jordan called.

Great. So much for that plan! I thought.
“Yeah” I said.
“Are you leaving?” He asked.
“I just have to go home and check on something. You know, change and everything.”
“Oh. How long are you going to be?” He asked.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” I said.

“Alright. bye” he said.

“No kiss?” I asked while pouting.
“Come here” He said and he gave a sweet kiss.
“Bye” I said.
“Bye. sexy” Jordan said.

To be honest I was still in pain from yesterday. I never thought Jordan was that big. It’s not like we just did it once. We kept going at it. So it was painful to walk. I tried not to show it but I was hurting on the inside.
I got in my car and was now on my way back to the hospital. It was nice seeing Harper and Sidney again. I hadn’t seen them in like two weeks. If I wasn’t mistaken, Harper looked a little bigger then her usual self. But then maybe it was just me. I got caught in a little traffic and I was really upset about that. I had to be there before Jordan got released, and they still hadn't decided on a time when I left this morning.
  “Baby.” Jordan said happily as I entered the room.

“Yeah Jordan it’s me” I said.

“Guess what? They decided on a time.” He said.
“Oh great. When?” I asked.
“They said that everything should be filed in about twenty minutes. I should be able to go after that.” He said.
Twenty minutes? Oh no! This wasn’t the greatest news. I was hoping it would be at least an hour. I know Sid and Harper don’t have to cook anything, but it’s to make sure everyone gets there on time. We all decided on a time without even knowing when Jordan was getting released. I just hope everyone would be on time.
It was now fifteen minutes later and I had to somehow call Harper to make sure they were all going to be there on time. I had to call and talk in front of Jordan, so I had to figure something out.
“Hey” Harper said joyfully.
“Hi” I said.

“So when’s he leaving?” She asked.

“Should be 5” I said.
“FIVE MINUTES!” She yelled.
“Yes.” I said.

“Oh! Marc and Natalie aren’t here and neither are Eric and Tanya.” She said.

“Only them?” I questioned.
“No! Max isn’t here! I have no idea where Chris went.” She said.
“Oh. Which one?” I asked
“ Kunitz…he went to get his wife and everything. Said he’d only be ten minutes. Yeah, that was like twenty five minutes ago.” She said.
“Oh. Well I don’t know. Call them again. I'll stall as long as I can.” I said.,
“Bye” She said.
The doctor walked in the room.
“Well Jordan, how are you?” He asked.
“I’m great” He said.
“Umm Doctor Sheppard, can I see you for a second?” I asked.

“Sure Lana.” He said.
“Ok. Can you please try to keep Jordan here for as long as you can? I would say a minimum of about another half an hour or so.” I said.
“Ok. But why?” He asked.
“We're throwing a surprise party for Jordan and everyone hasn't arrived yet.” I said.
He thought for a minute. "Not a problem! I'll think of something."

I smiled and we both walked back into the room.

"Jordan? I just want to run another few tests just to make sure everything's ok and I that I don't have to give you a stronger prescription for the pain. Is that ok?" Dr. Sheppard asked.

"Yeah, I don't see a problem with it. We're not in a hurry to get anywhere, are we Lana?"
"Not that I know of." I smiled. I joined Jordan on the bed while Doctor Sheppard did a few of the tests.

"Now, I just want to go over the guidelines of your release before I let you go. You're gonna have to stay with someone for the next week or so. Your concussion is still pretty bad, so no driving cars. Come back in a week for another MRI and we'll see how everything is going. Any questions?"

"Can I go now?" Jordan asked.

Dr. Sheppard laughed.

"Yes. You can finally leave. I'll see you in a week."

They shook hands and Jordan got out of his pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. He has a press conference tomorrow so he figured he's dress up a bit, incase he was caught by the press or something.

We made it to my car without incident and headed home.

"Lana?" Jordan asked.

"Yes Jordan."

"When we get back to your place, can we go lay down?"

"You're not feeling good?"

"No, it's not that. I'm just not used to moving around this much. I'm tired - that's all." He smiled.

"Ok. We'll get home and settle down for the day. Sidney and Harper are gonna drop by later on today with supper." I said, pulling onto my street.

Shit! I thought to myself. There's gonna be a million people in my house and Jordan just wants to go lay down. I knew I should have asked him if he wanted to have anyone over when he was released.

We pulled into my driveway and got out of the car. Thankfully, everyone had parked in different places nowhere near my house so it wouldn't be obvious. The only cars that were there were Marc's and Eric's.

"Lana? Why are my brother's cars here?" Jordan asked as I helped him out of the car.
“Marc and Natalie were staying here looking after my dog. Eric and Tanya drove up earlier today too see how you were and stuff. I locked my car and we both headed up to the front door.

I slid the key in the lock and Jordan stepped through the door. I slipped passed him and turned the lights to the living room on.
"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone shouted
I don’t think Jordan was expecting this at all. I wasn’t sure if he’d be happy or not because of what he told me previously in the car. Instead a HUGE smile appeared on his face. I was so relived that he was happy.
“Lana you did this for me!?” He yelled ecstatically .
“Not alone” I admitted.
He leaned and gave me a little peck. I guess no one made a big deal about it. It’s not like they haven’t seen us kiss before.

I can’t believe Lana did this for me. I know she said she didn’t do it alone and I think I know who planned this with her. It was Sidney and Harper. It was the most obvious thing ever. He’s seriously the best friend you could ever have and Harper. Oh how I love Harper but not the way I love Lana. Harper is like Sidney only a girl. They are too alike it’s scary. But it was defiantly something nice they did for me.
We were all in the kitchen eating an awesome meal! we were all eating and there was wine and a bunch of different alcohol. I’m usually not a very observant person but, Harper hadn’t touched any of it. She just drank sodas which was so unlike her. I didn’t make much of it though.

We were just sitting at the table and I shot Lana a look and she nodded her head. I needed a way to get everyone’s attention. So I decided to do the classic wedding thing. Hitting your fork against the glass. Surprisingly it worked out very well although there was a lot of yelling going on.

“I have a small but important announcement to make.” I said.
Lana wore the biggest smile as I said this.

“What?” Everyone asked in unison.

“I would like to say that Lana and I are officially a couple.” I said and everyone cheered.
“For real?” Chris questioned.

“Yes! For real” I said.
I grabbed Lana and planted a really hot and heavy kiss on her lips and she kissed back just as hard.

“Anyone got anything else to add?” Lana asked.
“Actually we do.” Sid and Harper said.
What could Sid and Harper possibly add. What could there possibly be new with them?

“Sid and I weren’t sure when to say this great news. But we feel that now is the perfect time.” Harper said.
“Spit it out!” Marc yelled.

“Well Sid and I are expecting a baby. I’m a month and half pregnant.” she said. Once again the whole room erupted in cheers and they both had smiles on their faces.
I knew there was a reason why she wasn’t drinking anything at all.

So Harper was pregnant so I wasn’t dreaming that she did get a little bigger. Even Jordan noticed that Harper didn’t drink anything but sodas. Which is really unlike her and I’d know I’m her best friend. She was the one who was usually the first one to get tipsy. She was quite the party animal. It’s nice to see her tamed and settled and happy. She’s settling down and now she has a baby on the way. I really wish I could have that happiness that she’s having. I want to get married and have kids. I know I’m only nineteen and Jordan is only twenty. We are still very young but in a few years I’d want it. I just don’t know if Jordan and I will stay together for very long. “I love him like nothing else but does he feel the same way?”
Everyone was kind of drifting off toward the living room and Harper and Sid stayed behind.

“Baby can I talk to Lana for a second alone?” She asked.

“Of course baby. You didn’t have to ask” Sid said and gave her a kiss.

“Thanks” she said and Sid exited the room.

“So you and Jordan?” She said.

“Yeah.” I said shyly.

“When?” She asked.

“basically when he woke up which is 8 days ago.” I said.

“That’s great.” She said.

“Yeah. I’m so happy.” I said.

“Well I’m so happy for you. Jordan really loves you.” She said.

“Yeah…I’m pretty sure he does” I said.

Harper’s eyes went wide. I think she caught on.

“You slept with him didn’t you?” She said.

I looked away. And I blushed.

“you so did! LANA!” She yelled.

“Shh” I said.

“Lana. When? I mean the only possible time was in the hospi…” She drifted off in thought.

I just looked at her. And she knew I think all this was shocking her a lot.

“You did it in the BED?” She partly yelled.

“And the shower.” I mumbled.

“Oh Lana. This is so unlike you.” She said.

“I know. But maybe if Sidney was unconscious for 2 days. Thought you’d never get to tell him you loved him. You finally become his girlfriend and you’re in a very giving mood and you wouldn’t mind receiving. I’m sure you would’ve done the same thing.” I said.

“Maybe…but I’ve never been in that situation.” She said.

“Exactly” I said.

“But! The shower!” She said.

“I wouldn’t talk. Jordan told me about the phone experience.” I said.

Harper giggled to herself.

“Well” She said.

“Sid was doing you while on the phone. Doesn’t that sound a little odd to you.” I said.

“No. I get turned on by the oddest things sometimes.” She said.

“So doing Sid while he’s on the phone is a turn on. WOW” I said

“Yes it is…also”

“Harper let’s not go there.” I said She just smiled,

“So how was it?” She asked

“It was the most amazing thing I ever felt!” I said.

“So compared to the other times” She said.

“It doesn’t compare to the other times. I felt dirty those other times. This time it was so passionate.” I said.

“Well. Lana. Jordan’s a hit isn’t he.” She said.

“Yeah. Harper he really is” I said.

“To think you almost didn’t go for him.” She said.

“Oh I know. But he’s just everything I want.” I said.

“I hate to say I told you so. But told you so!” She yelled pointing her finger in my face.

“Enough about me already. Let’s talk about you.” I said.

“Eh” she said

“So a month and half pregnant. I’m so happy!” I said taking her into a hug.

“Yeah. It was totally unexpected.” She said.

“But you’re happy about it right?” I asked.

“Of course. We’re ecstatic. Sid was like the happiest person on earth when he found out.” Harper said.

“that’s great.” I said. I was sounding a little defeated it wasn’t meant to come out that way it just did.

“Lana what’s the matter?” She asked.
“Nothing.” I said.

“I know you better then anyone. What’s the matter?” She asked again.

“It’s nothing really.” I said.

“Lana. It’s never nothing.” She said.

“Alright. Well. See. You and Sidney are so happy and you have a baby on the way. I just don’t think I’ll ever get that.” I said.

“Oh Lana. Listen to me. You have nothing to worry about. You will get it and I know it. You’re only 19 and Jordan’s 20. Personally I don’t think Jordan’s mature enough for marriage. You I think you’d be fine. You’ll have all this and more.” She said.

“What if Jordan and I don’t last that long?” I asked sadly.

“Oh trust me you will.” She said.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Sometimes you just know things.” She said.

“But you could be wrong.” I said.

“Not in this case I’m not. And you’ll find out soon enough.” She said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Lana I have to go to the washroom.” She said.
I so knew that was to get out of telling me what I wanted to know. Harper always did this to me. But that was Harper for you.
“Dude Lana’s room!” Eric shouted.

“Alright” I said.

There were rules about Lana’s room and now it would be partly my room too. During parties her room was off limits. With the few exceptions my brother’s were one of them.

“So what’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing really. But Jordan I wanted to talk about you.” He said.

“Oh.” I said.

“That was an announcement wasn’t it.” He said.

“Yeah.” I said confused.

“You must really love her huh Jordan.” He said.

“Yes. I do. Eric you of all people should know. I never shut up about her.” I said.
It was true I spoke about Lana all the time. Whenever they changed the topic I always brought it back to her somehow.

“Yeah. But I mean you announced to everyone. Isn’t that sudden.” He said.

“You make is seem like it’s a bad thing.” I said.

“Well, I know how you are Jordie. The next girl comes around and what happens to Lana.” He said.

That actually really hurt me deep. I thought it was rude and mean. I know I was like that in the past but Lana changed me. I love her and I wouldn’t cheat on her. F*ck I felt horrible when I got kissed and we weren’t a couple. She’s the love of my life and I’ll do anything to be with her forever. I want to marry her one day I do. Maybe not now but soon defiantly. I want to be with her for a long time. Hopefully even have children with her. Like I said not now but soon.

“Eric. I’m not like that anymore. Lana showed me that one girl is enough. I love her Eric. I love her.” I said.

“That’s great. You love her. But what happens when temptation comes around?” he asked.

“I won’t go for it. Because I know what I’d be losing.” I said.

“What would you be losing?” He asked in a tone I didn’t really like. It sounded like a father talking to his five year old son. Not like a twenty-four year old talking to his twenty year old brother. It was very upsetting.

“Eric I’m not 5. I know what I’m losing and why do you care?” I asked.
“See you’re avoiding the question. Why do I care because I see the way you are with girls.” he said.

“Eric I’m not that same Jordan that I was. These last two and half months I’ve been with Lana I haven’t looked or even thought about any other girls.” I said. I was starting to get a little angry.

“Yet you kissed Oksana.” He mumbled under his breath. That was it. He touched a nerve right there.


“Jordan relax!” He said.

“RELAX!?!” I said loudly.

“Yes. Jordan I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d act this way.” He said. I could tell her was truly sorry about what he said.

“Why didn’t you think I’d act this way. You know the way I am.” I said.
“Yes I know the way you are. This is the first time you’ve gotten like this for a girl.” He said.

“Eric…she’s not just a girl. First off she’s my girlfriend but one day I want her to be more.” I said.

“Jordan you really did grow up.” He said.

I noticed there were tears in his eyes. Oh no! there was not going to be another crying feast like last time.

“Thanks.” I said a little unsure of where this was going now.

“I never thought a girl, two months and an injury could make you like this.” He said. And gave me a hug and I could’ve sworn there were tears coming from his eyes.

“Eric. No! you aren’t crying.” I said.

“Nah man. I got something in my eye” he pulled me into a tighter hug and he didn’t want to let me go.

“Dude. You can let go now.” I said.

“Jordan! Shit! Don’t scare me like that again. You had me so worried. I thought the next time
I was going to see you was in a coffin.” He said.

“I’m ok now.” I said.

“YEAH! Man! Sorry for the way I acted. But, now I know you’re in this for real and not just for sex. Speaking of sex did you do her yet?” He asked with a little grin.

“Eric.” I said.

“I’m curious.” he said.

“Well for your information yes we did sleep together.” I said.

“Was she good?” He asked.

“Dude! But yeah she was amazing!” I said.

“But. You’ve only been up now for 8 days. You obviously didn’t sleep together now. I doubt you slept with her before you got injured. So that can only mean one thing. You fucked her in a hospital bed.” He said.

“Pretty much…then it moved onto the shower” I said.

“Wow. I never thought you’d do in a hospital bed. Desperate much.” He said.

“No not desperate. I went a full two months with no sex when Lana and were together but not serious.” I said.

“Whoa! A whole two months! DAMN! You must really love this chick.” He said.
“Oh I yell at you because you mention Oksana. I tell you how much of a jerk I feel like. I tell you all these things. You’re all calm. I tell you I go two months with no sex and it’s like DAMN you’re in love.” I said.
“Jordan do you realize how big a deal that is?” He asked.
“No.” I said.

“Are you serious? Before you met Lana you were with a new girl almost every two weeks sometimes even less. Jordan you went a whole two months with no sex and you stuck by one girl. That’s so unlike you. Yeah that’ll make me think you really , really truly love. More then all the yelling in the world.” He said.

Ouch! That kind of hurt. It took me to say that I hadn’t slept with someone in two months to make him realize how much I loved a girl. I guess Eric was just protecting Lana from me. But if he knew how much I loved her he would never have asked me those questions.
“Oh” I said.

“see. Now I hope you get why I went off on you like that. But you went a whole two months for a girl you weren’t even dating. Yeah. Jordan you’ve changed and I’m so glad you met Lana. But don’t hurt her because no matter what I’ll protect her.” He said.
“Eric don’t worry. I won’t hurt her. I love her too much. I can’t risk even the thought of losing her again.” I said.

“Jordan I believe you. Now go get her” He said.
With that we both exited the room and I went to see Lana. She was sitting with Harper at the table.

“Hey Lana” I said.

“Hey baby” She said.

I went over and sat beside her. I gave her a soft peck and just looked deeply into her eyes. It was like we were in our own world forgetting Harper was there. Sid broke us out of our Trance.

“Oh so in love.” He said. We both shot him a glare.

“Hey. You know what would be awesome.” Harper said.

“What?” Lana asked.

“If we doubled again.” She said.

“You know that’s a great idea.” Lana said

“Awesome.” Harper said.

“So when?” Lana asked. I hoped she hadn’t forgotten that she and I were going on a date alone.

“ I was thinking the sooner the better” She said.

“Oh well. Jordan and I were kind of going to go out on a date. You know…just the two of us.” Lana said.

“Oh of course! You guys haven’t really had your first alone date. It’s only fair.” Harper said.

“What about for your birthday Lana?” Sidney asked.

“Oh.” She said.

“Well unless Jordan wants to do something alone with you. I totally understand.” Harper said.

“Well. It doesn’t have to be on the exact date. But my birthday is after your wedding. Maybe a little sooner” Lana said.

“True.” Sidney said.

“And the wedding isn’t exactly the closet thing. It is four months from today.” I said.

“Oh right.” Sid said.

“awfully quite there Jordan.” Harper said.

“Just listening” I said.

“What do you think Jordan when should we double?” Lana asked.

“Well. After our date and way before the wedding. Why not a little before the engagement party. So how about two weeks from tonight.” He said.

“Sounds like an plan.” Sidney said.

“It’ll be like a pre-engagement, and celebrating Jordan and Lana’s relationship.” Harper said.

“Yeah. I like the sound of that” I said.

“Yup! Sounds good to me!” Sidney said.

“So a week from tonight all four of us together.” Lana said.

“Where are we going to go though?” Harper asked.

“What about where we had our first date?” Sidney asked.

I’ve never been to that restaurant before but from what some of the guys say it’s the place to be. So I thought that would be a good idea.

“Yeah. I think that would be cool” I said.

“Defiantly and it was where you had your first date and where you’ll have your last one as a non married couple.” Lana said.

Harper and Sidney just smiled at each other and kissed. I took that as my moment to kiss Lana. It slowly turned into a make out session. I was tugging at shirt and she was tugging at mine. I would’ve taken her there but there were people all over her house and Sid and Harper were in the same room.

“Baby-people- are in- the- room” I said in between kisses.

“Ok…but once they’re gone.” She whispered in my ear.

“Yes. Once they’re gone” I said.
Everyone had finally gone. I have to say I’m so thankful Lana did this for me. It was the sweetest thing ever. Also I’m so thankful to have Harper and Sidney in my life. Because if it wasn’t for them Lana and I wouldn’t be together right now.

“So it’s all clear” She said.

“Yeah. Thanks.” I said.

“Welcome baby. But it wasn’t all me.” She said.

“Oh so humble.” I said.

She playfully slapped my arm.


“Oh so humble” he said. I playfully slapped his arm.

“You know I should say thank you the right way and since we’re alone that shouldn’t be a problem.” He said.

I knew exactly what he meant. And I wasn’t going to object. The last time we slept together it was amazing and I’m sure it would be just as good. If not better then the last time.

“Baby. That was even better then the first time” I said.

“It really was.” He said.

“I love you.” I said.

“Love you too.” He said.
He held my naked body in his big strong arms and I drifted off to sleep after the most amazing sex of my life.

I think this time it was amazing because this time it was proving our love for each other. It was more amazing because we weren’t just having sex we were making love. It was so romantic. Full of passion, desire and hunger for each other. I never thought Jordan of all people could make me feel this way. Now I know he isn’t in for some good sex. He’s really in this for love.

“Good morning Jordan” I said.
“Morning beautiful” Jordan said.

Jordan kissed my softly. He looked down and smiled at me. That smile brought back the wonderful memories of last night.

I still can’t believe that Jordan loves me and we slept together last night and in the hospital. Now we’re going on a date just the two of us. I mean, a girl like me with Jordan Staal. That’s just unreal. Ok so we haven’t officially been a couple for long. But for about two months we were “together”. we both liked each other but you know nothing serious. And now we are it’s crazy.

“Baby do you want to get up now? I don’t know wash up?” He asked.

I thought about for just a little bit of time. Sure I’d want to wash up but I know that would lead to more sex. Not that I didn’t want more. It’s just I was so loving this.

“No not now. I just I want to lay here a little longer with you ok.” I said turning around to face him again.

“sure. Let’s just lay here.” He said and captured my lips into a very passionate kiss.
He just held me and there was not one worry in my mind. Neither one of us cared that we were still completely naked. We just laid there together. I couldn’t be more in love right now. I never though I’d let myself fall for Jordan Staal. But I have and I don’t think I’ll ever fall out of love with him.

“Ouch! Baby it hurts! It hurts!” Jordan yelled from the living room.

I rushed in there to make sure he was ok and not just over exaggerating. I loved Jordan and all but these past few days he’s been getting a little annoying. I understand he’s in pain and it kills but sometimes I want to tell him to just be a man and suck it up!

“What hurts baby?” I asked.

“Everything” He said.

“Do I need to kiss it?” I asked.

“Oh would you.” He said.

“Sure” I said.

“Ok good.” He said

“Just point and I’ll kiss it” I said.

“Well here, here and all over here.” He said basically circling his face. I knew it didn’t actually hurt but hey what did I have to lose. Nothing really. So I kissed his face.

“ok now baby where does it really hurt?” I asked.

“It’s really my neck.” He said and I saw the pain in his eyes.

“Oh baby I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do” I said.

“It’s ok. You’re here and I couldn’t ask for! OWE!” He said.

“I hate seeing you like this. Want the pills. You have a little morphine left I can give it to you if it’s that bad.” I said.

“Oh baby please. I can’t take the pain.” he said.

“Sure” I said giving him a kiss.

I gave him the morphine and he started to relax. Great I thought he’d be fine. Boy was I wrong. The morphine barley lasted an hour on him.

“Baby…it hurts so much.” He said.

“What now?” I asked slightly annoyed.

“I have massive headache and my shoulders and my neck.” He said.

“Well I’ll get you some Advil and I’ll give you a message. Maybe my magical and hot kisses will heal that neck a little.” I teased.

“What ever makes the pain go away.” He said.

“Alright” I said.

I gave him the Advil and a nice long relaxing massage and gave him a couple of sweet kisses on his neck. Once again I had to it was just too tempting. I licked his very faint but visible to my eyes. His scar. I felt him shudder under me.

“Feel better baby?” I whispered in his ears.

“a little. Keep it coming.” He said.

“Of course I will.” I said.

I continued for about an hour and we were both tired and the pain went down a lot. So we decided to hit the sack quite early.

1 week later

“Baby are you ready to go?” Jordan asked
“Yes baby I’m coming.” I said.

I went down the stairs and Jordan was looking at me but there was no expression on his face. Oh did he look handsome! I immediately felt my knees buckle and I tried to walk down to the next step but my foot missed. Before I hit the ground I felt Jordan’s arm around me.

“Baby what happened?” He asked.

“Guess I’m just weak in the knees” I said.

He gave me a soft kiss and helped me up and we walked out toward the car.

“You know you look beautiful” He said.

“thanks” I said blushing.

“Aw. You know Lana you look really sexy when you blush.” He said.

I blushed even deeper and I kissed him.

“Oh and Jordan. You look smoking.” I said.

“Smoking?” He questioned.

“Yeah. Even better then HOT” I said.

“Then thank you.” He said. Jordan and I rode to our location in a very comfortable silence.He pulled into the drive way.

“Babe. Mellon Arena?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He said.

“Aren’t we a little over dressed?” I ask.

“Nah. It’s fine” He said.

“But Jordan of places Mellon. There are so many fans and all that stuff.” I said. Jordan started laughing to himself.

“oh Lana” He said.

“What?” I asked.

“Umm. Lana. It’s only us.” He said.

“How is that?” I stopped.

“Lana I’m Jordan Staal. I rented it out. It’s only me and you. I wanted it to be special.” He said.

“Aw. Baby that’s so sweet of you.” I said.

He smiled and I kissed him softly. We got out of the car and went into Mellon Arena together.
He brought me to the ice rink and there were two pairs of skates waiting.

“Jordan I can’t skate and my clothing isn’t helping.” I said.

“I’ll be right there to help you don’t worry. I wouldn’t let you fall” He said.

“Alright. I trust you.” I said.

I laced up my skates and went on the ice I was very shaky. I had never skated or even tried to in all my 19 years of living.

“You’re doing great!” Jordan said.

“No! I’m” With that I was on the floor in my nice dress. Jordan came over to me and laid on top of me.

“Umm?” I asked.

“Yeah?” He said.

“You do know you’re on top of me.” I said.

“Yeah I do. I’d take you right now if we weren’t on the ice” He said.

I felt myself blush a deep, deep red.

“Oh really. Well we do have the whole arena to ourselves now don’t we.” I said.

“I like the way you think” He said.

“mhm” I said. And kissed him again.

“Ah. I could stay like this all day.” He said.

“So could I…if my butt wasn’t frozen at the moment.” I said.
He let out a chuckle.

“So. Would you like to see the rest of Mellon Arena?” he asked.

“Sure” I said excitedly.
“Great” He said and helped me up.
We were walking around just the two of us. I’m not going to lie it was a little bit creepy. But, I knew I would be alright because I had Jordan to protect me. He took me around and pointed out the cool and important things. I was just amazed at the size of this place. He was just about done showing me around and there was only one place left. The locker room.

“Saved the best place for last didn’t I?” He questioned.

“I think you did.” I said with a smirk.

“Come on in” He said.

“Well aren’t fans not allowed in this room?” I asked.

“Oh, you’re so much more then a fan.” he said.

“Oh I am now aren’t I.” I said and gave him a quick kiss.

We walked hand in hand into the room and he brought me to where all his equipment is.

“Lana, close your eyes” He said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Just do it for me please.” He said with that smile. That smiled makes me melt every time.

“Alright” I said as I closed my eyes.
I felt something soft and material like go into my hands. I then opened my eyes.

“Put it on?” He asked.

“Of course” I said.

I slipped the jersey on.

“Your very own Staal jersey love.” He said.
He’s never called me love before. I kind of like that a lot.

“Yup! Now I get to join Harper!” I said.

“That’s the idea and now you and Harper get to be in the V.I.P section with all the other girlfriends and wives.” He said.

“OH really?” I asked shocked.
“Yes.” He said.

“I’m so excited” I said.
I leaned up and kissed him.

“Baby are you hungry?” he asked.

“Yeah. Just a little.” I said.

“Alright let’s go then!” He said.
Jordan and I ate a very delicious and filling meal.

“That was amazing” I said.

“Thanks” he said.

“A little too much but it was amazing” I said.

“Shall we have desert here or at home?” He asked.

“Well I’m not exactly really hungry anymore” He just looked at me.

“How about Jordan no dessert for tonight” I said.

“Alright none.” he said.

“Jordan you agreed fast. No sex tonight? You’re agreeing to no sex.” I said.

“No sex for the night. And yeah. Lana I’ll do anything for you.” He said.

“Oh how I love you!” I said and placed a kiss on his lips.
This was defiantly the best date I’ve ever had!
2 weeks later

Today was the double date and I was excited Jordan and I have been an official couple for twenty-two days now. I have to say these have been the best twenty-two days of my life. I love Jordan more anything. He’s my world. He’s everything I could ask for and more.

“Ready to babe?” He asked.
“Yes of course handsome” I said.
We arrived at the same time as Harper and Sidney.

“Hey” Harper said. While running up to me.

“HI!” I yelled. Hugging her.

We all walked in and went to our table. It was so nice being the only four in a room together. So intimate and romantic. We had finally received our food and we started eating. You’d think we’d get our food faster with it being only us four. I guess not.

“so Harper. You’re going to be five and half months pregnant when you’re getting married.” I said.

“Yeah.” She said.

“So what’s happening with the wedding dress?” I asked.

“Well, there was a little difficulty but it’s ok now. I got the new dress size and everything.” She said.

“New dress? Harper that was the dress.” I said.

“Lana relax. I said new dress size. It’s still the dress.” She said.

“Oh thank god! I thought you got a new one” I said.

“No way! I would never do that. When I told Sid that it would cost a little extra to have it altered. He said no problem and gave it to me” She said.

“Anything for my Harper.” He said.

The bill came and Jordan was going to get it and Sidney stopped him.

“Sidney. I’m paying for Lana and I” He said.

“No you aren’t” He said.

“Yes I am.” he said.

“No. I’m paying for the four of us” Sidney said.

“No. Dude! Lana’s my girlfriend I’m paying for her.” Jordan said.

“It was our idea to double and it’s out treat. We’re paying no ifs ands or buts.” He said.

“Fine” Jordan said. ...

“alright bye” I said to Harper and Sidney while hugging them.

“Bye” Jordan said.

“bye” Sid and Harper said.

We walked to our car while they walked to theirs. Jordan and I held hands the whole way there. When we got into our car we wanted to peek and see what Sidney and Harper were up to. They had a full blown make out session going on in there.

“Whoa! There!” Jordan said.

“I know” I said.

4 months later

Today was Harper and Sidney’s wedding. It felt like just yesterday that it was their engagement. But in reality it was over a month ago. It was a very fun party that’s for sure. I had a blast and Harper’s bachelorette party was fun! Nothing too wild and crazy just the right amount of fun! So today my best friend of 10 years is now finally giving herself completely to Sidney. In different ways then she already has.

We were off to the church now. It was girls in one limo and guys well they were already at the church. I was the maid of honor and Jordan was the best man. Harper and I always talked about this as kids. And said that when we got married we’d be each other’s maid of honors. And so far that promise has been kept.

We finally arrived at the church and Harper looked amazing even with her baby bump showing. She walked down the aisle and looked like happiest person on this earth. I hoped that one day I get to have the same look on my face. I just don’t know if I ever will.
Harper and Sidney said their ‘I do’s’ and they shared that very special and magical kiss. And now it was off the reception.

We were having a blast at the wedding party. The food was excellent Jordan and I were having fun talking laughing. I met people I never thought I’d meet in my life. Like Mario and Nathalie Lemuiex. The people I met were endless and they were all so expecting of me. I felt so loved and wanted and I didn’t feel like an outcast at all. I noticed that Harper was going up to the microphone. What the hell was she doing?

“Hello everyone. Sidney and I wanted to do something special for our two very best friends. We’d like to ask Lana and Jordan to share a special dance just the two of them.” She said.

The spotlights when on us and that was it we couldn’t escape it now. Jordan and I made our way onto the dance floor and danced to the very peaceful music playing. I believe the song title was May it be. It was absolutely beautiful .

KISS!” we heard everyone yell at once. I blushed and looked down. Jordan put his hand under my chin and kissed my so softly. The whole room cheered.

I have to say it was one of the best parties I’ve ever been to. We were dancing non-stop and it was the most I’ve ever had. It was going to be a little sad since Sidney and Harper were going to be going on their honey moon for 3 weeks. Not two but three weeks. That’s nutz! But they can do it. I just can’t believe Sidney would be willing to miss so many of his games. Then again he said anything for Harper.
3 years later

I was sitting here all alone on my 22nd birthday. Well it not be because of the reason you’re thinking about. Jordan and I are still together and have been for a little over three years. These have been the best three years of my life. Jordan is just so special and amazing. Back to why I’m alone. See…Jordan went to pick up Sidney and Harper for my birthday. Figured might as well spend it with my best friends, boyfriend and adorable little Gracie. Grace was Sidney and Harper’s little angel. I loved that girl so much. I couldn’t wait to see her, Sidney and Harper again. I haven’t seen them face to face in two months. That’s because Harper was put on best rest for two months and she was in pretty bad condition. Yes, Sidney and Harper are expecting their child in three months.

Oh, how I wish Jordan and I would get married and have kids. I just don’t think Jordan plans on asking me anytime soon. He hasn’t really mentioned anything. So I think I’ll be waiting a pretty long time before we get married and have the kids. It was now forty minutes since Jordan left and I was really starting to get lonely.

I then saw a car pull into the drive way. Oh yeah Jordan and I moved into a bigger house and it’s ours. Well more like it was my birthday present last year. Although I told Jordan not to…but did he listen. Of course not! I was all excited now! They were here! J There was a ring at the door and I bounced up and answered it.

“Aunty Lana!” Grace smiled.

“Gracie!” I yelled and picked her up and put her on my hip.

“How are you Lana? I miss you” She said.

“I’m great! You? I missed you too.” I said

“I’m really good too!” She said and she was just staring at me.

“grace?” I asked.

“Uncle Jordie was right.” She said in her cute little voice.

“about what?” I asked

“He told me you were even more beautiful then the last time I saw you. It’s true you really are” She said and smiled.

“ Oh thank you. Well Gracie you’re gorgeous!” I said.

“Thank you aunty! Even Steven finds me pretty.” She said.

“Who’s Steven?” I asked curiously.

“Oh just some boy.” She said like she was I don’t know sixteen.

“Just some boy. Ok. How do you know Steven?” I asked.

“Well his daddy works at my pre-k. and he’s really cute.” She said and blushed.

“Oh really? How old is Steven?” I asked

“Oh he’s five.” She said.

“Ok. It’s only two years.” I said.

“Yeah. And he kissed me.” She said.

“He kissed you!?” I exclaimed.

“Yeah. But only the cheek.” She said.

“Gracie only your cheek. What did you want from him?” I asked.

“Well a little lip action would’ve been nice. I’m talking like serious kissing here” She said.

“Gracie you’re only three. And it was sweet that he kissed your cheek.” I said.

“I know but mommy and daddy talk like that all the time.” She said.

“Do they know you know that? But Grace they’re adults you’re only three.” I said.

“No I’m a sneak. But age is only a number.” She said.

Wow it was going to be hard to convince this three year old that’s for sure.

“Let’s just say…a kiss on the cheek is enough for now.” I said.

“Yeah you’re right. But for now. The next I’m going to-”

“Gracie do you want daddy finding out you kissed a five year old on the lips?” I asked.

“Nun unh.” She said.

“Exactly. So just wait.” I said.

“But how long? It took him a whole month to kiss my cheek” She said.

“Until he’s ready and you’re old enough.” I said.

“Oh fine.” She said pouting.

“Oh Gracie you’re too cute.” I said.

“He he. Oh Aunty Lana…uncle Jordie said he wanted to see you outside.” She said.

“oh he did?” I asked.

“Yup! You better go. I think you’ll like it.” She said.

“Ok” I said confused.

I walked out the door and there Jordan was standing at the end of the drive way. He was in a suit. He wasn’t in one when he left. So why would he change?

“Grace said you wanted to see me” I said.

“Yeah. She’s right I do want to see you.” He said.
Ok this was a little weird. I turned to look at Harper and she just smiled. I looked back at Jordan and he was down on one knee.

“Oh Jordan” I said.

I felt my hear beat speed up. I was waiting for this moment for so long now. I just didn’t think it would happen now or anytime soon.

“Lana. I love you. I have since we first met, I feel like it was just yesterday when we finally confessed our love to each other after so long. Lana you’re my other half and I’m so glad I met you and found you. My life wouldn’t be the same without you. I never loved a girl so much like I love you. In fact, you’re the only girl I’ve ever really loved. You’re just the most amazing down to earth, smart, funny, loyal kind. You’re also the most beautiful girl I’ve laid my eyes on. You’re one in a million. Lana I want spend forever with you. So would you do the honors of being my wife? And marrying me?”

'Oh My god, Jordan. I don't know what to say."

"Hopefully yes." Jordan said, getting up off the ground.

"Well, I want to say yes. You know I do. I just need to talk it over with my Mom and a few other people. Do you understand?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. I understand completely. Take your time. I don't need an answer right away."

"How about during the Cup finals next month. Win or loose, I'll give you my answer."

"Sounds like a plan." He smiled, leaning in to kiss me.