Status: In The works an update should happen soon.

No! I Won't Fall for Him! (I Hope Not...)

Chapter 7

"Harper, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked

"Sure." She said.

"So Lana why'd you need to talk to me?" She asked.

"Was I mean to him?" I asked.

"No, Lana you were honest, its better telling him you have to think about it then saying yes and it being a mistake. If there's one thing Jordan likes, its honesty." She said.

"Ok, I just wanted to make sure I mean I didn't want to sound like a bitch. We've been together for three years and I basically turned him down." I said.

"No Lana you didn't turn him down, you told him you needed sometime to think about it. Don't worry you'll figure out if its right or not." She said.

"Ok thank you so much Harper, that helps me a lot, it really does." I said.

"Lana I'm your best friend for a reason." she said.

"Yeah, well I guess we should head off into the kitchen." I said.

"Yeah sounds good." She agreed.


Today was the day I was going to call my mother and asked her what she thought about Jordan and I getting married.

"Hey Lana." My mother said.

"Hey mom." I said

"So how are you? Happy belated birthday." She said.

Yes, I'm not even sure what I'm calling her she didn't even have the decency to call me on my birthday, yet what she says matters to me and a lot too.

"I'm ok mom there is a reason I called you though." I said.

"Oh and what would that be?" She questioned.

"Jordan proposed to me" I said.

"He did now didn't he?" She said.

"Yes mom I called you because I wanted to know if you approved." I said.

"hmm, do I approve? well no I don't." She said.

"Mom why not, you always said you wanted me to be happy." I said.

"Yes, I did but not with someone like Jordan, you need someone who can support you not only financially but emotionally as well. I just think Jordan is wrong for you hes too famous and popular. Don't you think he needs oh I don't know more of a trophy wife." She said.

I was appalled that my own mother had just said that to me this was unbelievable. I couldn't believe my own mother didn't want me to say yes to him I was really hoping shed tell me to go for it and that everything would work out.

"Mom, I called because I thought you'd support this I just wanted your ok so I can tell Jordan yes and we can get married after three years of dating. Mom, Jordan does support me emotionally and I'm not with him only because of the money he could be poor and I wouldn't care. I love him mom, I love him more then anything. Did it ever occur to you that maybe he doesn't want a trophy wife and you know a trophy wife will vary from player to player. Mom, I think I made the biggest mistake of my life calling you." I said in tears.

"Look Lana, I don't support it and I wont ever. If my blessing is what you wanted well sorry honey its something you're not going to get. Oh he does doesn't he well I don't know what to say. Oh and Lana no matter what Jordan says you cant be a trophy wife. You could lose all the weight in the world and it still wouldn't be enough, oh and one day when he meets the real girl of his dreams then you better not come crying to me." She said.

That was is it, that broke me and I couldn't do this anymore, my own mother. I cant believe she was doing this to me. I guess the answer is clear from what I said to my mom., so I think the answer might be yes but I'm not 100% convinced yet that its the right choice. What my mom said just put more doubt in my head and maybe I should say no and hell find that dream who isnt me and if that does happen well I don't have all that many people I could turn to besides Harper.

'Hey Harper can you come over please?' I asked in a text.

She text back in under two minutes with a 'sure coming right now'

She arrived in five minutes and I felt bad making her drive since she was due in a very short amount of time.

"Hey Lana, Whats going on?" She asked.

"Oh well, I called my mom and she doesn't approve." I said.

"She doesn't? what was her reasoning?" Harper asked.

"She said that no matter what Jordan says I cant be a trophy wife. Also, said that when Jordan meets the girl of his dreams that I better not go crying to her." I said.

"Oh, Lana. Wow! That's horrible and I'm sorry to hear that. The last thing Jordan wants is a trophy wife. Maybe before when he didn't have anyone, but ever since he met you. He realizes that these typical blond girlfriends or wives are a waste. He wants someone real and someone who wants his love not his money. Lana, your mom is wrong you are his dream girl. Sometimes Sid snaps because he talks about you so much. He loves you and that's never going to change. I promise you that. So, if you do say yes you're not making a mistake. Put it this way, If Jordan is willing to wait until the Stanley cup playoffs for an answer you're it." She said.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, they just came like a fountain. I hadn't seen it the way Harper claimed it to be, I figured my mom was right and that Jordan would just leave once he met his dream girl. But, not according to Harper and apparently to Sidney too. I just wasn't sure if I could go on and marry Jordan knowing my mom didn't approve.


"Hey babe, I'm home." Jordan said.

"Hey, kitchen." I said.

"So how was your day?" He asked.

"umm, bad." I said honestly.

"Oh baby why?" He asked.

"No reason." I said.

"Lana, don't lie to me." He said.

"Fine, it was my mom." I said.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"I called her about you and I, well she doesn't approve." I said.

"What???" He asked.

"Yea, said that Id never be a trophy wife and when you find your dream girl I better not go crying to her." I said.

"She's fucking insane!!! I love you with every inch of my body. Trophy wife?! HA! You're way better then any trophy wife around. Lana, you give me so much and you care about me and you love me for me and I love you! Baby, you are my dream girl. You don't believe her right?" He asked.

"No, Of course I don't believe her Jordan. I love you so much, it's just that hurt and as much as I don't believe it, it makes me a little scared." I said.

"Oh that bitch! I cant believe her!" He yelled.

"Jordan she's my mother!" I said.

"I don't care! She's the reason you might say no to me right? Huh? What she said might make you not want to be with me anymore after three years of love; it's all over because of the bitch!"

"Jordan please, I didn't say I was going to say no! sure it scared me a little bit but I love you. Please, don't blame it on her, Jordan it's not her fault! If I wanted to say no I would whether she approved or not. Ok. Don't bring her into this. Three years of love I'll never forget. I love you too!!! I just haven't deiced yet that's all." I said.

"Lana, you're defending her after she said what she said to you. She insulted you and said that I'd meet my dream girl. What else did she say huh? What else to make you say not to me and find someone else. I know she doesn't like me, doesn't mean she should try to break us up."

"Um Jordan, she said things like; you not being able to support me emotionally and that you needed more of a trophy wife". I said and there were tears in my eyes.

"Oh really? And what did you do agree and now decide that you're going to say no. Might as well not make me wait huh. Just tell me now the answers no. So, then I know that I can't put myself out there anymore. Just tell me Lana. Tell me you don't want to marry me." He said.

"No Jordan please don't say that. It's not that I don't want to marry you. Damn! Jordan I love you, nothing she said matters to me. Of course I didn't agree with her. I hope I'm your dream girl. I don't want to leave you heartbroken. I love you. Jordan please, please I never said no. and I'm not going to tell you no!" I said sobbing.

"Lana, don't bull shit me! Fuck! Just say no already! But, if I find out you were going to say yes and she changed your mind. Well, I'm going to deal with her myself! She better not be the reason I'm losing you." He said.

"Who's to say you are losing me? I just need time, please give it to me, please. I want at least someone in my family to support me. If not my mom then anyone else please Jordan don't do this. Don't say things you'll regret please don't. Honestly, you're not losing me. If you think you are you're wrong because I don't want to lose you." I said.

"Look Lana I wish I could give you more time; I want to because I love you. But, you have no idea what it's like waiting and waiting for a girl you've been in love with for so long; to say one simple word. You don't know what that's like and I don't know how much longer I can wait. You know maybe I should have never proposed to you. Because I'm sure we'd be ok now." He said angrily.

"Jordan please." I begged and he just left.

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't believe what had just happened. From being in love one second to him basically wishing he didn't propose to me. As much as I defended her I know hes right! I know he is, she is a bitch. She hurt me horribly, and made me think things that probably weren't even close to true.


Remember that fight? Well, its not completely gone but its better. He said he'd still be willing to wait so that was a plus.

It has been a little over two weeks and Jordan and I haven't even hit the fiance stage. Yes, that does mean I didn’t give him an answer yet. Do I feel bad that I haven’t? Yes, of course I do. Then again, he’s the one who did say he’d wait until the Stanley Cup finals. Which was actually in two days! YES, in two days the Penguins would be facing off the Detroit Red Wings in Game 7 for the Stanley Cup.

"Hey Lana are you ready?" Harper asked.

"Yup." I said.

"For both?" She asked.

"Yes, I’m ready for both" I said.

"Perfect, let’s get going" She said

"Yea, Harper I’m driving ok." I said before getting in the car.

"No I am." She said.

"Harper come on, you’re like basically eight months down the line and I’m driving." I said.

"Oh gosh Lana! I can drive."

"I know, but I want to do you a favor so I’m going to drive" I said.


"Hey what do you say we go down and give them a little kiss before they go out and play" Harper suggested.

"Sounds like a nice idea" I said.

Gracie just sighed.

"Gracie?" I asked.

"It’s not fair." She said.

"What isn’t?" I asked.

"You get to kiss Jordan and mommy gets to kiss daddy and I don’t get to kiss Steven." She said.

"Gracie, you’re three relax. You’ll get to kiss him when you’re older." I said.

"Yes, but he’s already five he won’t wait forever." She said.

"Harper what did you and Sidney do to her?" I asked hitting her playfully.

"Oh shut it, we did nothing wrong…guess she just picked up on things when we didn’t know she was around" She said.

"Yep. I’m a sneak." She said proudly. She even puffed out her chest.

"Oh Gracie." I said.

We finally arrived at the arena and I got all nervous inside. Not only was today game seven but, today was the day I finally was going to tell Jordan YES! I was going to say yes to Jordan after all that long and hard wait!!!!! I just hope he still does want to marry me.

"Hey baby." I said when I saw him come out of the locker room with no shirt on. Damn! That was always something to look at.

"Lana you came!" He said happily.

"Of course I did I mean why wouldn’t I?" I said.

"Because I was being a total jerk with you these past two weeks and for you to come here. I don’t get it."

"Jordan please, I love you ok and that’s all that matters. That’s behind us, I don’t care about that! I wanted to here to wish you luck and get to kiss you! I really wanted to come and see you and just tell you that you’re amazing and you’re going to play great tonight" I said.

" Lana, you’re too forgiving. And I love you too. I really, really want you to know what I said when we fought I didn’t mean it. I was wrong for calling your mom what I did, that wasn’t my place at all. Even everything else that was negative I didn’t mean it at all; and I still do want to marry you and I totally over reacted! I can’t believe I-"

I silenced him with a kiss.

"Jordan, baby I’m not too forgiving but how could I not forgive you. We’ve been in love for three years that just doesn’t go away. I know you didn’t mean that stuff and that’s why I’m so forgiving of it. It’s perfectly fine, I love you and I came here to kiss you good luck. Not because I had to because I wanted to and you deserve it too." I said.

"Oh Lana, you’re just too amazing for me! Sometimes it’s hard to keep up! I love you!" He said and kissed me again.

"Well I don’t want you to keep up, I love you ‘cause you’re you." I said.

"Oh, well if a kiss is good luck what happens if I win the cup?"

"Well, we’ll just see about that now won’t we. But, I’m pretty sure you know what it is…oh and you get win or lose so no pressure!" I said.

"Alright, oh I think I know what you mean. win or lose huh? Well that’s just perfect! Oh and thanks baby I love you." He said and I gave him one last kiss before Harper, Grace and I finally went back to our seats.

It was now getting close to the final buzzer and the penguins were leading by one goal. All, it was going to take was for the Red Wings to score right here and now and that could change everything.

"WO!" All three of us cheered along with the rest of the crowd! The penguins had one the Stanley cup and it was due to Kris Letang's goal in the first. But, who scored the winning goal? None other then…you guessed it Jordan Staal! My love and my husband to be (hopefully). His goal was just amazing, I mean the precision and timing was just absolutely perfect! It was just a brilliant goal, Ruslan passed it to Geno and Geno to Jordan and Jordan took a slap shot and it flew in top corner! That was the winning game goal and it was just even greater that Jordan scored it. The rest of the team helped out a lot though. Poor Harper, she looked so bad when Sidney got hurt and couldn’t play for like half of the game. She knew how much this game meant to him and the fact that he couldn’t play crushed her.

"Well, I’m defiantly making up for it tonight." She said.

"Harper you’re eight months." I said.

"So it’s a great thing adds more to it, makes Sid even-"

"Harper I don’t want to hear about your sex life and umm Gracie’s right here."

"Oh Aunty, no worries I know they’re going to wrestle tonight on the bed so mommy doesn’t get hurt. You know Steven’s parents do the same thing!"

We both started laughing like you could not believe! It was just hilarious!

Now they were all lifting up the cup and this meant I was now one step closer to telling Jordan that I did want to marry him. I got all excited and felt the butterfly feeling inside me when I saw Jordan lift up that Stanley cup. It was just unbelievable to see. All season he talked about how amazing it would be to get to hold the cup and spend a day with it and then finally see his name on it! And this was all happening and soon he was going to get even more good news. I hope it’s going to be good news.

I started getting even more nervous as I noticed that they were taking the group picture. This meant one thing, that next I’d be going up there and telling him what my answer was.

"Oh I can’t do this!" I said.

"Yes you can!" Harper said.

"No, I can’t what if he doesn’t want t get married anymore? What if he changed his mind? Oh no! what was I thinking?"

"Aunty, calm down I heard Jordie and daddy talk…he said he wants you to say yes soon! He can’t wait loves you too much"

When Grace said that I knew I had to do it and there was no turning back. I needed to tell him and now too. I soon found myself walking toward the glass of where the players walk through to get on the ice and I was making my way over there. All of a sudden the crowd stopped cheering and at first I didn’t get why. Then it clicked I’m sure they were wondering who this girl was walking toward the players and no one even tried to stop her. See, Jordan and I tried to keep our relationship as private as we could. Yes, he did say he had a girlfriend but we tried to not make it too public. But, I guess that was all going to change now.

"Jordan" I heard someone semi-yelled.

"Yeah? Wh-" He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. I guess he wasn’t expecting me to come on the ice with him.

"Jordan, I came here to umm tell you something" I said.

"Oh you did? Well, what could it be?" He asked.

I wasn’t sure if he was playing dumb or if he really wasn’t sure what I was talking about.

"Yes, I did. And I wanted to tell you that I’m saying this with all my heart and because I love you." I said.

"Ok." He said in a unsure tone of voice.

"Yes." I said and kissed him lightly.

"Wait, Wait…WHAT?!" He yelled.

"Yes!" I said again.

"Really??" He asked.

"Once again yes." I said.

"This is amazing! Wow! So you mean we’re going to be-"

"Married Jordan YES! I love you and I can’t get enough of you and I know that I’m not making a mistake not at all. I’m just so sorry I even made you wait this long. I love you Jordan and that will never change. So I really want to marry you and I really want to be your wife and get to spend forever with you." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Sid bring it" He said.

"Did you know I was going to say yes today?" I asked.

"No but I hoped you would. Lana, I love you more then anything and that’s the only reason I waited this long for you. I know that I need you in my life forever. You’re more important then hockey and fame and money. I just need you. Raising the Stanley cup was great! But you saying yes to me was even better!!! I love you Lana." He said

He took my left hand and placed the gorgeous ring on my finger and I this was when I realized this was really happening. And I was so happy that it was. He then picked me up and pulled me into the most breath taking kiss of my life and I couldn’t be happier. I couldn’t believe I was going to Mrs.Staal. The crowed cheered so loudly and that made the feeling even better then it was before.

"So Mrs.Staal would you like to take a picture with me and the Stanley cup?" He asked cutely.

"Why yes I would Mr.Staal." I said.

We went up to the Stanley cup and Sidney did the honors of taking our picture and I was never more happy then I was right now. Jordan said me saying yes was greater then winning the Stanley cup. Wow! I must really be his dream girl.

I can’t believe I almost said no to him. I honestly don’t know why I let what my mom said get to me. I let what she said to me that retard, the bitch I almost said no because of her. I never thought my own mother would try to take what my true happiness was. I loved Jordan and I know that this was defiantly the right decision on my part.

"Baby, that was amazing!" I yelled and kissed him after we exited the arena.

"Thanks but what you told me was even better, getting to put the ring on your finger was the best feeling of my life. To think I almost lost you twice. I can’t risk losing you anymore, I love you and you’re all mine now" He said.

"Aw you’re so sweet! Sometimes even too sweet but I love you. Baby, I was always yours." I said.

"You were huh? Then why did I almost lose you twice?" He asked.

"Once it was due to a ho and the second time well, because of my mom. But, in reality you never really lost me. I’m here and I’ll always be. I love you Jordan and I’m for yours forever" I said.

"Oh get over here" He said pulling me close and kissing me as we walked to the bus.
This was going to extremely long to get back. We all had to go the hotel get our stuff and board the plane to head off back to Pittsburgh. Luckily, I’d get to be with Jordan and Harper was there and Sidney and Gracie. And, all the other awesome guys on the team. This was going to be a really long flight but I think it’d be ok.

We got to the hotel and the plane faster then I thought we would and I was pleased with that. It was great that they won the cup and that I was marrying Jordan but man this was going to be tiring. Luckily, we’d have the whole off season to rest and catch up on things and this would be fabulous once everything "died" down.

We had finally arrived home! Gosh, that was a really long flight but he made it!! I decided to check my voice mail and noticed there was one message and it was from my mother. Why would she be leaving me a message now? I really don’t know get why she’d even care about me enough to leave me a voice mail.

"Hello Lana. This is your mother speaking, I happened to catch the game where your little Jordan was playing. Watched until the end you said yes to him! Even after everything I told you about him you still said yes. I’m sorry that’s pathetic, you saying yes to him. Wow, I didn’t think you were that dumb. Well, way to make your mistake public. This is just great! I am not that things mother-in-law. Oh boy! Well, you know he’s going to dump you soon enough; when he meets that tall, blond, skinny girl with blue eyes and big boobs. Then you’ll have no one to cry to because your best friend Harper won’t even be there. Why? Oh because she’ll be too busy fucking her precious little Sidney. And you love Gracie and plan on having kids. Well, I pity them. Having a mother like you and a father like Jordan wow! Those kids are being set up for massive failure. Oh and I lied to you before, I never want you to be happy. I was never happy I mean your dad treated me badly. You, pssh you were an accident and I wish I got rid of you. I didn’t and now you’re marrying Jordan Staal. I suggest that once you’ve bled him dry don’t stick around. I know you’re going to play all those guys. I give you and Jordan two months tops. Please, pathetic daughter of mine. You know what I’ll refer to you as a stranger instead. Lana, Lana please umm don’t respond to this message. Don’t call anymore and by all means do NOT invite me to the wedding."

I honestly couldn’t believe my mom would say such pathetic and mean things to me like that. She’s my mother and she doesn’t approve and she said things about Harper and poor little Gracie and they have nothing to do with it. She’s talking about things she doesn’t even know. She’s the pathetic one not me or Jordan. I love him to death and she’s just a bitch. If only she knew I was Jordan’s dream girl. He loved me and waited for me for all this time and that means something. I can’t believe I found out I was an accident through some stupid pointless voice mail message. This was just unbelievable and I couldn’t stand it anymore. She didn’t want a reply well she was getting one anyway. I couldn’t care less with what she said honestly.

There were tears that were starting to come forth and I didn’t understand why. They shouldn’t be really I mean come on!!! This is just stupid! She’s wrong and I know she is yet I’m still crying.

"Lana baby, what’s wrong?" Jordan asked.

"Voice mail." I said.

"Voice mail?" He asked.

"Yea my mom left me one and it was hurtful" I said.

"She hurt you again huh? Still can’t call her a bitch?" He asked.

"No you can and yea she hurt me bad. The things she said were just horrible I mean listen to this" I said.


Today was the absolute best day of my life! Not only did I win the Stanley cup. But, I scored the winning goal and I was second star! That was just amazing but, what made my day even better and more special was the fact that Lana finally told me yes that she’d marry me. That was the word I was hoping to hear for the longest time and I finally did. That was just the happiest part of my day. This meant that Lana and I were finally going to get married. I could have given up and moved on to some other girl but, I didn’t. because, I love Lana and she’s the one I want to be with no one else. I want all of Lana and I don’t want to share her with any other man and I don’t want to be shared with any other woman. I want to be with Lana and only Lana. She’s the most amazing girl in this entire world.

To think, before I met her all I went for were one night stands and that was it. Before Lana, I didn’t want to settle down. All I knew was a good time. Before Lana, I only wanted girls for nothing but sex and what they looked like. But now, Lana changed me. She changed me for the better. She made me realize that I want to settle down and I want to have to kids and I want all that stuff. I want to come home to the same person all the time and have her tell me she loves me and mean it. And now, I have that all because of Lana and to make it even better, I’ll get all that and more from her and only her.

I noticed Lana was crying and I really wanted to know why.

"Lana baby, what’s wrong?" I asked.

"Voice mail" She said.

What did she mean by voice mail, I had no clue at all.

"Voice mail?" I asked.

"Yea my mom left me one and it was hurtful." I said.

"She hurt you again huh? Still can’t call her a bitch?" He asked.

"No you can and yea she hurt me bad. The things she said were just horrible I mean listen to this" She said sadly.

She made me hear the voice mail message and I wanted to find her and kill her! She was the biggest bitch in the entire world. Telling your daughter that she was an accident and that she wishes she would’ve gotten rid of her. What kind of parent says that? Wow, I guess I’m a thing. That makes me feel better about myself, she’s not that thing’s mother-in-law. And she has the guts to call Lana pathetic. I don’t think so. Sorry but Lana is the most amazing, beautiful and gracious girl to enter my life and I want to build a future to forever with her. Honestly, she was going to hear from me and I wasn’t going to go easy on her either. This wasn’t just anyone, this was Lana here! My life, my pride and joy and my soon to be wife and the way she’s treating her is just horrible! Fine, she called me a thing I can live with that but, calling Lana pathetic or saying things like I won’t love her and I’ll leave her! Oh NO! She took it too far! Well, she was defiantly going to get a reply that’s for sure.

"Lana, come with me" I said.

"Ok baby, but where?" She asked.

"let‘s go in the bedroom." I said.
"Alright" She agreed quickly and followed me.

We went into the bedroom and I closed the curtain.

"Jordan why did you want to come here, we have to unpack and everything" She asked.

"Calling her back" I said.

"Oh no, I don’t want to call her back it’s not worth it" She said.

"Not worth it?! Did you hear what she said about you. Lana, no that’s unacceptable what she said no. that’s not going down without anything. I don’t care that she doesn’t want a reply we’re giving her on ok" I said.

"Ok Jordan calm down it’s fine, no need to worry about it. I’m not like going to believe it anyway and seriously I love you. So no worries baby. We don’t have to" She said.

"Umm, YES WE DO!!! I’m calling her back right now!!!" I yelled.

"Ok." She agreed with a slight giggle but, she also had a worried look on her face.


"Umm hello who’s speaking?" A female voice asked.

"This is Jordan" I said.

"Oh Jordan? Who?" She asked.

"Quit playing dumb, you know who I am. Jordan Staal the thing that’s marrying your daughter" I said.

"Oh right the thing." She said.

"You know mom I’m right here beside Jordan." Lana said.

"Oh Jordan, thing oh no you’re not a thing at all. I mean oh I’m so excited that Lana finally said yes. I kept telling her that she shouldn’t keep you waiting. But would she listen to me. No of course not" She said.

"Oh you bitch! You are seriously going to play the nice card now! Lana told me everything you said and I heard that voice mail message. I don’t care that you referred to me as a thing. But, what I do care about is the fact that you said that I’d leave Lana when I met my dream girl. Well, she is ok, it doesn’t get better than her in my life. I love her and you were in no place to say the things you did. Telling her she was an accident. What kind of mother does that! You don’t want her to be happy well guess what she is. And you know what I almost lost her because of you so don’t you dare say that you told her to say yes. Oh and just to let you know I can support her emotionally as well. I have for three years and I will never stop. Oh and the last thing Lana is, is dumb. She changed me so much you don’t even know how much she changed me and for the better. So you have no idea what you’re talking about. Lana is the absolute love of my life! Ok, nothing and I mean nothing will take her from me again. We’re meant to be together can’t you see that. I don’t want what you described I want Lana! GOT IT! I’M IN LOVE AND I’M MARRYING YOUR DAUGHTER!!! AND YOU CAN’T CHANGE THAT! oh and you bringing up Sidney, Harper and Grace. That was out of line completely out of line! You don’t know them to say that and Lana is going to make a great mother!!! Ok! I plan on having many kids with her and they won’t be accidents and even if they are we’ll love them just the same. Well, we shall respect your wishes then we’re not inviting you to the wedding" I said.

"Oh Jordan silly, silly boy. This is clearly been a huge misunderstanding but by all means don’t invite me. Well I better go now" She said.

"Umm mom. You know for a fact Jordan’s right! Misunderstanding my fucking ASS MOM! My Fucking ASS!" She yelled and I pressed the end button.

* Lana*

WOW! What Jordan did for me was just amazing. I mean I’ve never seen him get so upset before. He was there and he told her off like I wish I could’ve in the past and I wasn’t able to. I can’t believe she denied it all even with me there! She’s not a mom to me not at all.I can’t stand her and I never could!
When, I told her about me meeting Jordan she seemed ok with it, but now I realize she wasn’t at all.


"Hey Lana why do you seem so happy?" She asked.

"Oh no reason mom." I said.

"Lana don’t lie you’re really happy. Why?" She asked and slightly annoyed too.

"Well guess what mom?! Jordan and I really like each other and we spent the day together and we get along great. Mom he’s amazing, we have so much in common and he’s a great kisser too. Mom, I think I might love him" I said.

"Oh dear. Well it’s good you had fun. But, Lana love at nineteen I’m not so sure about that. It takes time to fall in love and you being nineteen that’s a little tough don’t you think. I mean Jordan’s twenty and I don’t think he’s ready to love. Lana, it’s great you’ve kissed and he’s a great kisser but at the same time I don’t know if Jordan is what you should be with." She said.

I got so mad I just stormed out of the kitchen and went to my room.

*End Flashback*

At first I thought that maybe she was looking out for me and that she really wanted what was best for me. But, now I realize that she was just mad and didn’t want me to be happy. Now after three years do I realize what she meant exactly. I always thought she was ok with Jordan and I dating. I guess not.